About LibQUAL+ 2014

Thank you for your participation

As part of our continuous effort to improve library services, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library conducted a survey from November 3 – 23, 2014. The Library would like to thank all participants who took their time to complete the survey.  As a token of thanks, an iPad Air 2, an iPad mini 3 and 10 book coupons were given out as incentive prizes in a lucky draw.  Prizes were presented by the University Librarian on January 21, 2015 at the University Library.

Congratulations to all prize draw winners!

The University Librarian, Ms. Louise Jones, presented prizes to the prize draw winners.

The University Librarian, Ms. Louise Jones, presented prizes to the prize draw winners.


Summary of Results

  • The Library received 6,649 valid responses and nearly half of the respondents (47%) provided written comments. 69% of respondents indicated that they used the University Library frequently.
  • Core questions of the survey covered three service dimensions of service quality: Affect of Service (helpfulness and competency of library staff); Information Control (access to and provision of print and electronic resources); and Library as Place (physical environment). For each question, respondents were asked to indicate their minimum acceptable service level, their desired service level, and their perceived service level provided by the Library on a scale from 1 (low) to 9 (high). Two gap scores were calculated: Service Adequacy (Perceived Score – Minimum Score) and Service Superiority (Perceived Score – Desired Score). The gap scores are scaled such that higher scores are more favorable.
  • Overall Performance: The results in 2014 showed marked improvement across all service dimensions in comparison to the 2007 and 2011 LibQUAL+ surveys. Library as Place received the highest level of satisfaction among three service dimensions. The rating is benchmarked against the survey outcomes of ARL (Association of Research Libraries) peers. The Library's overall service performance rating of 1.23 (adequacy mean scores) is notably higher than the ARL peers' average rating of 0.71.
  • Affect of Service: The service rating slightly increased to 1.28 compared with 1.25 in the 2011 survey. Most comments received in this area were positive in nature. Overall, users were satisfied with the professionalism and dedication of library staff.
  • Information Control: The overall performance in this area showed considerably improvement (1.12) compared with the results in 2011 (0.92). Faculty and postgraduate students had higher expectations in collections and e-resources while undergraduate students placed more emphasis on physical environment. Over the past few years the Library has continued to strengthen its electronic resources, in part as a response to findings in previous surveys.
  • Library as Place: Results indicated that users' perception of the quality of the Library as Place improved significantly since the opening of the new Main Library Extension in 2012. This dimension saw the biggest change in perceptions, and subsequently a higher adequacy score of 1.32. The new Library Extension meets users' expectations in providing an inspiring space for study, learning, and research.