Newsletter No. 498
04 # 4 9 8 | 1 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 7 與悉尼大學成立中西醫結合醫學大數據實驗室 Joint Big-data Laboratory for Integrative Medicine Established with University of Sydney 伍宜孫書院與思廷書院羽毛球友誼賽 Badminton Friendly Match between Wu Yee Sun College and Muse College 中大校長沈祖堯教授及悉尼大學校長Dr. Michael Spence (左)於4月26日在悉尼簽署兩校合作備忘錄,攜手設立「中 西醫結合醫學大數據實驗室」(ACCLAIM)。兩校多年來除 了在中西醫結合醫學研究上素有合作外,亦在多個領域共同 從事研究,包括心臟病、糖尿病、數碼媒體及心理學等。 ACCLAIM已開展首個項目,研究中風病人的中西醫治療配 搭機理及結合治療方案,改善病人的生活質素,初步顯示中 西醫結合治療提供較優勝的臨床療效。ACCLAIM為數據科 學家及醫學專家提供嶄新的資訊平台,推動多方交流國際資 訊科技、數據分析技術及最新臨床研究,促進循證醫學的發 展。實驗室將專注於下游應用臨床研究,在臨床試驗上應用 大數據分析技術,並提供轉化研究的醫療方案。該聯合實驗 室享有良好的國際網絡,其合作夥伴包括中國中醫科學院、 英國曼徹斯特大學及上海中醫藥大學。 CUHK signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Sydney in establishing a joint big- data laboratory for integrative medicine—‘Analytic and Clinical Cooperative Laboratory for Integrative Medicine’ (ACCLAIM) on 26 April in Sydney, Australia. The MOU was signed by the two Vice-Chancellors, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung of CUHK and Dr. Michael Spence (left) of the University of Sydney. The two universities have closely collaborated for many years. Apart from a research programme in integrative medicine, there are ongoing multi-faceted research collaborations in cardiology, diabetes, digital media, and psychology. The first project of ACCLAIM focused on stroke, with the aim of identifying a complementary mechanism of integrative medicine and effective treatment plans to improve patients’ quality of life. Preliminary results hinted that stroke patients with integrative medicine treatment have better clinical outcomes. Studies on other diseases such as dementia, cancer and gastrointestinal disease are in the pipeline. ACCLAIM serves as a platform for scientists and clinicians to share the best of information technology, data analysis, and clinical research for the advancement of evidence-based integrative medicine. The joint laboratory focuses on downstream applied clinical research, with translational deliverables and big-data applications in clinical trials, building on a good international collaboration network, including the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Manchester, and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sports Committee of Wu Yee Sun College (WYS) extended the warmest welcome to Prof. Simon Pun (4th right), Coordinator of Muse College (Muse) and Assistant Dean of School of Science and Engineering of CUHK (Shenzhen) and his delegation of 32 teachers and students on 22 April. The two Colleges co-organized the first badminton 中大眼科中心榮獲《讀者文摘》2017信譽品牌 The CUHK Eye Centre Voted as Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2017 4月22日,中大(深圳)思廷書院統籌主任及工程學院助理院 長潘文安教授(右四)帶領三十二位師生到訪伍宜孫書院。 伍宜孫書院院長李沛良教授(右五)與體育委員會主席蔡錦 輝教授(右六)親自接待,並與之首次合辦羽毛球友誼賽。為 誌此歷史性時刻,宣揚運動員精神,對戰雙方皆由伍宜孫書 院及思廷書院各派一員組成,象徵兩院友誼。同學不但切磋 球技,取長補短;更把握機會,在午宴及書院參觀期間交流書 院生活的異同,言談甚歡。 思廷書院為中大(深圳)的第三所書院,悉力提供各種非形 式學習機會,與正規課程相輔相成,培養學生的人際交往技 巧、文化品味、自信心和責任感,豐富學生的大學生活。 Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (5th right), College Master and Prof. Kelvin K.F. Tsoi (6th right), Chairperson of Sunny friendly match during the visitation. To highlight the historic moment and promote sportsmanship, each team in the match was mixed with one WYS student and one Muse student, symbolizing the friendship between both Colleges. While the players could learn from each other’s strengths, they also grasped the opportunity to learn about each other’s College life in the subsequent lunch reception and College tour. Muse College is the third College of CUHK, Shenzhen. The College strives to help its students improve their interpersonal skills, cultivate cultural tastes, build up confidence, and enhance sense of responsibilities through a variety of life-enriching non-formal educational opportunities, complementing regular courses offered by the Faculties. 中大眼科中心在1995年成立,悉力提供專業眼科服務,至今 連續七年獲《讀者文摘》嘉許為「信譽品牌」。得獎機構由約 八千名來自香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓及台灣的《讀者 文摘》訂戶及消費者選出,足證大眾對中心的信任。中心總 監譚智勇教授(中)表示:「我們以科研為主、服務為本,致力 提升醫療設備和人才質素,力臻完美。」4月25日,譚教授、任 卓昇醫生、陳頌恩醫生(右二)、吳佩霞小姐(左二)、吳家輝 先生(右一)及蔡珊珊小姐(左一)代表中心接受殊榮。 中大於香港眼科醫院及威爾斯親王醫院成立眼科中心,旨在 融合學術和臨床眼科服務。中心配備先進設備,為病人提供 精確的診斷與治療。團隊由教授和眼科醫生組成,並有眼科 護士、視光師及眼科技術人員提供協助。中心旗下還設有中 大激光視力矯正中心和包素菊黃斑病變治療及研究中心,提 升眼疾的診斷、治療、研究和教育。 The CUHK Eye Centre (CUHKEC) has been awarded the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2017 for seven years in a row. Founded in 1995, CUHKEC has been providing professional ophthalmic services. The winners were voted by about 8,000 individuals, composed of the Reader’s Diges t subscribers and regional consumers from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan. The award is thereby a testimony of CUHKEC’s excellence. Prof. Clement Tham (centre), Director of CUHKEC, said, ‘We focus on excellence in clinical services and scientific research, and are committed to improving our medical equipment and ophthalmic care for society.’ On 25 April, Prof. Tham, Dr. Jason Yam, Dr. Tommy Chan (2nd right), Ms. Mandy Ng (2nd left), Mr. Paul Ng (1st right), and Ms. Jennifer Tsoi (1st left) received the honour on behalf of CUHKEC. CUHK set up CUHKEC at both Hong Kong Eye Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital to integrate the academic sector with clinical ophthalmic services. The Centre, equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment, provides subspecialty-based clinical ophthalmic services. The team comprising professors and ophthalmologists is supported by experienced ophthalmic nurses, optometrists and ophthalmic technicians. To strengthen research and education for diagnosis and treatment of major eye diseases, CUHKEC also includes the CUHK Laser Refractive Surgery Centre and the Pao So Kok Macular Disease Treatment and Research Centre.
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