Newsletter No. 417

6 No. 417, 4.5.2013 熱狗皇 Fun in the Bun 在北美,賣熱狗的小店和手推車是街頭風景的一部分。熱狗的品種很多,比如紐約熱狗崇尚簡約,通常只配芥末和德國泡 菜;而芝加哥熱狗則以內涵豐富為特色,除罌粟子麵包和牛肉腸外,還加上黃芥末醬、酸瓜醬、碎洋蔥、碎番茄丁、醃黃瓜、 小隻的醃綠辣椒、香芹鹽等配料。 在逸夫書院餐廳,排隊購買熱狗皇,也是每天固定上演的情節。這熱狗皇是餐廳廚師創造的本地品種,司華力腸夾在表面 烘得微脆的麵包之中,鋪上兩片稍微融化的芝士,再配以芥末醬和蕃茄醬,還隨餐附上炸薯條,灑上了廚師秘製的調味 粉,令人吃得停不了手。 說到源自瑞士的司華力腸,其原文名字cervelat是源自 cerebrum 這個代表「腦」的拉丁文。因為早期製作司華力腸的材料除了 牛肉或豬肉外,還加入牛腦或豬腦。不過現代製法已不以腦為材料。逸夫熱狗皇所用的司華力腸是豬肉腸。 餐廳高級主任梁劍雄說,熱狗皇由於預備工夫較繁複,只會在每天午飯時間過後供應,並且只有約一百二十份;而排隊人龍 在下午2點15分就開始出現。所以,想一嚐滋味就要準時報到了。 Hot dog stands and carts are a common sight in North America. Like canines, the hot dog comes in many varieties, from the basic New York hot dog, eaten with mustard and sometimes sauerkraut, to the more complex Chicago hot dog, comprising a beef wiener in a poppy-seed bun topped with yellow mustard, bright green relish, onions, tomato wedges, pickle spear, sport peppers and a dash of celery salt. At CUHK, a long line for hot dogs is a standard scenario at the Shaw College Canteen. Hot Dog King served at the canteen is a local variation created by its chef—a cervelat sandwiched by a grilled bun and topped with melted cheese, mustard and ketchup. The hot dog comes with French fries which is spiced up by the chef’s secret seasoning. The cervelat is a sausage popular in Switzerland. Early recipes for it contained not only beef or pork, but also beef or pork brains. In fact, the name ‘cervelat’ is derived from cerebrum , the Latin word for brain. Most modern recipes do not include brains and the one used in Hot Dog King is all pork. Mr. Alan K.H. Leung, senior supervisor of the canteen, said that only 120 hot dogs are served each day after the lunch hours. So, if you want to smear your mouth with mustard, don’t show up too late because a line for the hot dog begins to form at the cashier counters as early as 2:15 pm. 機械與自動化工程學生設計獲兩獎 MAE Students’ Innovative Design Wins Awards 由英國機械工程師學會(東北亞區)舉辦的第二屆大中華設計大賽於3月23及24日在廣州中國 華南理工大學舉行。中大機械與自動化工程系學生葉俊華( 左一 )、劉家駿( 左三 )和林可兒( 左 二 )在該系講師李奕陽博士( 右一 )和梁潤怡技術員的指導下,勇奪亞軍和最具創新獎。 比賽要求參賽者設計水動力車及能量轉換裝置,將一公升水在一米高度下瀉所產生的能量,轉換 成水動車的動能。中大隊獲獎的能量轉換系統,取材自高爾夫揮杆原理,性能卓越且穩定性高。 Three students, Yip Chun-wa ( 1st left ), Lau Ka-chun ( 3rd left ) and Lam Ho-yi ( 2nd left ), from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE), won the first runner-up and the most innovative award in the Second Greater China Design Competition. Hosted by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (North East Asia Region), the competition was held in the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, on 23 and 24 March. The participants were required to design, build, and perform test runs for a model car that was propelled by the gravitational potential energy generated by the falling of one litre of water at a vertical height of one meter. Led by Dr. Li Yiyang ( 1st right ), lecturer, and Leung Yun-yee, technician, MAE, the CUHK team designed a prototype device inspired by the ’golf swing’, featuring high performance and excellent stability. 粵語辯論隊九奪冠軍 Cantonese Debate Team Wins Ninth Championship 中大粵語辯論隊於4月6日舉行的第三十屆「大專辯論賽」總決賽中,與對手 香港教育學院就「香港房屋政策失敗」激辯,結果中大隊以五比零勝出,第九次 次掄元,隊員羅霜寧更獲最佳辯論員。 比賽於尖沙咀文化中心廣場舉行,由香港電台主辦。當日到場打氣的校友及前 隊員眾多,各年代辯員前後橫跨二十年,而今屆參與支援之校友亦超過五十人, 足見辯論隊的傳承和團結。 The CUHK Cantonese Debate Team defeated its counterpart from the Hong Kong Institute of Education in the finals of the 30th Inter-varsity Debate Competition to capture the championship for the ninth time on 6 April. The motion was ‘The Hong Kong housing policy is a failure’. Law Sheung-ning of the team was selected ‘best speaker’. Hosted by RTHK, the event took place on the piazza outside the Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui. Alumni and former team members, covering over 20 years of membership, showed up to cheer the team on. 辯論隊員與校友 Debate team members and alumni