Newsletter No. 438
7 International Academic Park as ‘Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre’. Officiated by Mr. Lau Chor-tak ( left ) and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( right ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, the naming ceremony was held on 23 April. The lecture theatre is the largest one on campus with a floor area of 759 m 2 with a seating capacity of 582, and equipped with comprehensive audio-visual facilities and wifi network connectivity for teaching and learning. Last year, Mr. Lau Chor-tak made generous donations to establish the ‘Lau Chor Tak Distinguished Lecture on Global Economics and Finance’ at the Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF) of CUHK. The lecture series aims at further promoting scholarly exchange on global economics and finance. Prominent scholars and experts will be invited to deliver lectures on the latest developments in the global and Chinese economies 和聲首屆國際文化之夜 Lee Woo Sing First Cultural Night 和聲書院在4月2日舉辦首屆國際文化之夜。來自二十三個國家和地 區的國際學生當晚設立了不同的文化攤位,與中大同人分享他們的 傳統習俗、美食和飲品。當晚節目有國際學生及本地生的音樂和舞 蹈表演,包括印尼傳統樂器angklung、夏威夷四弦琴、結他、鋼琴 合奏、印度Bhangha舞蹈,韓國民歌合唱及國際流行曲演唱。 國際文化之夜吸引了超過二百五十名來自世界各地的中大人參與, 包括奧地利、智利、中國、哥倫比亞、捷克共和國、法國、德國、 印度、印尼、意大利、日本、墨西哥、波多黎各、韓國、西班牙、瑞 典、瑞士、台灣、荷蘭、英國、美國及香港。 Lee Woo Sing College held the first International Cultural Night on 2 April. International students from 23 countries and regions set up cultural booths for this event to share their traditional customs, cuisines and beverages with other members of CUHK. The event was highlighted with non-stop musical and dance performances given by students from different cultures. These included music jamming, featuring Indonesian angklung, Hawaiian ukulele, acoustic guitar and piano, Indian Bhangha dance, Korean folk song medley and various international hits. The event attracted more than 250 participants from around the world, including Austria, Chile, mainland China, Colombia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US, and Hong Kong. 機械與自動化工程學系學生丁善衡( 右五 )、楊志玲( 右三 )、何佳蓉( 右二 )、陳宗豪( 左五 )和張啟鴻 ( 左三 ),在該系高級講師李奕陽博士( 左一 )、技術員梁潤怡、葉俊華( 右一 )和劉家駿( 右四 )的指導下,憑 着創新設計,勇奪於3月22至23日假廣州華南理工大學舉行的第三屆英國機械工程師學會(東北亞區)大中 華設計大賽冠軍。 是次比賽要求參賽者設計及組裝一台物料運輸機,在規定時間內將穀物由起步點上落梯級搬運到指定區卸 載,能於十分鐘內搬運最多穀物者為勝。中大代表隊充分發揮機械工程的優勢,設計出性能卓越並堅固的 運輸機,最終擊敗港大、科大、華南理工等強隊奪魁。 An outstanding team comprising Ting Sin-hang ( 5th right ), Yeung Chi-ling ( 3rd right ), Evelyn Julipalas ( 2nd right ), Chan Chung-ho ( 5th left ) and Cheung Kai-hung ( 3rd left ) from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering and led by Dr. Li Yiyang ( 1st left ) and assessors Leung Yun-yee, Yip Chun-wa ( 1st right ) and Lau Ka-chun ( 4th right ) of the same department, won the championship of the third Greater China Design Competition, held in the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, on 22 and 23 March. Hosted by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (North East Asia Region), the competition required the participants to design and build a material transporter that can carry granular material up and down stairs. The team that could deliver the greatest amount of materials to a container within a 10 minute time limit won the competition. With its innovative and robust design, CUHK defeated other strong opponents including the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and South China University of Technology to become the winner. 工程學生創意獲表揚 Engineering Students Recognized for Creativity 為答謝香港商人及慈善家、劉佐德基金有限公司主席 劉佐德先生對中大的支持,大學將位於康本國際學術園 地下的一號演講廳命名為「劉佐德演講廳」。命名典禮 於4月23日舉行,由劉佐德先生( 左 )及中大校長沈祖堯 教授( 右 )主禮。 演講廳面積七百五十九平方米,座位五百八十二個,是目 前校園內最大的演講廳,配備完善影音器材及無線網 絡,供教學之用。 劉佐德先生去年慷慨捐資予全球經濟及金融研究所,設 立「劉佐德全球經濟與金融講座系列」,每年邀請國際 知名學者及專家到訪中大,主講全球及中國金融新知與 研究,以及公眾關注的課題,促進學術交流。今年,劉佐 德伉儷繼續熱心支持中大,慷慨捐出位於觀塘的商業單 位連泊車位,物業的收益一概撥以支持研究所的發展。 In appreciation of the generous donations made by Mr. Lau Chor-tak, Hong Kong entrepreneur and philanthropist, and chairman of the Lau Chor Tak Foundation Limited, CUHK named the Lecture Theatre 1 on the ground floor of the Yasumoto 劉佐德演講廳命名禮 Naming Ceremony of Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre or related topics of public interest. Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Lau have donated to the University another generous gift-in-kind—a commercial property and a parking space located in Kwun Tong—of which the proceeds will be used to support the development of IGEF. No. 438, 19.5.2014
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