Newsletter No. 480

左起:中大醫學院心臟科名譽臨床助理教授張誠謙醫生與助理教授李沛威醫生,以及港大工程 學院助理教授郭嘉威博士 From left: Dr. Gary Cheung, clinical assistant professor (honorary) and Dr. Alex Lee, assistant professor, Division of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; and Dr. Kwok Ka-wai, assistant professor, Faculty of Engineering, HKU A joint research team from the Division of Cardiology of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at CUHK and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of HKU, fabricated a silicone model of complex cardiac structures using 3D data from transesophageal echocardiography and 3D printing technology. With the 3D model, cardiologists can simulate the intervention procedures and formulate operation strategies in a more effective and personalized manner. The practice was applied to a complex case of Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) occlusion last year and the patient is now in good condition. This case has been reported in the Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions . The complexity and variability of the human heart structure pose certain challenges to interventional surgery procedures, such as repeated deployment attempts and incomplete seal, which may increase the risks of procedural complications and surgical failure. The transesophageal echocardiography of a 78-year-old female patient, who was admitted for LAA occlusion to the Prince of Wales Hospital last year, revealed that she had a double-lobed LAA that would be challenging for occluder implantation as it is necessary to occlude the ostia of both lobes with a single device. With the help of the new technology, the team has implanted the LAA closure device to the ideal position accurately. Hence, the risk of procedural complications or failure could be eliminated. The technology can be applied to other complex cardiac procedures and be used to train cardiologists as well. 結果顯示,有關技術有助醫護人員於手術進行時更準確地將 儀器放入最佳位置,減低出現併發症或手術失敗的風險。此 技術亦可應用於其他複雜心臟手術及心臟專科醫生的手術 培訓。 中大醫學院內科及藥物治療學系 心臟科與港大工程學院機械工 程系合作,將3D打印技術結合臨 床應用,先用超聲波經食道造影 取得數據,從立體角度分析患者 的心臟結構,再製作出立體矽膠 模型,協助醫護人員於手術前規 劃,就個別病人制訂更完善的手 術策略。該技術去年率先應用於 一宗複雜左心耳封堵術個案,患 者康復情況理想,案例已在醫學 雜誌 Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions 發表。 心臟結構複雜且因人而異,故心 臟介入手術的難度甚高。醫護人 員或需在手術期間嘗試多於一次, 才能確認放置治療儀器的最佳位 置,導致手術併發症甚至失敗的 風險增加。 去年,一名於威爾斯親王醫院接受左心耳封堵術的七十八 歲女病人,術前經食道超聲波發現其左心耳呈雙葉狀,增 加了封堵術的難度。因此,團隊創新地利用3D打印技術來 協助計劃手術,並利用塑造出的立體軟模型在術前模擬相 關治療程序。 利用3D打印技術減低心臟手術風險 Introducing 3D Printing Technology to Reduce Risk of Cardiac Surgery Speaking about his vision in the coming years, Professor Sung said, ‘WUN will nurture research talents by taking part in important global issues and platforms, as well as fostering engagements with international funding bodies, policy agencies, and institutions from around the world to bring further innovation, energy, and added dimensions to its research and scholarship. I look forward to working closely with all members to create a greater presence on the global stage. ‘CUHK will play a key role in WUN by engaging more researchers in different collaborations and by providing scientific and scholarly expertise in the global challenges, particularly topics which would benefit from a Hong Kong, 沈祖堯校長最近獲世界大學聯盟(WUN)成員院校校長推 選為其合作委員會主席。WUN是享負盛名的國際高等教 育及研究網絡,十八所成員院校遍及五大洲十一個國家。 中大於2011年加盟WUN,成為本港唯一成員院校,並積極 參與,藉以促進大學國際化及增強科研實力。 對WUN發展的願景,沈校長表示:「我們將致力推動WUN 參與國際重要議題及平台,以培育研究人才,同時加強與 國際資助機構、政策部門及其他院校合作,藉以拓展WUN 的學術研究,注入創新意念和動力。我期待今後與各成員 攜手努力,使WUN在世界舞台上扮演更重要的角色。 「中大將鼓勵更多研究人員參與WUN的合作項目,並為 環球挑戰研究領域或與中國相關的議題上,例如『一帶一 路』,以及與香港、內地及亞洲有關的課題,貢獻所長。」 此外,WUN科研發展基金現正接受申請。中大教員可利用 此機會與WUN成員大學在四個「全球挑戰」領域展開科 研合作,即全球高等教育和研究、公共衞生(非傳染病領 域)、應對氣候變化,以及文化認知。基金將資助研究探究 活動、工作坊及國際會議、研究人員的交流等。詳情請瀏覽 學術交流處網站( ) 。 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, has been elected as chair of the Partnership Board of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) from among the presidents of member universities. WUN is a leading global higher education and research network comprising 18 research-intensive universities across 11 countries. CUHK joined WUN in 2011 as the only member university in Hong Kong. The University has since taken an active role in the network, strengthening the University’s internationalization efforts and building research capacity. 沈祖堯校長出任世界大學聯盟主席 Prof. Joseph Sung Chairs the Worldwide Universities Network mainland China, and Asia perspective, and related to the Belt and Road Initiative.’ Meanwhile, application to the WUN Research Development Fund 2016 has opened and CUHK researchers are encouraged to make use of this opportunity to kick start collaborative projects with WUN members under four global challenges, namely responding to climate change, global higher education and research, public health (non- communicable disease), and understanding cultures. Awarded funding may cover the costs of exploratory research initiatives, workshops and conferences, researcher mobility, among other activities. For more information, please visit the Office of Academic Links’ website ( ) . 480 • 19.6.2016 7