Newsletter No. 404
No. 404, 4.10.2012 9 Name 姓名 Post 職位 Effective Date 生效日期 Prof. Emma MacPherson, BA MSc MA PhD Assistant Professor, Dept of Electronic Engineering 電子工程學系助理教授 4.9.2012 Miss Tsang Wing Chiu, Charlotte 曾穎招, BA MA Executive Officer II, Personnel Office 人事處二級助理主任 4.9.2012 Ms. Wai Ming Lai 韋明麗, BSc Project Co-ordinator II, School of Architecture 建築學院二級計劃協調員 5.9.2012 Mr. Wong Kwong Wa 黃廣華, BEng Assistant Computer Officer, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering 計算機科學與工程學系助理電算師 5.9.2012 Miss Ip Man Suen 葉敏漩, BSocSc AdvCertNutr Executive Officer II, Faculty of Business Administration 工商管理學院二級助理主任 6.9.2012 Dr. Wang Wendong 王文棟, BS DS Research Associate, Institute of Mathematical Sciences 數學科學研究所副研究員 6.9.2012 Dr. Yuan Feng 袁峰, BEng MPhil PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering 計算機科學與工程學系博士後研究員 6.9.2012 Miss Shiu Sin Man 邵倩文, RN BSc(NurStud) MSocSc Project Co-ordinator II, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Dept of Cultural & Religious Studies 文化及宗教研究系崇基學院神學院二級計劃協調員 7.9.2012 Ms. Cheung Suk Yee 張淑儀, BSocSc MFA Lecturer, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院講師 10.9.2012 Dr. Fung Yuk Shan 馮育珊, BA PCertTertEdAdm&Mgt MEd PGDE DEd School Development Officer II, Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research 香港教育研究所香港教育領導發展中心 學校發展二級主任 10.9.2012 Mr. Lee Chi Hang, Ryun 李智恒, BA MLIS Assistant Librarian I, University Library System 大學圖書館系統主任 10.9.2012 Miss Leung Ka Yee 梁嘉儀, BA Project Co-ordinator II, New Asia College 新亞書院二級計劃協調員 10.9.2012 Mr. Leung Yiu Pan 梁耀彬, BEng MSc Assistant Lecturer, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院副講師 10.9.2012 Miss Tang Fung Ngor 鄧鳳娥, BA Executive Officer II, Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology 矯形外科及創傷學系二級助理主任 10.9.2012 Miss Sham Priscilla 沈蔚, BSocSc Project Co-ordinator II, Office of University General Education 大學通識教育部二級計劃協調員 12.9.2012 Dr. Suen Yiu Tung 孫耀東, BSSc MSc DPhil Visiting Scholar, Dept of Sociology 社會學系訪問學人 12.9.2012 Dr. Tao Min 陶敏, BS MS DS Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Mathematics 數學系博士後研究員 13.9.2012 Dr. Trevor Webb, BSc PhD Director, University Planning Office 大學規劃處處長 17.9.2012 Resignations 辭職 Miss Ho Sin Ka, Janice 何茜嘉 Research Assistant, Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics 內科及藥物治療學系研究助理 1.9.2012 Name 姓名 Post 職位 Effective Date 生效日期 Dr. Yu Ling 禹玲 Research Assistant (honorary), Research Centre for Translation, Institute of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所翻譯研究中心名譽研究助理 10.9.2012 Mr. Lam Siu Ming 林少明 Audio-Visual Operator, Audio-Visual Services Unit 視聽服務組視聽器材操作員 22.9.2012 Miss Tam Ka Wai 譚嘉慧 General Clerk II, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院二級文員 23.9.2012 Mr. Cheung Kai Ho 張啟豪 Junior Research Assistant, Centre for Health Behaviours Research, The Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care 賽馬會公共衞生及 基層醫療學院健康行為研究中心初級研究助理 24.9.2012 Mr. Sin Ming Hei 冼明熹 Lecturer, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院講師 24.9.2012 Miss Tam Hiu Ling 譚曉鈴 Research Assistant, Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics 內科及藥物治療學系研究助理 25.9.2012 Miss Zou Jingtian 鄒靜恬 Junior Research Assistant, Dept of Geography & Resource Management 地理與資源管理學系初級研究助理 27.9.2012 Ms. Lo Man Yi, Cindy 羅敏儀 Senior Technician, School of Pharmacy 藥劑學院高級技術員 29.9.2012 Miss Cheung Wun Yin 張垣然 Project Co-ordinator II, Centre for Promoting Science Education, Faculty of Science 理學院科學教育促進中心二級計劃協調員 3.10.2012 Miss Yeung Sau Fung 楊秀鳳 Research Assistant, The Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院研究助理 4.10.2012 Ms. Wan Tai Yau, Camilla 溫帶有 Clerical Assistant, Campus Development Office 校園發展處助理文員 9.10.2012 Miss Lung Sze Man 龍詩敏 Library Assistant II, University Library System 大學圖書館系統二級圖書館助理員 10.10.2012 Ms. Chau Sze Lok 周詩諾 Research Associate, Dept of Microbiology 微生物學系副研究員 13.10.2012 Miss Tse Wing Ka 謝穎嘉 Junior Research Assistant, School of Biomedical Sciences 生物醫學學院初級研究助理 14.10.2012 Miss Lo In 盧弦 Executive Officer II, Faculty of Education 教育學院二級助理主任 24.10.2012 Miss Chiu Hiu Yim 丘曉艷 Executive Officer II, Faculty of Education 教育學院二級助理主任 28.10.2012 Retirement 榮休 Ms. Yu Yim Ching 余艷清 Office Assistant, University Library System 大學圖書館系統辦公室助理 4.10.2012 The information in this section is provided by the Personnel Office. 此欄資料由人事處提供。 名譽職務詳情載於 。 Details of honorary appointments are available at 回味.回憶 ‘Piece of Cake’ 它不止是檸檬批,而是「中大檸檬批」。名字響噹噹,除了旅遊和餐飲網站譽之為 「隱世」美食,不少網誌和社交網站亦常有貼相留言,與眾分享此檸檬味忌廉凍餅 的大小事。中大檸檬批的滋味,在擁躉眼中與別不同,因為它生於大學,自然是青春 少艾的代表,同時也代表求學時期海闊天空,無憂無慮的人生。 幾十年下來,這道由李卓敏基本醫學大樓地下小食店師傅自家炮製,賣相平實,售價相 宜的下午茶點,已成為中大人的集體回憶。行文至此,忽發奇想,會不會有這麼一天, 中大檸檬批食譜獲聯合國教科文組織列為非物質文化遺產? This is no ordinary lemon pie, but the ‘CUHK lemon pie’. Its reputation has drawn the attention of travel and foodies websites, which call it a best kept gourmet secret in town. Local and overseas bloggers with a sweet tooth are equally eager to share blog posts and photos of this icy pie, just to tell the world that ‘I’ve successfully tasted the pie again’. In the eyes of its devotees, this little piece of cake is extraordinary. Originating in a university, it is a symbol of youthfulness and the carefree attitude of young students. For decades, the dessert with an unpretentious appearance has been served at the Choh- Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building snack bar at a reasonable price. Its home-made feel wins the hearts of many with a discerning palate, and becomes the shared memory of CUHK members. Will there be a day when the recipe of this cake is added to the UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage? It sounds far-fetched. But, well, who knows?
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