Newsletter No. 465
4 465 • 19.10.2015 校園消息 Campus News 中大教研卓越獲教資會稱許 CUHK’s Teaching and Research Commended in QAC Audit 大學教育資助委員會轄下的質素保證局(質保局)在9月18日發布第二輪中大《質素核證報告》, 讚揚中大的活動參照國際基準,教學和研究成績卓越,聯繫遍及全球,並建立質素保證架構,有效 地運用國家和國際基準及質素提升程序,體現了中大對卓越水平的追求。此外,又通過設立博群計 劃,促進學生全人發展。《香港中文大學質素核證報告》全文已上載至( cuhkwebsite/documents/chinese/teaching/qac-cuhk-report-2015.pdf )。 沈祖堯校長表示,報告再次肯定中大提升教與學水平的策略及努力,實在令人鼓舞。大學續會提升其 教學水平,並參照質保局的建議,定出重點範疇及措施,當中包括檢討評核政策、促進電子教學、加強 自資修課式研究院課程的質素保證架構,以及加強協調大學部門之間質素提升的工作。 The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee released its second Report of a Quality Audit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 18 September. The report commended that ‘the University benchmarks its activities internationally and is justly proud of its achievements in teaching, research and international outreach’. CUHK is also commended for the establishment of quality assurance frameworks underpinned by effective use of national and international benchmarking and quality enhancement processes that are relevant to its aspirations to meet standards of excellence, as well as its adoption of a successful formalized approach to whole- person development through the I • CARE Programme. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, is glad to receive the encouraging report which reaffirms the University’s strategies and efforts for continuous enhancement of quality teaching and learning. In keeping its momentum for continuous improvement in teaching and learning quality, CUHK has identified priority areas and initiatives which are consistent with the suggestions of the QAC. These include review of the assessment policy, pedagogical advancement of e-learning, strengthening of the quality assurance framework for self-financed taught postgraduate programmes and better alignment of quality enhancement work across different levels of the University. For the full version of the Report of a Quality Audit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong , please visit . 香港在國家發展戰略中的角色 Hong Kong’s Role in China’s Development 中秋籌款園遊會 Mid-Autumn Festival Fundraising Garden Party 大學於9月23日假校長府邸漢園舉行校友中秋籌款園遊會,過百校友聚首一堂, 共度佳節。 沈祖堯校長在歡迎辭中,感謝校友熱心支持母校發展,又向校友介紹 I ‧ CARE 博群計劃的宗旨及活動,並呼籲各位繼續支持計劃發展,推動學生全人教育。 園遊會由校友方健儀女士擔任司儀,精彩節目有中大職員協會古箏合奏團表演、 傳統民間工藝攤位、猜燈謎、中大愛心月餅及紀念品義賣,沈校長更與校友一起 製作應節食品。活動所籌款項將用作支持 I ‧ CARE博群計劃發展,培育學生的 公民責任感,鼓勵他們對社會多作貢獻。 Participated by over 100 alumni, the Alumni Mid-Autumn Festival Fundraising Garden Party was held on 23 September at the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge. In his welcoming address, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, expressed his gratitude to the alumni for their enthusiastic support towards their alma mater. Professor Sung also introduced the I • CARE Programme and encouraged our alumni to render continued support to the programme which aims to develop all-rounded students. Ms. Akina Fong, an alumna, was the master of ceremony of the event. Programmes of the party included a music performance by the Gu Zheng Team of the CUHK Staff Association, traditional folk arts booths, lantern riddles, charity sales of CUHK Mooncake and souvenirs. Professor Sung joined hands with the alumni to prepare festive food. All donations solicited through the event will be used to support the I • CARE Programme. 香港亞太研究所聯同全國港澳研究會、北京大學港澳研究中心及一國兩制研究中心, 於9月20日假港麗酒店舉辦「香港在國家發展戰略中的地位和作用」論壇,亦為中大全球 中國研究計劃接踵而來的連串研究與開拓活動揭開序幕。論壇邀請特區行政長官梁振英及 全國港澳研究會會長陳佐洱致開幕辭,闡述香港如何運用一國兩制的特殊地位和優勢,創 造更好未來。 論壇的第一節討論由副校長兼香港亞太研究所所長張妙清教授主持,資深大律師、校董 梁定邦博士闡述香港可為國家提供的法律資源,社會學系榮休講座教授劉兆佳則暢談香港 如何為國家提供現代化治理經驗。 Co-organized by CUHK’s Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS), the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies (CAHKMS), the Hong Kong and Macau Studies Centre of Peking University, and the One Country Two Systems Research Institute, the forum on exploring Hong Kong’s role in China’s national development strategy was held at Conrad Hotel on 20 September. Mr. Leung Chun-ying, the Chief Executive of HKSAR; and Mr. Chen Zuo’er, chairman of CAHKMS, delivered opening speeches to explain how Hong Kong could utilize its special position and advantages under One Country, Two Systems. The forum was a kick-off for a series of research endeavours to be undertaken by the University’s Global China Research Programme. At the first discussion session, Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor and co-director of HKIAPS, was the moderator. Dr. Anthony Neoh, SC, CUHK Council member, shared his expertise on how Hong Kong could provide legal resources for mainland China. Prof. Lau Siu-kai, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Sociology, discussed how Hong Kong could share modern administrative experience to the mainland.
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