Laptop Loans


Current Chinese University of Hong Kong students, staff and faculty only.


Laptop Loans Service is available at the Learning Garden of University Library, Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library and United College Wu Chung Library.

Loan Rules

  • Laptops must be returned to the counter 30 minutes before the Library closes.
  • Laptops can be checked out for a 4-hour period, but not overnight.
  • Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • There are no renewals or holds.
  • Laptops must remain in use in the Library building at all times.
  • Borrowers are responsible for the loss, theft or damage of the laptops.
  • NEVER leave the laptop unattended.

Fines, Damage and Replacement Charges

The fine for an overdue laptop is $10.00/hour.

The replacement fee for the damaged or destroyed component parts will be the actual cost incurred, plus any processing or administrative fees.   Fees for lost or stolen laptops will be the actual replacement cost incurred, plus any processing or administrative fees.

Laptop Checklist Form

Users must sign a laptop checklist form acknowledging receipt of and responsibility for the equipment each time they check out a laptop.

Additional Guidelines

The laptops are equipped with a "reborn card" which will erase all data, documents or programs after re-booting.  All data, documents or programs saved to a laptop will be erased upon its return and can't be recovered.  Users have to save all their work to their own flash disk and the Library will not be responsible for any loss of data.