Newsletter No. 401
No. 401, 19.8.2012 7 處理性騷擾事宜檢討委員會成立 Establishment of the Review Committee on the Handling of Sexual Harassment 大學成立了處理性騷擾事宜檢討委員會,由法律學院院長Prof. Christopher Gane擔任主 席,檢視現行的防止性騷擾政策。委員會由多名熟悉性別議題、心理輔導、人事管理和法 律制度的專家組成,包括中大防止性騷擾委員會主席李子芬教授,大學校董會成員梁定 邦博士和陳黃麗娟博士,教務長及大學秘書長吳樹培先生,教職員代表陳英凝教授、梁 耀堅教授和利順琼女士,以及委員會秘書陸燕芳女士。 委員會將於12月底提交檢討報告和建議,檢討事項包括:如何處理沒接獲正式投訴的性 騷擾事件;如何在顧及各方面之權利和私隱之餘,為性騷擾個案受害人(或據稱受害人) 提供支援等。 Chaired by Prof. Christopher Gane, Dean of Law, the Review Committee on the Handling of Sexual Harassment has been set up to examine the University’s existing policy against sexual harassment. The review committee comprises CUHK experts in gender, psychological counselling, personnel and legal issues, including Prof. Diana Lee, chairperson of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment, CUHK; Dr. Anthony Neoh and Dr. Anissa Wong Chan, Council Members; Mr. Eric Ng, Registrar and Secretary; Prof. Emily Chan, Prof. Freedom Leung and Ms. Corinna Lee, staff representatives; and Ms. Yvonne Luk, secretary of the committee. The review committee will report their findings by the end of December and suggest how to handle sexual harassment, including situations where no formal complaints are lodged; how to support the alleged victim whilst protecting the privacy and rights of the individuals concerned. 換領2012至13年度泊車證 Renewal of Parking Label for 2012–13 2011至12年度泊車證之有效期將於2012年9月30日屆滿。2012至13年度新證將於2012年 10月1日起生效,現已可供申領。 現時持有泊車證之人士在申領新證時,須將舊證交還保安組。首次申請者在遞交申請表 格時,須出示駕駛執照、車輛登記文件及保險單(或其副本)以供核實。基於私隱及保安理 由,持證人須親自或授權代表到保安組辦理換證手續。 請於保安組網頁( ) 閱覽詳情及下載 申請表格。 University parking labels for the 2011–12 school year are due to expire on 30 September 2012. New labels for the 2012–13 school year, valid from 1 October 2012, are open for application. Current label holders are required to return the old labels when submitting the renewal application. First-time applicants are required to produce their driving licences, vehicle registration documents and insurance policies (or photocopies) for verification. For privacy and security reasons, parking label renewal should be processed in person or through a designated representative. Please visit the Security Unit webpage for details and the application form. 更改行車方向 Change of Traffic Direction 由2012年8月13日起,以校巴總站前迴旋處的車站路為起點,沿上山方向右轉連接池 旁路,再繞崇基校園接回車站路的一段道路,改為順時針方向單程行車。由崇基學院 大門進入校園的所有車輛,如欲往港鐵大學站,必須在何添樓左轉經池旁路再駛入 車站路。請按網址 參閱有關地圖。 沿池旁路所有路邊停車位已於同日起停用,直至另行通告為止。駕車人士與行人請注意相 關道路標記和交通標誌,並遵從保安組人員的指示。 With effect from 13 August 2012, the section of Station Road from the roundabout before the University bus terminus going uphill joining Pond Crescent and ending at the junction with Station Road has become one-way with traffic flowing clockwise only. All vehicles heading for the MTR Station via Chung Chi Gate must turn left at Ho Tim Building into Pond Crescent and then enter Station Road. For ease of reference, please click www. to view the map showing the changes. Please note that all roadside parking spaces along Pond Crescent have been suspended on the same date until further notice. Motorists as well as pedestrians are advised to pay attention to the relevant road markings and traffic signs erected there and follow the instructions of security guards. Members who want to switch MPF Scheme on 1 October 2012 should complete the Election Form for Change of MPF Scheme and Membership Enrolment Form for the new scheme, and submit them to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of the Bursary on or before 28 August 2012. The forms can be downloaded from eng/public/payroll_benefits/mpf change_of_mpf_scheme.html or obtained from the unit (Tel: 3943 7246). 