Newsletter No. 408

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P4 語文體例暨大學出版研討會 Symposium: Language, Style and Publication in a University Context 大學策略及規劃工作坊 大學高層管理人員和各書院、學系及部門代表一共六十多人,於 11月24至25日參加了一年一度的大學策略及規劃工作坊,在兩日 一夜的退修營中切磋交流,並肩探討大學未來的路向。 The CUHK Strategic Planning Workshop The annual CUHK strategic planning workshop was held from 24 to 25 November. Over 60 staff members, including those of the senior management and representatives from Colleges, academic departments and administrative units, attended the two-day retreat to brainstorm and discuss the future development of the University. 第四零八期 二零一二年十二月四日 No. 408 4 December 2012 P8 「最怕遇上檢驗的樣本數 量不夠,降低了診斷的準確 性。」 ‘When the samples available are not enough for an accurate diagnosis, that’ll affect the accuracy of the prognosis.’ P2 「醫學院成績來之不易,我 覺得是一個奇蹟!」 ‘The success of the Faculty of Medicine is a miracle.’ 活動重溫 Events recap