Newsletter No. 407
No. 407, 19.11.2012 7 建築學院二十周年慶祝活動 School of Architecture 20th Anniversary Celebrations 建築學院為慶祝成立二十周年舉行多項活動。10月12日 至13日的「20/20國際會議:建築學教育的遞變—亞洲 創新的教與學」,來自內地、亞洲太平洋地區、歐洲、中 東和美國知名建築學院共二十名院長及教授雲集中大, 交流心得。11月13日晚,綜合教學大樓中庭搖身變為晚 宴場地,建築學院三百多名校友、教職員和學生濟濟一 堂。 The School of Architecture hosted the ‘20/20 International Conference: The Evolving Architectural Education—Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Asia’ from 12 to 13 October. Twenty deans and professors from prominent architecture schools in mainland China, Asian Pacific, Europe, Middle East and USA came to Hong Kong for experience sharing. In the evening of 13 October, over 300 guests, including alumni, staffs and students joined the School’s 20th anniversary gala dinner. This homecoming event took place in the atrium of the Integrated Teaching Building, which is the new home of the School of Architecture. 圖書館館長的香港情 The University Librarian on Hong Kong 大學圖書館館長施達理博士將於11月底榮休,他在最近出版的《圖書館通訊》中 細說其香港情︰「我和家人於1988年到達香港,一眨眼就二十四年。在香港,從來 沒有人問『你們為何在這裏?』這證明香港是充滿活力兼國際性的地方,只要願意 為香港的未來出一分力,人們都會歡迎你。」 施達理博士2000年到任中大,此後為大學圖書館系統啟動了不少項目,例如擴充 電子書庫至超過四百萬冊、創建進學園( 見第1頁 )及學習共享空間、圖書館新翼、 建築學圖書館、圖書館流動服務,以及為研究生闢設專區。他於2011年獲香港圖 書館協會頒授終身榮譽會士,表彰他推動圖書館學的發展,以及對本地業界的傑 出貢獻。退休後,施博士將返回英國薩福克郡鄉間定居。 Dr. Colin Storey, University Librarian of CUHK, will retire by the end of November. In the latest issue of the Library Newsletter , Dr. Storey recounted his fond memories as an expatriate working in Hong Kong, ‘My family and I came out to Hong Kong in 1988, and we stayed here for 24 years. No one in Hong Kong has ever said to us, “What are you doing here?” This testifies not only to Hong Kong’s exciting vibrancy, but also to the willingness of Hong Kong people to embrace internationalism and to welcome any person from anywhere who is willing to work and help Hong Kong, in any way however small, to secure a strong future.’ Dr. Storey joined the University in 2000. Since then, he has launched a number of projects to enhance the University Library System, namely, the addition of over four million e-books, the Learning Garden ( see p.1 ) and Learning Commons, the new Main Library Extension, the new Architecture Library, as well as roving help services and special zones for research students. He was awarded the 2011 Hong Kong Library Association Honorary Fellowship for his distinguished contribution to the development of librarianship and to services to the profession in Hong Kong. After retirement, Dr. Storey will move to a village in Suffolk, UK. 電腦輔助手術治療骨癌 Treating Bone Cancer with Computer-assisted Surgery 矯形外科及創傷學系率先研發電腦輔助腫瘤手術 (CATS)用於醫治骨癌。由2006年起,中大人員透過 研究和不斷優化,把CATS應用於複雜手術,如切除盤 骨癌腫、骨癌腫和兒童骨癌等,至今有三十二位病人受 惠。CATS具備多層掃描影像融合技術,讓醫生準確掌握 腫瘤位置,透過電腦導航,大大提高手術精確度。最近, 學系獲得研究資助局的資金,以進一步發展這項技術。 The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology pioneers computer-assisted tumour surgery (CATS) for treating bone cancer. Since 2006, surgeons at CUHK have developed and refined the technique, which is particularly useful in complicated surgery, such as pelvic/sacral tumours removal and paediatric bone cancers. Now, CATS has been successfully applied to 32 bone cancer patients. The technique, which involves the integration of all diagnostic images, not only allows detailed analysis of the position of a tumour, but also enables precise virtual surgical simulation and resection planning. The surgical plan can be executed with the help of a computer navigation system to achieve a high level of precision and accuracy. CUHK has recently received research funding from the Research Grants Council to further develop this technique. 古明達教授(左)及黃國全醫生示範模擬切割骨腫瘤手術 Prof. Shekhar M. Kumta (left) and Dr. Wong Kwok-chuen demonstrate the simulation of bone tumour removal surgery 黃至生獲選十大傑出青年 Martin Wong Made Ten Outstanding Young Persons 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院副教授、香港中 文大學賽馬會大腸癌教育中心總監黃至生教授 ( 左三 ),獲選為2012年香港十大傑出青年,以 表彰他對服務社群的傑出貢獻。過去二十年,黃 教授一直致力關懷長期病患者及本港和內地弱勢 社群。 Prof. Martin C.S. Wong ( 3rd left ) of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care; and director of the CUHK Jockey Club Bowel Cancer Education Centre; has been selected as one of the 2012 Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to the community. Professor Wong has been devoted to serving the chronically ill patients and other vulnerable groups in Hong Kong and mainland China for over 20 years. 葛菲雪獲選2012年傑出專才 Sian Griffiths Awarded 2012 Professional of the Year 賽馬會公共衞生及基層 醫療學院院長葛菲雪教 授獲香港美國總商會聯 同南華早報舉辦的「具影 響力的女性會議及頒獎 典禮」選為2012年傑出 專才,表彰葛菲雪教授在 專業領域及社會的卓越 成就,讓不少女性在開展 事業上得到啟發。 Prof. Sian Griffiths, director of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, has been awarded the 2012 Professional of the Year at the Women of Influence Conference & Awards organized by American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong in association with the South China Morning Post. This award seeks to recognize and honour her accomplishments and success in the community as she provides great inspiration for women to excel in their professions. 參加建築學院國際會議的專家熱烈討論 Overseas experts join the panel session of CUHK School of Architecture’s international conference
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