We offer the following services to support and promote digital scholarship research:
- Digital Scholarship Research Projects Support
- Digital Scholarship Lab
- Software & Tools
- Training Workshops & Seminars
- Consultation on Digital Scholarship Research
- Data Services
- Promotion Events
- Learning Resources
Digital Scholarship Research Projects Support
We aim at partnering with Faculty and researchers to support digital scholarship research projects on campus. Our support covers the entire research life cycle.
- Sourcing of Research Data and Information - We assist you to locate and retrieve the appropriate primary and secondary research data and materials for your research projects. We can help with the creation of digital content if needed. You are welcome to schedule a meeting with us.
- Consultation - Are you about to embark on a project and would like to explore the potential of digital scholarship methodologies? Or you are already in the midst of your research and would like to look for some experts to talk through your project ideas or your research data? We offer consultation with the following:
- digital scholarship tools and methods
- application of specific software
- data visualisation
- copyright advice on the use of research data and information
- metadata creation
- Project Planning and Management - Assist to draw up a project plan, monitor its progress, provides regular updates and manage the project until it is delivered
- Technology Support - Includes creation of web site and development of platform for the deliverables of the project and long-term maintenance of your project
Any Faculty or Department that is interested to collaborate with us is welcome to contact us at dslab@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.
As the space for experimenting digital scholarship research, for cultivating potential research projects, and for fostering collaboration across different disciplines, the Lab further extends the reach of our services to faculty and researchers. Located on the G/F of the University Library, the Lab brings together advanced equipment, specialist software, collaborative space and expertise to enable researchers to engage in their research and to conduct different research-related events and activities. Please visit this web page of the Lab for more details.
All Faculty, researchers and postgraduates are welcome to make request for a short briefing of the Lab facilities, and reserve the Lab for any research-related activity.
Different special digital scholarship software & tools for mapping and geospatial analysis, text mining, data mining, data visualisation, statistical analysis, and decision analysis are provided. We also welcome suggestions for other software & tools that may help your research. Please contact us at dslab@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.
Different workshops and seminars on a variety of topics in digital scholarship research tools and methodology are offered regularly in every academic term and on request to assist researchers to acquire new knowledge and skills; and small group hands-on demonstrations are also arranged. These topics include use of GIS, use of Omeka in showcasing digital collections, analyzing texts using Voyant Tools, and data visualisation. We also partner with aademics to conduct seminars on their research. We can also teach these classes at your department or unit upon request.
Please check out the workshop schedule or send your request to dslab@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.
Consultation on Digital Scholarship Research
Our staff provides advice and handle enquiries on how to conduct digital scholarship research, data analysis, use of digital scholarship software, and also assist to connect different researchers, expertise, and any other support for your research. A small consultation room is available at the Lab. You are welcome to contact us at dslab@lib.cuhk.edu.hk or send us the details by filling in the Research Consultation Form.
Do you find it hard to manage multitude of research data? We can assist you to use different data analysis tools, perform different types of data analysis, visualise the data or even to clean up the data if necessary.
Events and activities such as public talks, seminars and conferences will be organized from time to time to promote skills and share experience on digital scholarship research.
- Digital Scholarship Symposium - An anniversary event of the Digital Scholarship Lab to explore the potential of future development of digital scholarship research within CUHK and beyond, and the roles of the Library in supporting digital scholarship research. The theme in 2017 was "Exploring Digital Scholarship Research at CUHK and Beyond" which was held on 31 March 2017 (Friday) and over 60 participants have joined with the following speakers sharing their digital scholarship research:
- Prof. HUANG Bo from Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK: GIS and Big Data for Urban Applications [Abstract]
- Prof. LAI Chi-Tim from Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK: Guangzhou Daoist and Popular Temples Studies and the Development of Daoist Digital Museum [Abstract]
- Ms. Kitty Siu from Library, CUHK: A Collaborative Project in Opening Research Data: Archaeological Sites Mapping in China with GIS [Abstract]
- Dr. TSUI Lik-hang from China Biographical Database Project (CBDB), Harvard University: A Cyberinfrastructure for Studying Chinese History: A Proposal Based on the Experience of the China Biographical Database Project [Abstract] [Presentation]
- Prof. Angela WU from School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK: Re-presenting Web Use as Networks [Abstract]
- Prof. Michelle YE from Department of Translation, CUHK: The Social Network of an Early Republican Literary Magazine: a Visualization with Gephi [Abstract]
Read the blog post of the symposium and photos can be found here.
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