Newsletter No. 545
促導的完美示範 Exemplary Enablers 逸夫書院自2015年與國際促導員協會香港分會合作,在學生發展計劃引入促導的方 法,開展「啟動逸夫」項目。協會致力促進有意義的對話,為社群帶來深遠影響,而 逸夫書院通過促導產生積極影響,獲頒IAF Facilitation Impact Award 白金獎。 該項目旨在改善學生學習和發展,推動多元和共融文化,提升書院行政工作的系統 和流程,且在主要管理和學生事務上調整出一致的目標、原則和流程。書院冀學生及 職員在促導過程中能深入思考,理解彼此定位,以達到心與心的交流。 書院院長陳志輝教授認為促導提供一個開放互動的溝通平台,貼近學生、書院和社 會所需,亦配合書院「以人為本」的文化。他期望逸夫團隊透過促導能發揮得更好, 孕育學生成為新一代的領袖,服務社會。 Since 2015, Shaw College has been working with the International Association of Facilitators—Hong Kong Chapter to introduce facilitation in the project of ‘Enabling S.H.A.W’. The association strives to develop meaningful dialogues to create impact in the community. Having achieved a positive impact by means of facilitation, the College was presented the IAF Facilitation Impact Award—Platinum. The project aims at enhancing system and processes in facilitating student learning and development as well as college administration; cultivating diversity and inclusion in the college community; and aligning goals, principles and processes on key management and student issues. It is hoped that the Shaw community can stand in other people’s shoes and eventually develop a heart-to-heart connection. The College Head Prof. Andrew Chan Chi-fai opined that facilitation matches the College’s people-oriented culture, which provides an open and interactive communication platform to accommodate the needs of students, the College and society. He hoped that the Shaw team will have a better development through facilitation, preparing Shaw students as the future leaders to serve the community. 力臻至善 On Philanthropia 第四屆「世界公益慈善論壇」於9月初在深圳舉行,以粵港澳大灣區為焦點,探討不 同界別在慈善事業各範疇的角色,匯聚專業知識和慈善經驗,從而推動地區和全球 的公益發展。論壇由中大、中國人民對外友好協會、清華大學及香港大學共同主辦, 深圳市人民政府協辦。 Held in Shenzhen in early September, the 4 th World Philanthropy Forum explored the role of different professional sectors in various aspects of philanthropy under the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It aspired to bring together expertise and philanthropic experiences for the promotion of regional and global charity advancement. The Forum was jointly hosted by CUHK, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Tsinghua University and the University of Hong Kong, and co-hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. 研究DNA修復先驅訪校 Pioneer of DNA Repairing Speaks at CUHK 9月26日黃昏,逸夫書院大講堂異常熱鬧,聽眾出席2019年邵逸夫生命科學與醫學 獎得主瑪麗亞 • 傑辛教授主講的「通過天然和人工DNA斷裂進行基因組修飾」講座。 她簡述其實驗室如何利用人工雙鏈斷裂法引發基因組重組,為往後的基因編輯研究 奠定基礎。 In the evening of 26 September, the Shaw College Lecture Theatre was packed with audience who came to listen to the lecture on ‘Genome Modification by Natural and Artificial DNA Breaks’ by Prof. Maria Jasin, Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2019. Professor Jasin gave a brief account of how her laboratory used artificial double-strand breaks to create genomic rearrangement which laid the foundation for all subsequent gene editing studies. 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 09 # 5 4 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 9 Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。
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