Newsletter No. 416
No. 416, 19.4.2013 9 《照明》 社會科學院院務室計劃協調員張鋮祖先生作品 Illuminate Photo taken by Mr. Kipling Chang, project coordinator of the Faculty Office of Social Science 海外投資併購的智慧和機遇 Innovative Mega-deal-making Insights and Lessons 工商管理學院商務創新及全球化研究中心於3月23日在中大深圳研究院舉行BiG 論壇,邀得摩根大通亞洲區副主席及中國區首席執行官方方先生( 圖 )主講「中國企 業『走出去』:海外投資併購大型交易創新智慧和歷史機遇」。 方先生總結了中國客戶如何在大型/跨國併購交易中,準確掌握市場趨勢,取得成 功,並分析多個大型交易案例,探討中國企業海外投資併購的誤區,以及失敗的經驗 與教訓。 The Centre for Business Innovation and Globalization (BiG) of the Faculty of Business Administration held its BiG Forum at the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute on 23 March. Mr. Fang Fang ( photo ), J.P. Morgan vice-chairman of Asia and CEO of China, was invited to speak on ‘Going Out of China: Innovative Mega-deal-making Insights and Lessons’. Mr. Fang outlined the cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese overseas enterprises and discussed successes and failures, illustrating with some merger and acquisition cases. 商業領袖的營商智慧 Business Leader’s Wisdom 工商管理學院校友及企業事務辦公 室3月19日假海景嘉福酒店舉行「全 球領袖系列」講座,由通用電氣副總 裁莊睿思先生( 圖 )主講「全球增長: 中國的機遇與挑戰」,出席嘉賓包括 行政會議召集人林煥光先生、美國駐 港總領事楊甦棣先生、香港投資推廣 署署長賈沛年先生、香港交易及結算 所主席周松崗爵士,以及新鴻基地產 發展有限公司董事兼集團首席顧問黃 奕鑑先生。 莊睿思先生講述了通用電氣的全球增 長策略,並聚焦於其已發展業務百多 年的中國,深入剖析如何配合當地的 經濟增長政策及參與改革進程。他又分享了對廿一世紀全球領袖的看法:「這些傑出人 士即使身處祖國以外的地方,也能展現出兼容並蓄、適應力強、從容自若的特點,並且深 明求同存異的道理。」 Organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, the Global Leader Series was held at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong on 19 March. Mr. John Rice ( photo ), vice-chairman of General Electric (GE), talked on ‘Global Growth: Opportunities and Challenges in China’. Guests of honour included Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, Convenor of the Executive Council; Mr. Stephen Young, the US Consul General; Mr. Simon Galpin, Director-General of InvestHK; Sir C.K. Chow, chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and Mr. Michael Wong, director and group principal adviser of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited. Mr. Rice discussed GE’s global growth strategy with a focus on China, where the company has been doing business for over a hundred years. He also shared his views on the outlook of 21st century global leaders, ‘These people are inclusive, adaptable and comfortable outside their home countries. They value differences.’
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