Newsletter No. 406
No. 406, 4.11.2012 11 完美快食—意大利薄餅 Friendly Food from Campus Pizzeria Name 姓名 Post 職位 Effective Date 生效日期 Resignations 辭職 Dr. Marivel Samipillai Research Assistant, Dept of Chemistry 化學系研究助理 17.8.2012 Miss Sin Ka Ying 冼家瑩 Research Assistant, The Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院研究助理 3.10.2012 Miss Au Lok Yi 區樂怡 Project Assistant II, The Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院二級計劃助理 6.10.2012 Mr. Lee Wai Kin 李偉健 Research Assistant, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 學能提升研究中心研究助理 6.10.2012 Ms. Ng Kwan Yee, Sarah 伍筠儀 Assistant Lecturer, Independent Learning Centre, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 學能提升研究中心自學中心副講師 8.10.2012 Miss Tong Wai Mei, Anny 唐慧薇 Lecturer, The Nethersole School of Nursing 那打素護理學院講師 8.10.2012 Miss Chan Ka Wun 陳嘉媛 Project Co-ordinator II, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research 香港教育研究所二級計劃協調員 14.10.2012 Miss Lee Shuk Kwan, Karen 李淑筠 Executive Officer II, Office of Academic Links 學術交流處二級助理主任 16.10.2012 Ms. Ling Ka Kit, Irene 凌嘉傑 General Clerk II, Bursary 財務處二級文員 16.10.2012 Mr. Chan Chun Ho 陳振豪 Assistant Computer Officer, Faculty of Law 法律學院助理電算師 24.10.2012 Miss Lam Kwai To 林桂桃 Project Assistant II, Secretariat 秘書處二級計劃助理 24.10.2012 Mr. Hui Kin Ting 許建庭 Housekeeping Supervisor, Estates Management Office 物業管理處庶務組長 25.10.2012 Miss Kwok Yin Kwan 郭彥均 Project Co-ordinator II, The Chinese University Press 大學出版社二級計劃協調員 25.10.2012 Ms. Au Suk Kuen 區淑娟 Senior Survey Officer, Estates Management Office 物業管理處高級測量員 27.10.2012 Ms. Cheung Hoi Ting 張凱婷 Project Co-ordinator II, Dept of Social Work 社會工作學系二級計劃協調員 27.10.2012 Miss Ho Hau Sin, Winnie 何巧仙 Executive Officer II, Office of Student Affairs 學生事務處二級助理主任 27.10.2012 Name 姓名 Post 職位 Effective Date 生效日期 Mr. Lai Man Kit 賴文傑 Works Supervisor I, Estates Management Office 物業管理處一級監工 28.10.2012 Mr. Wang Feng 王峰 Research Assistant, Dept of Physics 物理系研究助理 30.10.2012 Miss Wong Po Lam 黃寶淋 Project Co-ordinator II, Dept of Social Work 社會工作學系二級計劃協調員 4.11.2012 Mr. Ho Pak Wing 何栢榮 Research Assistant, Dept of Surgery 外科學系研究助理 9.11.2012 Miss Wong Siu Wai, Winnie 王笑慧 Executive Officer I, School of Chinese Medicine 中醫學院一級助理主任 10.11.2012 Miss Zhou Linli 周綝纚 Research Assistant, School of Chinese Medicine 中醫學院研究助理 10.11.2012 Miss Lee Nga Ching 李雅正 Nurse, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 婦產科學系護士 11.11.2012 Ms. Yau Pui Ying, Pauline 邱沛瀅 General Clerk II, S.H. Ho College 善衡書院二級文員 13.11.2012 Miss Hui Ming Yan, Joanne 許銘恩 Executive Officer I, Dept of Surgery 外科學系一級助理主任 14.11.2012 Miss Lau Chui Lan, Doris 劉翠蘭 Project Co-ordinator II, The Nethersole School of Nursing 那打素護理學院二級計劃協調員 14.11.2012 Miss Lam Ka Man 林嘉敏 Research Assistant, Dept of Fine Arts 藝術系研究助理 15.11.2012 Prof. Gregory Cheng 鄭彥銘 Research Fellow (honorary), Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics 內科及藥物治療學系名譽研究員 18.11.2012 Mr. Ho Yee Ip 何以業 Sub-Librarian, University Library System 大學圖書館系統助理館長 23.11.2012 Miss Cheung Pui Yee, Pracy 張佩儀 Lecturer, The Nethersole School of Nursing 那打素護理學院講師 29.11.2012 Retirement 榮休 Dr. Colin Storey University Librarian, University Library System 大學圖書館系統館長 1.12.2012 The information in this section is provided by the Personnel Office. 此欄資料由人事處提供。 名譽職務詳情載於 。 Details of honorary appointments are available at There are now a number of food outlets on campus which serve pizza, and for this innovation we probably have the double cohort of freshmen this year to thank, for the expansion of the eateries and their repertoire. Pizza is a perfect fast food, as it can be eaten with fingers, standing, sitting or walking, and is good both hot and cold. In this issue, the pizzas that came under our radar were from the SCR Takeaway Kiosk located at Clinic Road (opposite SCR Clubhouse). Eating at the Kiosk is done standing and al fresco , which may to some bring back student day memories of getting fed on the cheap at Italian railway stations. But the fare was far daintier than what could have been bought at la stazione . The pizzas came in some varieties, the toppings being tomatoes and corn, smoked salmon and mixed peppers, the perennial Hong Kong favourite pineapple and ham, and the surprisingly pleasant teriyaki chicken topped with bonito shavings. As good pizzas should, they greeted the eater with their bright colours and the strong scent of melted mozzarella, and the first bite into the thin-crust base impressed with a surface crunch, followed by a chewiness that was the result of a well-kneaded dough. It was not exactly Italian, maybe not even genuine americano , but it was decidedly good food, which would invite the eaters to come back for their pasta and other dishes. 最近,校園多了地方供應意大利薄餅,拜 雙班年所賜,中大餐飲選擇愈來愈多了。 意大利薄餅是理想的快餐食品,可以一 手抓起邊走邊吃,也可以坐下用刀叉細意 品嚐,無論冷熱都無損其滋味。今期介紹 的即製薄餅,在保健路的教職員會所美 食外賣亭(教職員會所餐廳對面)有售。 站在亭外露天進食,或會令有些人勾起 學生時代浪遊意大利時在火車站吃快餐 的回憶。但比起意大利原品種,校園的 薄餅精緻得多。外賣薄餅有多種口味,餡 料有蕃茄配粟米、煙三文魚配西椒、香 港人至愛的菠蘿配香腸,以及令人意想 不到的日式照燒雞配鰹魚絲(木魚絲)。好的薄餅,餡料配搭要鮮艷奪目,芝士軟 滑濃香撲鼻,批邊入口甘脆,批底軟硬適 中而且有嚼感—那是麵團揉揑得法之 功。美食外賣亭的薄餅不是那麼意大利風 味,甚至不是正宗的美國風味,但不減其 可口,相信不少人會「再來一客」,並進而 嘗試其他如意大利麵等美食。
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