Newsletter No. 499
04 # 4 9 9 | 0 4 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 7 高美慶教授 Prof. Kao Mayching 高教授是中大藝術系校友、藝術史及 中國藝術專家。她於1972年返回母校 任教,曾兩度出任藝術系系主任,並 兼任文物館館長,至1999年從藝術講 座教授的席位退休。在任期間,她率 先推動藝術史成為專修課程,並促成 藝術史哲學碩士及哲學博士課程開辦,更推動不少中港兩地 的博物館、大學學者及藝術家的交流活動。高教授現仍擔任 新亞書院榮譽院務委員。 Professor Kao is an alumna of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK and an expert in art history and Chinese art. She returned to her alma mater in 1972, served twice as chairperson of the Department of Fine Arts, and served concurrently as director of the Art Museum. In 1999, she retired from the University as a chair professor. She was a pioneering leader in developing the discipline of art history as an educational specialization at CUHK, and setting up its MPhil and PhD programmes. She also initiated a series of exchanges with museums, university scholars and artists in Mainland China during her tenure. Professor Kao is currently Honorary Fellow of New Asia College, CUHK. 楊綱凱教授 Prof. Kenneth Young 現任中大物理學榮休教授及中大(深 圳)理事會成員,楊教授1973年加入 中大,歷任物理系系主任、理學院及 研究院院長、副校長,以及敬文書院 首任院長,對大學的發展以至學術研 究方面均貢獻殊偉,包括帶領大學革 新四年制課程。楊教授於1999年被選為美國物理學會院士, 現擔任多項公職,包括香港課程發展議會主席、教育統籌委 員會委員、邵逸夫獎理事會成員及評審會副主席。 Currently Emeritus Professor of Physics, CUHK and a member of the Governing Board, CUHK (Shenzhen), Professor Young joined CUHK in 1973, and has been chairman of the Department of Physics, Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Graduate School, Pro-Vice- Chancellor, and the founding Master of C.W. Chu College. He has made significant contributions to CUHK, including leadership in the preparation for the new curriculum for the 4-year academic structure. Professor Young was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1999. He also serves in many positions in public service including chairperson of the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council and a member of the Education Commission, as well as Council member and Vice Chairman of the Board of Adjudicators for the Shaw Prize. 李本俊先生 Mr. Kenneth Benjamin Li 李先生為新加坡卡爾登城市酒店董 事總經理。承傳祖父李達三博士服務 社群的精神,李先生積極參與社會事 務,並致力推動電子產品業界發展, 貢獻香港經濟及社會發展。 2015年, 李達三博士、李本俊先生捐款成立「 李達三葉耀珍伉儷李本俊獎學金」,每年頒發予品學兼優、 經濟需要援助,並入讀中大及另外兩所本地大學的寧波公學 及寧波第二中學畢業生。 Currently Managing Director of the Carlton City Hotel Singapore, Mr. Li has carried on the commitment to community service of his grandfather, Dr. Li Dak-sum, and actively contributed to society, as well as to industrial development which has helped boost the economic and social development of Hong Kong. In 2015, Dr. Li Dak- sum and Mr. Kenneth Benjamin Li made a magnificent donation for the establishment of the ‘Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Scholarship’, which aims to make it possible for graduates from Ning Po College and Ning Po No. 2 College, who have outstanding academic performance, good conduct and financial needs, to pursue tertiary education in CUHK and two other local institutions. 朱嘉樂博士 Dr. Chu Ka-lok, Peter 熱心公益及服務社會的朱博士是第一 珍寶(集團)有限公司主席兼香港第 一電業有限公司總裁,並為香港公益 金董事會董事,於2006年獲香港特別 行政區政府頒發銅紫荊星章,同年獲 頒世界傑出華人獎。朱博士一直關心 及支持中大及逸夫書院的發展,不但慷慨捐款支持逸夫書院 多個發展項目,更自2004年起擔任書院校董至今。 Dr. Chu is chairman of the Alpha General (Holdings) Ltd and president of the Alpha Appliances Ltd. Dedicated to charity and community service, Dr. Chu is currently a member of the Board of Directors of The Community Chest of Hong Kong. He was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star by the HKSAR Government and the World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2006 in recognition of his contributions to society. Dr. Chu is a staunch supporter of CUHK, especially Shaw College. Apart from making generous donations to the College in support of its development, he has served as a Trustee of the College since 2004. 郭志樑先生 Mr. Kwok Chi-leung, Karl 郭先生現為永安國際有限公司主席, 於銀行和金融業務有超過三十年管 理經驗。他積極推動香港體育發展, 曾多次擔任奧運會及各大型亞洲運 動會的香港代表團團長和副團長,並 於2011年獲香港特別行政區政府頒 授榮譽勳章。郭先生早於1982年已出任崇基學院校董,更於 2002年至2015年擔任崇基學院校董會主席、大學校董,為中 大和崇基學院的發展提供了不少寶貴意見。 With over 30 years’ experience in senior management positions in banking and finance, Mr. Kwok is chairman of Wing On Company International Limited. He has actively promoted the development of sports in Hong Kong and has served as Chef de Mission or Deputy Chef de Mission of the Hong Kong delegation at a number of Asian games and Olympic Games. Mr. Kwok was awarded the Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government in 2011. As early as 1982, he was appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College, and became chairman of the College’s Board of Trustees and a Council member of CUHK from 2002 to 2015, providing much valuable advice to the University and Chung Chi College. 黃奕鑑先生 Mr. Wong Yick-kam, Michael 黃先生現為香港公開大學校董會主 席及市區重建局非執行董事,擁有豐 富的領導才能及管理經驗,更熱心社 會服務,曾任多個政府諮詢委員會委 員。黃先生畢業於新亞書院,先後取 得工商管理學士及碩士學位,現為新 亞書院校董,不但慷慨捐款設立本科生獎學金,更協助統籌 及參與新亞書院及工商管理碩士課程的學長計劃,對中大及 新亞書院貢獻良多。 Mr. Wong is Council Chairman of the Open University of Hong Kong and non-executive director of the Urban Renewal Authority. Having substantial leadership and management experience, Mr. Wong is very active in community service and has served on a number of Government advisory committees. Mr. Wong obtained his BBA and MBA degrees at CUHK and is an outstanding alumnus of New Asia College. He is currently a Trustee of New Asia College. Over the years, Mr. Wong has made important contributions to CUHK and New Asia College through generous donations for setting up scholarships for undergraduate students, and participation in the College’s and the MBA Programmes’s mentorship programmes. 六位社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 Six Distinguished Persons Conferred Honorary Fellowships 大 學於5月22日舉行第十六屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,由校 董會主席 梁乃鵬 博士主禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予以下六 位與中大淵源深厚的傑出人士,以表揚他們對大學及社會的 卓越貢獻。 T he University held its Sixteenth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 22 May. Officiating at the ceremony, Dr. Norman N.P. Leung, Council Chairman, conferred honorary fellowships on the following six distinguished persons in recognition of their remarkable contributions to the University and the community.
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