Newsletter No. 425
4 No. 425, 19.10.2013 細胞器生物合成及功能研究中心 (卓越學科領域計劃4,725萬元)參與院校:浸大、中大、港大、科大 Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function (AoE Scheme, HK$ 47.25M) Participating Institutions: BU, CUHK, HKU, HKUST 中心由生命科學學院 姜里文 教授帶領,深入研究生命過程的基礎問題。其中一項突破乃是發現一類新的 細胞器,命名為EXPO,負責調節一種以往未被發現的蛋白質分泌途徑,打破科學家過往認為植物蛋白 質分泌乃經特定途徑進行這看法。EXPO的潛在功能之一是釋放抗菌劑至植物表面,以抵禦細菌、病毒 及外來傳染物入侵。 姜教授表示:「若能深入了解EXPO的功能和傳輸途徑,可提高植物作為生物燃料來源的價值,以及提高 農作物在惡劣環境中的產量。」 Led by Prof. Jiang Liwen , professor, School of Life Sciences, the centre aims at investigating the fundamentals of important biological processes. One of the groundbreaking discoveries is the discovery of a novel organelle named ‘EXPO’, which was responsible for an unconventional method of protein secretion that had previously been ignored by scientists. One of EXPO’s possible functions is to release antimicrobial agents into the plant’s exterior to combat bacteria, viruses or insects. Professor Jiang said, ‘The research will have potential application for the biotechnology industry to improve the value of plants as biofuel feedstocks and to enhance crop productivity in high-stress environments.’ 系統性開發鼻咽癌的分子靶標 (主題研究計劃5,561萬元)參與院校:中大、港大 Systematic Development of Molecular Targets for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) (TRS, HK$ 55.61M) Participating Institutions: CUHK, HKU 這計劃由病理解剖及細胞學系 羅國煒 教授領導,將對鼻咽癌的全基因組DNA序列進行解碼,以建立鼻 咽癌基因組改變的完整目錄。研究團隊將對原發性鼻咽癌腫瘤組織微切割樣本進行大規模全基因組和 轉錄組排序,透過生物信息分析和廣泛驗證,有系統地鑒定驅動突變和關鍵的分子靶標。 羅教授說:「該計劃將促使鼻咽癌分子遺傳學研究的突破,對控制此致命腫瘤有深遠影響。」 Prof. Lo Kwok-wai , professor, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, leads the project to decode the DNA sequence of the entire NPC genome and thereby catalogue the whole spectrum of genomic changes involved in NPC tumorigenesis by whole genome sequencing. The team will systematically define driver mutations and identify key ‘molecular targets’ through large-scale whole genome and transcriptome sequencing, bioinformatics analysis and extensive validation in microdissected primary NPC samples with newly developed technologies. Professor Lo said, ‘We expect this project to make a strategic breakthrough in the molecular genetics of NPC and contribute significantly to the control of this deadly disease.’ 二億多元研究資助 開拓知識版圖 Over $200 Million Granted for Pushing Knowledge Frontier 無 論是從顯微鏡看細胞活動,抑或以望遠鏡觀測星宿運 行,都會看到宇宙萬物精巧美妙,並發現人類所知的, 在知識版圖中僅是滄海一粟。中大最近獲研究資助局(研資 局)撥款資助四項研究項目,在人類健康、能源的可持續發展和 細胞功能等範疇,從微觀到宏觀,探索世界未解之謎。 研資局早前公布第三輪主題研究計劃及第六輪卓越學科領域 計劃的撥款結果。獲選的六個研究項目全部均有中大參與, 當中四個更是由中大科研人員牽頭,獲資助額合共二億多元。 沈祖堯 校長對科研人員的成就獲肯定感到非常鼓舞:「是次撥 款結果展示了中大在多個領域科研發展中的領先地位。」他指 大學將繼續精益求精,致力加強科研,冀令該等研究成為所屬 範疇的國際典範。 研資局設立卓越學科領域計劃,是希望物色質素足以媲美世界 學術同儕的本地大學學科研究,投放更多資源,添置先進設備 和進行學術活動,讓水平得以持續提升,達到國際學術領導之 列;而設立主題研究計劃的目的,是鼓勵院校就幾個該局特選 的主題構思研究,以促進香港長遠發展。 W hen you examine cell movement through a microscope, or look at the universe through a telescope, you will be fascinated and realize what we know is nothing compared to the sum of knowledge in the galaxy. CUHK recently secured funding for four research projects in the fields of human health, energy and its sustainable development, as well as cell function from the Research Grants Council (RGC). The research projects will help to probe into the mysteries of the cosmos from the micro to the macro. RGC announced the funding results of the third round of the Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) and the sixth round of the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme. All six selected proposals have the participation of CUHK researchers, with four being led by them. Together CUHK received funding of over HK$200 million. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, was pleased that CUHK researchers’ achievements were being recognized: ‘The funding results demonstrate CUHK’s leading position in many research disciplines.’ He said the University would continue to strive to scale new heights in research and aim at becoming a world leader in the selected areas. The AoE Scheme was set up to encourage institutions to build upon their existing strengths and develop them into AoEs. Such areas would be recognized internationally as of equal status to their peers in the same subject areas, and justify the additional investment in state-of-the-art facilities and activities which would help them maintain their lead. The objective of the TRS is to focus academic research efforts of the institutions on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong. 姜里文教授(左一)與其研究團隊 Prof. Jiang Liwen (1st left) and his team 由羅國煒教授(中)領導的研究隊伍 Prof. Lo Kwok-wai (centre) and his team
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