Newsletter No. 493
07 # 4 9 3 | 0 4 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 7 中 大 品 牌 誌 / A natomy of a B rand 新傳的紅與黑 SJC: Le Rouge et Le Noir 為迎接2015年的「五十大壽」,新聞與傳播學院早於2013年推出全新品牌形象及標誌,藉 此凝聚師生校友對學院的歸屬感,加深外界對新傳學院的印象。 「許多傳播學院會以先進的新媒體器材作為院校特色,但我們認為位於新亞人文館的新傳 學院,其核心價值應該以人為本。」新傳學院院長馮應謙教授說。 確立學院的定位後,設計師巧妙地將「新傳」二字合併,以亮眼的紅色,突顯中間代表「人」 的字符,點出學院致力培養傳播人才、關懷人文精神的辦學理念。 除了「人」的元素,左方的「新」字也有「求新」、「創新」的意味,加上右方的「專」字,整體 設計就與學院「承傳專業,銳意創新」的口號相呼應。 標誌運用了對比鮮明的紅與黑,令「新傳」二字即使合併後,在淺灰或純白的底色上仍保持 清晰顯眼,簡約設計予人專業俐落的視覺形象,與新傳扎實認真的學風及其舉足輕重的專 業地位相符。 學院的中英文名稱上下排列,字型大小相若,中文字採宋體,筆畫橫細豎粗;英文用的 Didot字體,也以其粗幼不同的筆畫設計見稱。精心的字體配搭令整體視覺效果顯得自然, 而兩者皆為襯線字(筆畫起訖處有微小的裝飾突角),更能呈現學院典雅的風格。 新傳的網頁設計貫徹學院標誌專業簡約的視覺效果,大幅度沿用學院品牌字體及色調,並 大膽使用標誌內出現的紅色,刻意突顯「人」的元素─網站除了介紹新傳人的各類出版與 活動外,更邀請專業攝影師為每位老師拍攝輕鬆知性的造型照,打破傳統學者嚴肅拘謹的 形象,體現新傳人善於運用不同媒體表達自我、與人溝通的優勢,以及學院恪守專業,不忘 創新的精神。 In celebration of the School of Journalism and Communication’s 50th anniversary in 2015, a new school logo and brand identity had been developed and launched in 2013 to foster a greater sense of belonging among its members as well as to enhance brand recognition and awareness. ‘While many similar schools may tend to highlight their advanced media technology, our School, which is located in the Humanities Building of New Asia College, considered our humanistic orientation as one of our most distinctive features,’ remarked Prof. Anthony Fung, Director of the School. The designer then came up with the idea to combine the two characters in the School’s abbreviated Chinese name—‘ xin ’ ( 新 , journalism) and ‘ chuan ’ ( 傳 , communication)—to create a logo. The Chinese character ‘ ren ’ ( 亻 , people) appears in the intersection of the two characters, coloured in red to highlight the School’s emphasis on humanism and its mission to educate communicators with a strong commitment to professional ethics and social responsibility. The left character, ‘ xin ’ ( 新) , can also mean ‘novel’ or ‘innovative’. The right character, ‘ chuan ’ ( 傳) , can mean ‘inheritance’. Taking away the ‘ ren ’ ( 亻) part, the right character becomes ‘ zhuan ’ ( 專) , meaning ‘specialized’ or ‘professional’. The designer has thus created a logo in which the components of the characters resonate with the School’s tagline—‘to inherit, to innovate, to inspire’. The Red and the Black have both combined and distinguished the two characters in the logo, dictating the eyeball and emphasizing in turn the two core academic components of the School. The visual identity is as strong and professional as the School’s curriculum and reputation. In the rest of the mark, the full name of the School is given in Chinese and English typefaces which were carefully selected by the brand designer to achieve visual harmony. Both are in high contrast in the strokes. These serif typefaces look classic, elegant and professional, which are appropriate for an institution with a well-established academic legacy. The brand typography and colours of the logo have been adopted into the School’s website. The official site is not merely a platform to deliver information but serves as an integral part of the School’s brand identity. A webpage entitled ‘People’ is dedicated to presenting the unique personality and style of each faculty member through a series of professionally taken images. The design re-affirms the importance of human elements in education and also demonstrates the never-ceasing passion of its members to stay creative as they communicate their brand identity across a variety of media platforms. 如 琢 如 磨 / D raft C raft 中文信函淺談 上一期我們談過用文言文寫公函,現在應該說說用語體文寫信常碰到的事情。用語體文撰 寫信件,比文言文容易,而且格式簡單,詞語出於現代生活,讀來或覺較為親切。不過,也有 些地方值得我們留意。限於篇幅,今天只談語體文信函正文的開端。 近年公函常以「您好」作問候語;朋友、同事見面打招呼,也常說「您好」或「你好」。這個詞 盛行於內地,港澳台的公私營機構現在也都常見使用。「您好」的出處,恐怕無從稽考,估 計是「您好嗎」的變體或縮寫,就像「我的公司」縮略成「我司」。 可是,省略了「嗎」字,「您好」聽上去不像通候語,反倒更像「你看來很不錯」這類客套說 話。朋友碰面,若對方神氣清爽,對他說「你看來很不錯」還可以,但假如對方健康欠佳,或 工作不順利,「你看來很不錯」就有點幸災樂禍味道。魚雁往還,還是以親切問候打開話匣 子比較好。 一般公函有別於私人信札,不一定須要噓寒問暖。但生意或業務上常有往來者,見對方碰 上喜慶或失意事,理應致賀或慰問,才合人情世故,因此,寫給合作夥伴的信,不須篇篇官 樣文章。我們節日或可送禮給合作密切者,但也不要忽略書信往來。言詞雅潔、恰當的信 函,或慰問,或致賀,能使收信人捧誦再三。 「您好」以外,「本人」、「本公司」、「本部門」等,也是公文開端常見的用字。發信人以「本 人」自稱,如果收信人為業務夥伴,同事或同僚,似有自矜自大之意,不利合作。一般語體 文書信,以你我相稱,當無不可,但通篇你我,難免予人累贅的感覺。請看以下一例: [例一] 李處長: 本人曾於八月二日代表青少年就業促進會發信,邀請您的學校參加 本會的2016年青年就業論壇。我們很榮幸得您應允出席論壇並發表演 講。我們正在編纂論壇特刊,敬請您於九月二十日前擲下不超過二百字 的演講概要,謝謝。順祝 台安 青少年就業促進會總幹事 王志華敬上 二零一六年八月二十日 現改寫上述信件如下: [例二] 李處長: 本會八月二日發信邀請貴校參加2016年青年就業論壇,蒙您應允出 席及演講,不勝榮幸。本會正編纂論壇特刊,敬請九月二十日前擲下二百 字為限之演講概要,謝謝。順祝 台安 青少年就業促進會總幹事 王志華敬上 二零一六年八月二十日 例二省略了「我們」、「您的」,仍不損例一原意。現代中文書信,「貴校」、「貴公司」、「貴 部門」等稱謂,不必自動改成「您的XX」。有些文言書信常用詞語,好像「不勝榮幸」、「煩 請」、「敬請」、「垂詢」,淺白精簡,與語體文不相扞格,沿用並無不可。
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