非教學僱員績效評核和發展制度 Performance Review and Development System (PRDS) for Non- teaching Staff 2011至12年度(即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日)的全職非教學僱員績效評核已於 2012年7月展開。評核員請於 下 載本年度之評核報告表 格。評核員填寫評核報告及作評核晤談前,請於上述網站閱覽《績效評核和發展指引》、 《績效評核和發展(PRD)周期流程表》及《評核報告(第一部分)範例》。 大學已於去年通過有關績效評核和發展制度的新措施(已於2011至12年度推行),其中包 括將每項職責之比重下限由百分之十調整至百分之五(「必要的素質」之比重上下限維持 不變),俾能更適切配合僱員實際的職責分配。此外,評核員為下屬作績效評核的表現將 要納入其督導下屬的職責範疇內。詳情已於2011年7月及2012年7月透過人事處發出之通 函公布。評核員請留意上述事項。 The 2011–12 PRDS review exercise (applicable to all full-time non-teaching appointees), for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 30 2012, has commenced in July 2012. Reviewers should download the Review Report for this review exercise at www.per.cuhk . . Reviewers are also advised to read through the Performance Review and Development (PRD) Guide, Flowchart on PRD Cycle and Samples of completed PRD Reports (Section I) at the same website, before completing the Review Report and meeting the reviewees. As already approved last year with effect from the 2011–12 review cycle, the minimum weighting of each accountability has been adjusted from 10% to 5% (while the permissible range of the weighting for ‘Mandatory Attributes’ remains unchanged), so as to more appropriately reflect the actual work allocation of reviewees. In addition, reviewers’ performance in conducting PRD for their subordinates will be assessed and recorded under their accountability on staff management. Details have been announced in July 2011 and July 2012 via General Circular issued by the Personnel Office. Reviewers should pay special attention to the above arrangement. 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibitions 南國瓷珍—廣東潮州窰瓷器精萃 Chaozhou Wares from Guangdong 14.7.2012–2.12.2012 * * 文物館展廳 III Gallery III, Art Museum 潮州市位於廣東省東部與福建省交界,歷史上是粵東的政治、經濟、 文化中心。自新石器時代以來,潮州陶工燒製的精美陶瓷器,暢銷海 內外。本展覽展品選自文物館、廣東省博物館、潮州市博物館、潮州 市頤陶軒陶瓷文化藝術研究所。 Neighbouring Fujian province, Chaozhou is a political, economic and cultural centre of eastern Guangdong. Pottery has been made in this area since the Neolithic period and Chaozhou potters have produced a variety of ceramics for domestic and foreign markets. This exhibition features exhibits from the collections of the Art Museum, the Guangdong Provincial Museum, the Chaozhou Museum and the Yitaoxuan Institute of Culture and Ceramic Art. 填空補白—景德鎮明代十五世紀中期瓷器 Filling the Interregnum: Ming Mid-15th Century Ceramics from Jingdezhen 18.8.2012–9.12.2012 * * 文物館展廳 I Gallery I, Art Museum 明代景德鎮瓷業創造了輝煌成就,自永樂皇帝(1403 – 1424) 起,官窰瓷器開始書寫帝王年號款識,此後歷代官窰皆然, 只有明代英宗、代宗相繼統治的正統、景泰、天順三朝(1436 – 1464)未發現官窰款識 的瓷器。因此,陶瓷學者稱這段時期的瓷器為「空白期」。本展覽是為海內外首次空白期 特展。 The Ming dynasty saw a golden age of ceramics production at Jingdezhen. Reign marks of imperial wares were introduced in the Yongle era (1403–1424) and became a standard practice for all the following periods. No extant Ming ceramics, however, bear reign marks of the Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun periods (1436–1464) ruled by the two emperors Ying Zong and Dai Zong. Ceramics scholars call this period the ‘Interregnum’. Devoted to the Ming Interregnum of Chinese ceramics, this exhibition is the first of its kind in Hong Kong and around the world.
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