Newsletter No. 465

465 • 19.10.2015 5 跨科協作促進社區健康 Joining Hands for a Healthier Community 由本校醫科、護理學、生物醫學、中醫學、藥劑學及社會工作學的師生與校友組成的社區健 康及藥物安全外展隊(CU CHAMPION),在過去半年舉辦了多項促進社區健康的活動。 「中大全民防顫日」於5月23及30日在校園舉行,吸引了逾二千一百名市民參與,接受七十 多名學生義工為他們進行基本心電圖檢查,並加深對心房顫動的認識。 「中大長者健康外展服務2015」是本校知識轉移基金支持的項目,旨在提高社區及鄉郊  長者對於藥物安全、健康生活、房顫與防跌的認識。CU CHAMPION於7至9月間,探訪  二十六間位於市區與鄉郊的長者中心,為超過一千五百多名長者進行身體檢查,介紹健康 常識和服藥需知。 CU CHAMPION並與註冊藥劑師團隊於本年10月至明年3月間,繼續跟進部分未能妥善處 理藥物、用藥有問題,以及患有房顫的長者,提供藥物安全教育及專科轉介服務。 The CUHK Community Health And Medication-safety Promotion Inter-school Outreach Network (CU CHAMPION), comprising teachers, students and alumni of the Faculty of Medicine; the Nethersole School of Nursing; the Schools of Biomedical Sciences, Chinese Medicine, and Pharmacy; and the Department of Social Work, organized a series of health promotion activities in the past six months. Held on 23 and 30 May, the CUHK Atrial Fibrillation Screening Day attracted more than 2,100 Hong Kong citizens. They received electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring offered by some 70 CU CHAMPION student volunteers. Supported by CUHK’s Knowledge Transfer Fund, the Summer Community Outreach 2015 aimed at raising awareness of medication safety, healthy life style, atrial fibrillation, and fall prevention among elders in Hong Kong. The CU CHAMPION visited 26 elderly community centres in urban and rural areas and provided health checks, medication safety and health education to some 1,500 elders from July to September. CU CHAMPION student volunteers and registered pharmacists will conduct follow up interviews with some of the elders who were identified having fall risk, problems in administering drugs, and atrial fibrillation from October 2015 to March 2016. 十二學生獲頒香港卓越獎學金 12 Students Awarded HK Scholarship for Excellence 十二名中大生( 見附表 )於首屆「香港卓越獎學金計劃」中脫穎而出, 獲頒獎學金負笈海外。 獎學金計劃由特區政府於2015至16學年起設立,暫定三屆,每屆資 助最多一百名本地學生赴海外知名學府修讀本科或深造課程。得獎 人每年可獲頒最高港二十五萬港元,以支付學費。遴選標準除學業成 績外,更着重申請者的領導才能和潛質,以及對香港的承擔和貢獻。 獲獎人須承諾畢業後回港工作最少兩年。 應屆醫科畢業生陳寶玲( 圖 )兼獲「香港卓越獎學金計劃」及「李黃佩瑜紀念獎學金」,將 於本學年負笈倫敦帝國學院修讀醫療機械人與圖像引導介入研究碩士課程。 陳寶玲表示,能把在中大所學的醫學知識與機械工程的興趣結合及加以應用,是難能可 貴的機會,她深感興奮,並計劃完成課程後在本港公營醫療界別服務之餘,亦參與大學的  研究,努力成為一位稱職的醫生。 Twelve CUHK students ( see table ) have been selected as the first cohort of awardees of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence (HKSES) to pursue studies abroad. Offered by the HKSAR Government for three years from 2015–16, HKSES will provide financial support to up to 100 outstanding local students per year to study undergraduate or postgraduate programmes at top-notch universities outside Hong Kong. Each awardee will be awarded up to HK$250,000 per annum to cover the tuition fees. Apart from academic achievements, selection of HKSES put a special emphasis on the leadership qualities and potential of the candidates as well as their commitment and contribution to Hong Kong. Awardees need to undertake to return to Hong Kong upon graduation to work for at least two years. Miss Chan Po-ling Catherine ( photo ), an MB ChB fresh graduate, has been awarded HKSES and and Diana LEE WONG Pui Yue Memorial Scholarship. She will pursue the Master of Research on Medical Robotics and Image Guided Intervention at Imperial College London in 2015–16. Catherine is fascinated and excited as the programme incorporates and integrates the medical knowledge she has acquired at CUHK into her interest in robots. Upon completion of the programme, Catherine is planning to return to Hong Kong for working in the public medical sector and taking part in university research striving to become a responsible doctor. 