Newsletter No. 499
05 # 4 9 9 | 0 4 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 7 高錕教授學生創意獎 Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 星雲大師獲頒榮譽社會科學博士證書 Master Hsing Yun Receives the Certificate of Honorary Degree 中大創業日2017 CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2017 「香港中文大學校友傳承基金」於5月12及13日在校園舉辦 「中大創業日」,透過創業展覽、講座及個案分享等,展示中 大校友及學生最新的創業意念和成品。開幕典禮由中大副 校長吳樹培先生(右八)、創新及科技局副局長鍾偉強博士 (右九),以及香港貿易發展局助理總裁梁國浩先生(右七) 主持。 創業日首辦至今踏入第三年,本年近七十個單位參展,業務 涵蓋程式設計、穿戴裝置、電子商貿、大數據、健康護理、社 會企業、教育、藝術、社交媒體、行銷及數碼娛樂等,並有多 位校友和專家主持講座,分享創業心得,並首次邀請「中大 創業校友會」合辦「中大創業大賽」,勝出隊伍有機會與校 友投資者簽訂合作備忘錄。 ‘CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2017’, a large scale entrepreneurship-themed event initiated by the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, was held on 12 and 13 May on campus. There was a series of talks, seminars and discussions with alumni entrepreneurs, and an exhibition showcasing start-ups by CUHK alumni and students. The opening ceremony was officiated by Mr. Eric Ng, Vice- President of CUHK (8th right), Dr. David Chung, Under Secretary for the Innovation and Technology Bureau (9th right), and Mr. Stephen Liang, Assistant Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (7th right). Entering its third year, the event featured about 70 exhibitors from the various fields, including programming, wearable devices, e-commerce, big data, health care, social enterprise, education, art, social media, and sales and digital entertainment. There were also talks for entrepreneurs delivered by CUHK alumni and experts. The first ‘CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition’ was launched in collaboration with CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association, in which the winning team(s) will stand a chance of signing a memorandum of understanding with alumni investors. 沈祖堯校長率代表團於5月16日前往台灣,頒授榮譽社會科學 博士證書予星雲大師,表揚他發揚人道精神及對全球公益事 務的貢獻。星雲大師是世界知名的佛教領袖和人道主義者, 也是一位作家、教育家兼慈善家,致力弘揚「人間佛教」, 利濟眾生。(讚辭見 /resources/ press/pdf/583fadd2dca74.pdf ) 星雲大師是中大第八十二屆頒授學位典禮的榮譽學位領受人 之一,惟因他其時未能蒞港出席典禮,因此沈校長親自赴台 授予證書,中大代表團亦藉此行加強中大與佛光山的文化交 流。今年適逢佛光山開山五十周年,5月16日亦是《星雲大師 全集》之發布日,別具意義。 In recognition of his distinguished service and contributions to humanitarian and philanthropic causes around the world, the Venerable Master Hsing Yun was formally presented with his Honorary Degree of Doctor of Social Science by Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung who led a delegation to Taiwan on 16 May. Master Hsing Yun is a world-renowned religious leader, humanitarian, author, educator and philanthropist. He has devoted himself for decades to transforming the world through the practice of Humanistic Buddhism. (Citation at resources/press/pdf/583faecc00646.pdf ) The delegation undertook a fruitful trip to enhance cultural exchange between CUHK and Fo Guang Shan. Professor Sung took the opportunity to present to Master Hsing Yun in person the certificate of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Social Science conferred upon in absentia at CUHK’s 82nd Congregation last December. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan and the Collection of Master Hsing Yun was launched on 16 May, making the occasion a specially memorable moment. 「高錕教授學生創意獎2017」 頒獎典禮於5月11日假伍宜孫 書院舉行,由校長沈祖堯教授 頒獎,並由副校長張妙清教授 (前排中)致開幕辭。這兩年 一度的比賽由創新科技中心主 辦,旨在推動同學發揮三創精 神:創新、創意、創業。比賽的 主席評判梁廣錫教授(前排左 四)說:「今屆競爭十分激烈, 同學的得分都很接近,因此出現雙冠軍、雙亞軍等情況。」 沈祖堯校長和張妙清副校長均勉勵同學要全面發揮三創精 神,努力把創意化成創業項目,期望他們有機會把產品推出 市場,貢獻社會。 The prize presentation ceremony of the ‘Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2017’ (PCKKSCA) was held on 11 May at Wu Yee Sun College. The awards were presented by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President. Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung (centre, front row), Pro-Vice-Chancellor gave the opening speech at the ceremony. The PCKKSCA is a biennial campus-wide competition of technological innovation organized by the Centre for Innovation and Technology. It aims to foster the spirit of innovativeness, creativity and entrepreneurship among students. Chairman of the PCKKSCA judging panel Prof. Leung Kwong-sak (4th left, front row) said, ‘There has been a keen competition, as the scores of different teams were very close. We’ve therefore come up with awards such as co-champions and co-first runners- up.’ Professor Sung and Professor Cheung encouraged the young entrepreneurs to develop the aforementioned spirit and translate their innovativeness into startups, so as to redeem society.
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