Newsletter No. 440
6 No. 440, 19.6.2014 六百卡路里餐單 The 600-Calorie Menu 人體的每日活動和身體基本運作如血液循環、呼吸等,均需要消 耗熱量;攝取過多會轉化為脂肪,少於所需又會降低新陳代謝、 容易疲勞。一般成年人平均每日需要一千八百卡路里的熱量,即 每餐約要攝取六百卡路里。計算每餐的熱量漸成不少人的關注, 而在晨興書院餐廳,自有人代勞。 該餐廳今年3月推出的 ‘ whole+sum ’ 餐單,每份餐能量以六百卡 路里為限,當中二百五十卡路里來自蛋白質,一百五十卡路里來自 穀類,一百卡路里來自蔬菜,另一百卡路里來自水果,切合需要之 餘,也有不同食物種類的營養。餐單有多款菜式,兼顧健康與口 味,例如這款香草茄醬配素菜荳蓉雜菜餅,加上脆果仁香料小麥 飯,更有茴香沙律或水果,便是地中海的素食菜式,材料、醃料如 糖鹽油等的份量全經營養師仔細計算,廚師按食譜製作。餐廳負 責人說,現時午膳時間每天有一款 ‘ whole+sum ’ 菜式供應,而今 年9月起每天更會有兩種選擇。注重飲食健康的不妨留意了。 Food is essential for sustaining basic life processes such as blood circulation and respiration. Yet excessive intake will cause obesity while too little will slow down metabolism, causing fatigue. In general, an adult needs 1,800 calories a day, which averages out to 600 calories per meal. At Morningside College, the nutritionist has done the calorie counting for you. The canteen at Morningside College launched the ‘whole+sum’ meals in March which provide all the essential nutrients the body needs at no more than 600 calories per meal. Every meal has a standard nutritional profile of 250 calories of protein, 150 calories of grain, 100 calories of vegetables and 100 calories of fruit. A variety of dishes from various cuisines are also available to ensure that there are healthy options to suit all tastes. For example, the Mediterranean one is vegetarian and comprises a garbanzo loaf with marinara sauce, grano wheat pilaf with toasted nuts, plus fennel salad or an apple. The amount of ingredients and seasonings used has been carefully calculated by the nutritionist and the chef is required to stick to the recipe. According to the canteen operator, one ‘whole+sum’ dish is offered at lunch everyday and two options daily will be available starting the coming September. Good news for people who need to pay attention to their diet. 已故中大哲學系榮休教授勞榮瑋(勞思光)教授,一生獲榮譽無數,亦培育了一代又一代 出色學者,為漢語哲學界中深受尊崇的哲學家。 勞教授自1964年受聘於中大崇基學院哲學及宗教學系後,一直在中大任教,至1985年榮 休。1968年,崇基學院院長容啟東博士向中大李卓敏校長推薦 時任講師的勞教授前往哈佛燕京學社進修。容博士在信中稱許 勞教授才思敏捷,廣受學生歡迎;著作甚豐,不論學術專書或 時事評論,皆有卓見。容博士又提到,勞教授未曾出國,如能赴 美一年,對其學術研究必大有裨益。1969年9月,勞教授獲選 前往哈佛擔任訪問學人。 推薦信現於大學展覽廳展出。 The late Prof. Lao Yung-wei (Lao Sze-kwang), Emeritus Professor of the Department of Philosophy, is one of the most important and most respected philosophers of the Chinese- speaking world. His academic achievements have earned him numerous honours. He also contributed to the education of several generations of scholars in Chinese-speaking academia. Professor Lao’s long association with CUHK began in 1964, when he was appointed to the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Chung Chi College. He formally retired from the Philosophy Department in 1985. In 1968, Dr. C.T. Yung, President of Chung Chi College, wrote a letter to Dr. Choh- ming Li, the then Vice-Chancellor, to nominate Professor Lao for the Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholars Programme. In the letter, Dr. Yung praised Professor Lao as a ‘capable teacher’, who has a ‘clear mind and expresses himself well’, and that his lectures are ‘among the most popular with students’. Besides, Professor Lao had written a lot of books and articles in local journals. In the letter, Dr. Yung also mentioned that Professor Lao had never been abroad and that the trip to Harvard could ‘broaden his understanding in philosophical problems’. In September 1969, Professor Lao went to Harvard-Yenching Institute as a visiting scholar. The recommendation letter is now on display at the University Gallery.
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