Newsletter No. 499

06 # 4 9 9 | 0 4 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 7 中大統籌《刺針》臨床糖尿病委員會國際會議 CUHK Coordinates The Lancet —Clinical Diabetes Commission Meeting 中大香港糖尿病及肥胖症研究所所長 陳重娥教授(右五)獲英國權威醫學期 刊《刺針》邀請,擔任該期刊臨床糖尿 病委員會聯合主席,與全球二十五位來 自不同地域的國際糖尿病專家共同探討 未來五年的全球糖尿病發展趨勢。 糖尿病的成因和影響於過去三十年的研 究成果已積累了豐富的知識,當中許多 防控對策亦於不同受控環境下證實其高效性。刻下的挑戰在於如何將這些數據轉化為實踐,釐定防控工 作的緩急輕重,並協助中低收入國家在缺乏數據的知識差距下推動實踐和政策。 陳教授先後於去年和今年5月在香港召開委員會會議,就糖尿病四個核心主題包括疾病負擔、疾病防控、 治療方案和宏觀經濟等和世界各地的委員進行討論,剖析數據,歸納研究,望於明年6月正式於《刺針》發 表其研究成果。 Prof. Juliana Chan (5th right), director of CUHK’s Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, was invited by a prestigious medical journal The Lancet to co-chair The Lancet —Clinical Diabetes Commission and to explore with 25 international diabetes experts from different regions on diabetes trends in five years. A large body of knowledge has been amassed over the past three decades about the causes and consequences of diabetes. Many prevention strategies have been proven to be efficacious in controlled settings. The current challenge lies in translating these evidences into practices, and in identifying priorities for actions and knowledge gaps where data are lacking to guide practice and policy especially in low and middle income countries. Professor Chan convened the Commission Meeting in Hong Kong last year and this May, working with other commissioners from around the globe on four main themes on diabetes including disease burden, prevention, treatment and economics. The Commission discussed the research direction, analyzed the data collected, and hopefully will publish their research findings on The Lancet by June 2018. 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 4.2017 1.5.2016–30.4.2017 未經審核 數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核 數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 2.10% 1.71% 16.06% 15.96% 平衡 Balanced 1.82% 1.63% 10.85% 11.23% 穩定 Stable 1.20% 1.49% 3.70% 2.79% 香港股票 HK Equity 3.29% 1.89% 22.30% 22.27% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 2.25% 2.13% 21.19% 21.39% A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker –0.70% –0.11% 5.91% 5.55% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.08% 0.01% 0.80% 0.15% 美元銀行存款* USD Bank Deposit* 0.19% 0.11% 1.47% 0.57% 澳元銀行存款* AUD Bank Deposit* –1.73% –1.84% 0.81% –0.70% 歐元銀行存款* EUR Bank Deposit* 1.94% 1.95% –4.63% –4.52% 人民幣銀行存款* RMB Bank Deposit* 0.35% 0.15% –2.67% –3.78% 有關強積金數據,請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month 「防止性騷擾」網上培訓課程 ‘Preventing Sexual Harassment’ Online Training Module 防止性騷擾委員會推出網 上培訓課程,幫助學員防 止和處理性騷擾個案,主 要對象為擔當領導及管理 角色的教職員,以及有機 會成為涉及個案者的首要 聯絡人。課程指出管理人 員在防止和回應性騷擾事 件的義務和責任,並包括 大學相關政策和程序的 概要。委員會已邀請大學 高級管理人員參與該培訓 課程,並在課程完結後提 出意見以作改善。 The Committee Against Sexual Harassment has launched an online training module on prevention and handling of sexual harassment. The target participants are staff with leadership and management roles in the University and those who may be the first point of contact for a staff or student concerned on the matters. The module highlights the obligations and responsibilities of those who are in a supervisory or managerial role in preventing and responding to situations in relation to sexual harassment. It also includes an overview of the related University’s policy and procedures that are in place. Members of the University’s senior management have been invited to participate in this training and to provide feedback for improvement upon completion. 七名中大生獲頒創新科技獎學金 Seven CUHK Students Awarded Innovation and Technology Scholarship 本屆創新科技獎學金計劃共頒發獎項二十五個,中大七名理學院及醫學院學生於4月25日獲獎,人數為參 與院校之冠。此獎學金計劃由香港青年協會主辦,並獲滙豐銀行贊助及香港特區政府創新科技署支持,每 名得獎者可獲高達港幣十五萬元之獎學金。 計劃旨在嘉許傑出的理工科本科生,並透過海外/國內暫讀計劃、導師計劃、服務項目計劃及本地實習生 計劃等不同的學習機會,鼓勵得獎人以科學及科技作為終身職業。 Seven CUHK students from the Faculties of Medicine and Science were ranked among the 25 awardees of the Innovation and Technology Scholarship presented on 25 April. The number of CUHK awardees accounts for the largest among the participating universities. The scholarship scheme is organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, with the sponsorship of HSBC and support of the Innovation and Technology Commission. Each awardee will be granted up to HK$150,000. With an aim to encourage students to develop their lifelong career in science and technology, the Scheme recognizes outstanding undergraduates in the science, medicine and engineering fields, and offers them various learning opportunities through overseas/mainland attachment, mentorship, service project and local internship programmes. 課程網址 Training website: