Newsletter No. 439
No. 439, 4.6.2014 5 自國家改革開放初期,中大已積極協助內地培育人才,冀為國家發展略盡綿力。1970年代末,文革結束,內地 復辦全面中止逾二十年的社會學課程,但師資奇缺。社會學泰斗、北京大學社會學教授費孝通教授( 圖 )受國 家委託培訓師資,重建學科。費教授情商他的老同學、匹茲堡大學楊慶堃教授協助,楊教授遂邀請他於中大 社會學系任教的高足,一同北上講學。 1980年,中大社會學系李沛良教授和劉創楚教授北上任教社會學暑期講習班,訓練內地社會學教師,不少學 員日後成為內地社會學界的頂尖學者。費教授其後致感謝函予時任中大校長的馬臨教授,感激兩位教授的不 辭勞苦及出色教學,並希望以後與中大加強合作。 本信函由李沛良教授提供,現於大學展覽廳展出。 Since China adopted the Open Door Policy, CUHK had contributed to training talent on the mainland. In the late 1970s when the Cultural Revolution came to an end, sociology was restored as an academic discipline on the mainland after a suspension of more than two decades. However, there was an acute shortage of qualified teachers who were professionally trained in sociology. Prof. Fei Xiaotong ( photo ), an internationally renowned sociologist and professor in Peking University, was commissioned by the State to conduct teacher training and rebuild the Chinese sociological research. Professor Fei solicited help from Prof. C.K. Yang, his former classmate and professor in the University of Pittsburgh, who then invited his former students teaching in the Department of Sociology at CUHK to join him in giving lectures up north. In 1980, Prof. Rance Lee and Prof. Lau Chong-chor of the Department of Sociology, CUHK, were invited to give training courses in Beijing for mainland sociology teachers, and some of these course participants later became leading sociologists. In this grateful letter addressed to Prof. Ma Lin, then CUHK Vice- Chancellor, Professor Fei expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the two professors for their diligence and outstanding contribution, and looked forward to establishing stronger collaboration with CUHK. This letter, on loan from Prof. Rance Lee, is now on display at the University Gallery. 健康焗薯滋味 Healthy Baked Potatoes 薯仔營養豐富,有蛋白質、礦物質,脂肪和膽固醇近乎零,同時含大量碳水化合物,為人體 提供能量,不少外國人會用來作主糧,焗或烚更是首選的健康烹調方法。 李慧珍樓的咖啡室提供了多款焗薯供選擇。美國入口的薯仔味道濃郁,洗畢後用錫紙包 裹,放進焗爐以三百度高溫焗大概九十分鐘,令薯仔內裏也焗得透徹,軟熟可口。顧客可 從燒雞、焗豆、蛋沙律、粟米等十多項餡料中,自選一款或多款,再配上青葱和煙肉碎伴 碟。 為了準確掌握烘焗時間,餐廳用人手逐一挑選大小相若的薯仔,每個均重約半磅。即使有 相當份量,但學生似乎仍愛以飯麵作主糧,餐廳負責人說學生多會購買一碟意粉及焗飯, 另加一個焗薯。焗薯每天出爐約一百四十個,旋即沽清,「那麼快就賣完了?」不想在收銀 處失望興嘆,就要趁早了。 The potato contains protein and minerals. With its near-to-zero fat and cholesterol content and abundance of energy-providing carbohydrates, it is considered a staple in many cuisines. Among the various cooking methods, baking and boiling are two of the most healthy ones. The Li Wai Chun coffee shop in Chung Chi College offers baked potatoes with different fillings. Imported from the US, the potatoes are strong in flavour. They are washed and wrapped with aluminum foil, followed by baking in a 300°C oven for 90 minutes until the inner part is tender. Over 10 filling options are available, including roast chicken, baked beans, egg mayonnaise and sweet corn. Customers can pick one or more fillings from the menu. All potatoes are served with spring onion and bacon bits. Each potato is selected by hand to make sure they are similar in size and suitable for the baking temperature. Although each potato weighs approximately 0.5 pound, the coffee shop manager says that the students seem to have good appetites and would usually order a baked potato in addition to a dish of spaghetti or rice au gratin. Every day about 140 baked potatoes are on offer — all gone in no time. You often hear students wondering aloud at the cashier, ‘Why are they sold out so fast?’ Better go early if you want to have a taste.
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