Newsletter No. 425
No. 425, 19.10.2013 5 《雲 • 線》 何冠廷,2013藝術 Lines of Cloud Ho Kwun-ting, Fine Arts, 2013 對糖尿病心血管及腎臟併發症的跨組學基因研究—從創新發現至個性化治療 (主題研究計劃6,033萬元)參與院校:中大、科大 An Integrated Trans-omics Approach to Diabetic Cardio-renal Complications: From Novel Discoveries to Personalized Medicine (TRS, HK$ 60.33M) Participated Institutions: CUHK, HKUST 由內科及藥物治療學系 馬青雲 教授率領的研究,將利用「香港糖尿病登記」這收錄了萬多個二型糖尿病 病人生化指標評估以及用藥情況的資料庫,採用多組學的方法,應用新一代測序和其他先進分子生物學 技術,研究和比較罹患併發症和病程較長但沒併發病的患者,他們的基因組、表觀基因和轉錄組的變化 和特徵,並透過先進的生物信息學方法,綜合分析結果。 馬教授相信,研究有助識別罹患併發症高危人士,加深對病發機制的認識、改善治療方法,以及協助藥 物研發。 Prof. Ronald C.W. Ma , professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, leads a team to conduct the project. The team will utilize data from the Hong Kong Diabetes Registry which contains the biochemical assessment of risk factors and medication history of over 10,000 patients with type 2 diabetes. With a multi-omic approach and new-generation sequencing and other technologies, the team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the genome, epigenome and transcriptome of diabetic patients with complications and diabetic patients free of complications despite long duration of disease. Professor Ma believes that the discoveries will improve the understanding of what causes diabetic complications, help develop new drugs, and guide individualized treatment. 智能化太陽能技術:採集、存儲和應用 (主題研究計劃6,033萬元)參與院校:中大、科大、理大 Smart Solar Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Utilization (TRS, HK$ 60.33M) Participating Institutions: CUHK, HKUST, POLYU 是項研究由工程學院院長 汪正平 教授帶領,涵蓋周全,課題包括開發以真空沉積技術製造的高性能薄膜太陽能電池 結構,以生產低成本、高產量和大面積的太陽能電池組;開發新材料和新工藝技術,以實現高能量密度的蓄電池和 超電容,並由此構建的混和存儲系統;以及以先進資訊和通訊技術基礎設施和傳輸協議為本,發展先進策略,以集 成、管理和控制各種子系統,從而增強太陽能技術和微電網系統在各種運行模式下的性能和安全性。 汪教授希望藉此增強香港在太陽能技術方面的競爭能力,以及擴大太陽能在能源領域的實際使用率。 Prof. Wong Ching-ping , Dean of Engineering, and his team members study the new technology in energy harvesting, storage and utilization in this project. They will develop high-performance vacuum deposited thin- film photovoltaics (PV) devices and modules which will make low-cost, high-throughput, and large-area PV production possible. They will explore new materials and processing approaches for high energy-density batteries and supercapacitors, so as to realize a hybrid storage system. They will also formulate strategies to integrate, manage, and control various subsystems to enhance the efficiency and security in energy utilization. Professor Wong believes the project will strengthen the competitive edge of Hong Kong in solar energy technologies and increase the penetration of solar energy utilization. 由中大和科大科研人員組成的團隊,前排左四為馬青雲教授 Prof. Ronald C.W. Ma (4th left, front row) and the CUHK and HKUST researchers of the project team 汪正平教授(右一)與團隊的中大研究人員 Prof. Wong Ching-ping (1st right) and his CUHK team members
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