Newsletter No. 411
6 No. 411, 19.1.2013 地球保源行動啟動 Launch of Gaia—a CUHK-Jockey Club Initiative 中大獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慨捐五千四百萬港元,於1月3日啟動中大賽馬會地球保源行動。計劃為期五年,旨在 透過開設氣候變化博物館、舉辦公眾教育活動,以及與學校和非政府機構等結成「減碳夥伴」,推動社區環境保育及 可持續發展工作。同日舉辦的「中國環境保護四十年學術論壇」,即邀請了多位國際專家分享他們在環境政策與管理、 環境污染與防治、生態健康與城市環境等範疇的知識和經驗。 CUHK received a generous donation of $54 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to launch the CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia on 3 January. As a five-year community engagement programme, Gaia aims at promoting environmental conservation and sustainability in local communities through the establishment of the Museum of Climate Change, public education and carbon reduction partnerships with schools and NGOs. On the same day, Gaia held the ‘Conference on 40 Years of Environmental Protection in China’, at which renowned environmental experts reflected on and shared knowledge, experiences and best practices in various aspects of environmental protection, including environmental policy and management, environmental pollution and control, as well as ecological health and urban environment. 中國工程院院士訪校 CAE Academicians Visit CUHK 「中國工程院院士訪校計劃」邀請四位院士於12月11至14日訪校,了解中大的最新發展和主持「院士講座系列」。 在12月12日的講座中,中國工程院信息與電子工程學部龔惠興院士( 前排左三 )介紹空間紅外天文觀測技術;化工、冶 金與材料工程學部薛群基院士( 前排右三 )講述摩擦學薄膜的應用;土木水利與建築工程學部崔俊芝院士( 前排左一 ) 分享支撐土木工程全壽命期的相關學術成果;醫藥衞生學部俞夢孫院士( 前排右一 )則論及生物醫學工程的發展。講座 吸引逾二百名中大及其他院校的教員、研究人員和學生參加。 A delegation of four academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) visited CUHK under the CAE Academicians Visit Programme from 11 to 14 December to learn about the University’s latest research developments. In the ‘Lecture Series by Academicians’ held on 12 December, they shared their expertise with over 200 academics, researchers and students from CUHK and other institutions. Prof. Gong Huixing ( 3rd left, front row ) from the Division of Information and Electronic Engineering talked about the development of infrared astronomy technology; Prof. Xue Qunji ( 3rd right, front row ) from the Division of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering presented his work on ‘Architecture of Hard yet Tough Tribology Films/Coatings’; Prof. Cui Junzhi ( 1st left, front row ) from the Division of Civil, Hydraulic and Architecture Engineering shared his research results on chemical, metallurgical and materials engineering; and Prof. Yu Mengsun ( 1st right, front row ) from the Division of Medical and Health delivered a lecture on biomedical engineering. 李紹鴻教授獲醫療領導獎 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung Awarded for Healthcare Leadership 李紹鴻教授(左)從食物及衞生局局長高永文醫生手上接過獎狀 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung (left) receiving the award from Dr. Ko Wing- man, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR 社區醫學榮休講座教授李紹鴻教授獲醫療政策研究學 院首屆醫療領導獎,表揚他對本地衞生服務和發展的貢 獻。頒獎禮於11月22日舉行,會上李教授分享他過去在 香港醫療界服務的難忘經歷。 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine, CUHK, was bestowed the first Healthcare Leadership Award by the Institute for Health Policy and Systems Research in recognition of his outstanding contributions to advancing Hong Kong’s health services delivery and development. Professor Lee shared with the audience his experience in the field of public health in the past 50 years at the award presentation ceremony on 22 November. 預防及處理性騷擾講座 Talk on Preventing and Managing Sexual Harassment 防止性騷擾委員會於12月5日舉行「管理層在預防及處理 性騷擾的角色」講座,邀請平等機會委員會主席林煥光 先生來校,就如何建立性騷擾絕跡的校園,以及在學校 環境中推動兩性平等和尊重他人的風氣,與管理層教職 員分享心得。與會者亦把握機會,提出問題並交流意見。 Organized by the Committee Against Sexual Harassment, a talk titled ‘Managerial Role in Preventing and Managing Sexual Harassment’ was held on 5 December. Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, was invited to share with the University’s managerial staff his expertise in promoting and maintaining an environment that is free of sexual harassment and fostering a culture of equality and respect on campus. The participants raised questions and exchanged views with zeal.
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