Newsletter No. 406
6 No. 406, 4.11.2012 國家教育部批准籌建香港中文大學(深圳) CUHK (Shenzhen) Approved by State Ministry of Education 香港中文大學(深圳)獲得中國國家教育部批准籌建,並於10月11日在深圳市龍崗區校址舉行批籌暨啟動校 區開工儀式,出席者包括廣東省委書記汪洋先生、副書記兼省長朱小丹先生,國家教育部副部長杜玉波先生, 深圳市委書記王榮先生、市長許勤先生,香港特區政府政務司司長林鄭月娥女士、教育局局長吳克儉先生,中 大校董會主席鄭海泉博士、校長沈祖堯教授,以及邵逸夫慈善信託基金主席方逸華女士。 中大(深圳)佔地約一百公頃,屬非牟利高等學府,財政上獨立於香港中文大學。新校以民主方式管理,營造 開放和尊重學術自由的環境,採用中英雙語教學,着重通識及書院教育,將開設理工、經管和人文學科,包括跨 專業及新興學科,課程審批及監管由香港中文大學教務會負責。 The State Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China has approved the planning of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) on 11 October. A ceremony was held at the proposed site of CUHK (SZ) in Longgang District, Shenzhen, in the presence of Mr. Wang Yang, Secretary, Guangdong Provincial Committee; Mr. Zhu Xiaodan, Vice-Secretary of Guangdong Provincial Committee and Governor of Guangdong Provincial Government; Mr. Du Yubo, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Education; Mr. Wang Rong, Secretary, Shenzhen Municipal Committee; Mr. Xu Qin, Mayor of Shenzhen; Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary for Administration, Hong Kong SAR Government; Mr. Eddie Ng, Secretary for Education, Hong Kong SAR Government; Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the Council, CUHK; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; and Ms. Mona Fong, chairperson of the Sir Run Run Shaw Charitable Trust. The 100-hectare CUHK (SZ) will be a non-profit-making tertiary institution which is financially independent from CUHK. The new University will adopt democratic governance and foster a liberal environment to uphold academic freedom. Classes will be taught in Chinese and English, and much emphasis will be put on general education and college education. In the beginning, CUHK (SZ) will launch programmes in science, engineering, economics, management and humanities, including innovative and inter-disciplinary subjects. The Senate of CUHK will be responsible for the approval and monitoring of programmes offered by CUHK (SZ). 沈祖堯校長(左)在典禮上致辭 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (left) delivers a speech at the ceremony 寰宇暑期實習人數躍升七成 Global Internship Sees 70% Surge 在2012年暑假,五百多名學生參加了由學生事務處舉辦的寰宇 暑期實習計劃,人數比去年上升七成多,足跡遍布二十二個國家 和內地二十一個城市。計劃自1997年開始提供多元化的實習經 驗及文化交流機會,至今惠及超過三千二百名學生。 In the summer of 2012, over 500 CUHK students joined the University’s Global Internship Programme (GIP) in 22 countries and 21 cities in mainland China. The number of participants was 70% more than the previous year. Organized by the Office of Student Affairs, GIP has been developed to provide students with a diversity of internship and cultural exchange opportunities since 1997. Now, more than 3,200 students have benefitted from it. 學生事務處處長梁汝照先生(後排中)和完成實習的學生(前排) Mr. Raymond Leung, Director of Student Affairs (back row, centre), meets with GIP students (front row) 從創新到市場研討會 From Innovation to Market 知識轉移處在10月舉辦了「專業培訓基金經驗分享系列—從 創新到市場︰產業化機遇與策略」研討會,邀請生物醫學學院 溫志昌教授( 右一 )、賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院徐仲 鍈 教 授、香港生物科技研究院有限公司楊樹英博士,以及消化疾病研 究所吳宗華博士出席。他們在會上分享於本年6月到波士頓參加 2012年國際生物科技展所得的啟發,以及知名製藥公司在產業 化路途上遇到的種種困難。 Organized by the Knowledge Transfer Office, a sharing session titled ‘Professional Enhancement Fund Sharing Seminar: From Innovation to the Market: Commercialization Opportunities and Strategies’ was held in October. Four CUHK biotechnologists were invited to share their experience after participating in the BIO 2012 International Convention and Biotechnology Study Mission in Boston. Prof. David Wan ( 1st right ) of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Prof. Benny Zee of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Dr. Ken Yeung of the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology, and Dr. Wilson Wu of the Institute of Digestive Disease shared their insights from the Boston trip, and discussed biotech research and development strategies of world renowned pharmaceutical companies. 體外反搏法醫治中風 External Counterpulsation Facilitates Stroke Recovery 中大何善衡心腦血管病中心的研究證實,體外 反搏法有助缺血性中風患者提升血壓及增強心 臟功能,改善腦血流供應,提升病人康復速度。 體外反搏法是無創治療,以氣囊捆綁在病人大 小腿和臀部,心臟舒張時氣囊充氣,對肢體加 壓,令遠端靜脈有序回流,提高主動脈舒張壓; 心臟收縮時氣囊排氣,讓下肢減壓減輕心臟負 荷,驅使血液流向冠狀動脈、腦動脈和腎動脈等 內臟器官,從而增強心臟功能。該研究由黃家星 教授和梁慧康教授領導,結果已刊載於9月出版 的美國權威科研雜誌 Stroke 。 The S.H. Ho Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Centre of CUHK pioneers in proving that external counterpulsation (ECP) can help to elevate blood pressure, enhance cardiac output and augment cerebral blood flow, thereby speeding up the recovery of stroke patients. ECP is a non-invasive treatment with six air cuffs wrapped around the patient’s hip, thighs and calves. While the heart is relaxing, the cuffs inflate to compress the blood vessels in the lower limbs and aorta so as to increase blood flow to the heart. When the heart pumps again, the cuffs deflate and pressure is released instantaneously which enables blood flow into the coronary arteries and vital organs like brain and kidneys, as well as improving the heart function. The results of study led by Prof. Lawrence Wong and Prof. Thomas Leung have been published in the September issue of the American journal Stroke .
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