Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is LibQUAL+?

LibQUAL+ is a suite of services that can be used to assess and improve library services. These services are offered to the library community by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) in the United States.

The results of the LibQUAL+ survey help library administration spot trends in service quality and find out where scarce resources need to be focused.

For more information about LibQUAL+, pleace click here.

  • How will the LibQUAL+ Survey benefit library users?

Library users will have the chance to tell us which of the Library services need improvement so that we can better meet users' expectations. The Library will also be able to develop services by comparing our data with that of peer institutions and examining the practices of those libraries that are evaluated highly by their users.

  • What other UGC Libraries are participating in 2011 LibQUAL+?

Participants include City University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.

  • How many questions are included in the LibQUAL+ survey?

The survey contains 33 questions on Library services, resources and facilities, plus 6 questions on the participants' details. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.

  • Can I skip questions that don't apply to me?

Please do not skip any questions in the survey! If you do not wish to answer a question or feel a question does not apply to you, select NA (not applicable). Incomplete surveys are not counted in the aggregate scores.

  • Why does the survey seem to repeat the same question(s)?

The survey examines a variety of dimensions of library services, each represented by a number of questions. Repetition or redundancy in questions allows the survey designers to analyze the validity of each service quality dimension through statistical methods.

  • Is the Library offering an incentive to those who complete the survey?

The Library is offering an Apple iPad2 (32G, WiFi+3G) and ten HK$200 book coupons in a lucky draw as appreciation for your participation. Just enter your CUHK email address at the end of the web-based survey and winners will be notified by email in late January 2012. Each respondent can submit the survey only once.


Confidentiality and Privacy

All responses to the survey are confidential and no personal data is passed to the survey organizers.

LibQUAL+ protects private data in 2 ways:

  1. Only indirect information such as network is captured. It would be difficult to use this information to trace back to an individual.
  2. Personal information is separated from survey responses whenever possible. E-mail addresses are not saved with the responses, and once they are saved there is no way to link an individual's responses to their e-mail address. This process ensures confidentiality when entering the incentive drawings. After the draw, the email addresses are discarded.


Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this online survey, please send email to