姓名  Name 主修課程  Programme 海外院校  Overseas Institution 於校外院校修讀課程  Study Programme at Overseas Institution 陳寶玲  Chan Po-ling Catherine 醫學  Medicine 倫敦帝國學院  Imperial College London 醫療機械人與圖像引導介入研究碩士  Master of Research on Medical Robotics and Image Guided Intervention 陳榮熙  Chan Wing-hei 英文  English 聖安德魯斯大學  University of  St. Andrews 現代及當代文學與文化碩士  Master of Letters in Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture 左啟希  Chor Kai-hei 音樂  Music 市政廳音樂及戲劇學院  Guildhall School of Music and Drama 市政廳表演藝術家碩士  Guildhall Artist Masters — Performance 鍾曉睿  Chung Hiu-yui 英國語文研究及英國語文教育  English Studies and English Language Education 劍橋大學  University of Cambridge 教育哲學博士  PhD in Education 方晧晴  Fong Ho-ching 醫學  Medicine 耶魯大學  Yale University 文或理學士  Bachelor of Arts or Science 梁樂恒  Leung Lok-hang 政治與行政學  Government and Public Administration 倫敦國王學院  King ' s College London 地緣政治、領土與治安文碩士  Master of Arts in Geopolitics, Territory and Security 吳熲怡  Ng Felicity  Wing Yee 法學、法學專業證書  Laws and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws 劍橋大學  University of Cambridge 法學碩士  Master of Law 吳加悅  Ng Ka-yuet 法學、法學專業證書  Laws and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws 牛津大學  University of Oxford 民事法學士  Bachelor of Civil Law 吳婺然  Ng Mo-yin 翻譯  Translation 曼徹斯特大學  University of Manchester 翻譯及傳譯研究文碩士  Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting Studies 徐美玲  Tsui Mei-ling Meilina 音樂  Music 倫敦國王學院  King ' s College London 音樂碩士(創作)  Master of Music (Composition) 黃愷弘  Wong Hoi-wan Hugo 音樂  Music 安格里亞魯斯金大學  Anglia Ruskin University 音樂治療碩士  Master of Music Therapy 黃啟庭  Wong Kai-ting 法學博士、法學專業證書  Juris Doctor and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws 倫敦政治經濟學院  London School of Economics and Political Science 法學碩士  Master of Laws One ELED暨校友聯誼 One ELED cum Homecoming 文學士(英國語文研究)及教育學士(英國語文教育) 同期結業雙學位課程於 9 月12 日假何添樓舉行 One ELED暨校友聯誼活動,逾一百二十位學生、畢業生、實 習啟導計劃導師及學業指導老師出席。 One ELED旨在鼓勵專業交流和經驗分享、促進英語教 學專業人員相互支持、介紹課程最新動向,以及維繫與 學生和校友的關係。今年以電子學習為主題,邀請教育 局總課程發展主任(英文)臧張慧敏女士( 圖 ),以及鐘聲學校英文科主任洪立緯先生分別 主講本港英語課程的電子學習和電子學習與教學活動的經驗。 On 12 September, the BA (English Studies) and BEd (English Language Education) Co- terminal Double Degree (ELED) Programme organized the One ELED cum homecoming at Ho Tim Building. The event was attended by over 120 students, graduates, Community of Practice mentors and Level I advisers. One ELED aims to encourage professional exchanges and experience sharing, promote mutual support among English teaching professionals, provide updates of the ELED Programme, and uphold commitment among ELED students and alumni. This year, the theme of the One ELED was e-learning in education. Mrs. Rosana Chong ( photo ), chief curriculum development officer (English) of Education Bureau; and Mr. Bear Hong, English panel chair of Chung Sing School; were invited to talk on the e-learning in the Hong Kong English language curriculum, and his experiences on e-learning and teaching activities, respectively.