Newsletter No. 438
4 黃桂林博士 Dr. Wong Kwai-lam 著名投資銀行家、殷視顧 問有限公司主席黃桂林博 士,在商業及投資銀行界 擁有逾三十年經驗。黃博 士1972年畢業於中大歷 史系,多年來熱心支持母 校發展。他是新亞書院校 董會副主席及中大私營教學醫院專責小組成員,並慷慨 捐資贊助每年在新亞書院舉辦的表達技巧工作坊及成立 多項獎學金,讓學生參與海外交流。 An eminent investment banker, Dr. Wong is currently the chairman of IncitAdv Consultants Limited. He has over 30 years of experience in the commercial and investment banking industry. Graduating with a degree of Bachelor of Arts from CUHK in 1972, Dr. Wong has given ardent support to his alma mater. He is the vice- chairman of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College and a member of the Taskforce on Private Teaching Hospital. He generously supported the establishment of exchange scholarships. 王冀博士 Dr. Wang Chi 中大前圖書館館長王冀 博士於美國國會圖書館 工作近四十年,出任該館 中文部主任期間,該館的 中文藏書由三十萬冊增加 至一百多萬冊。王博士畢 生為促進中美關係不遺 餘力,他曾協助美國國務院成立美國駐華聯絡處,亦是 美中關係全國委員會創辦人之一,現為美中政策基金會 會長。 Dr. Wang, former University Librarian of CUHK, has been working at the Library of Congress in the US for nearly 40 years. During his time as the Chinese Section Chief, the Chinese collection expanded from 300,000 to over one million volumes. Dr. Wang has devoted significant effort to promoting greater dialogue and understanding between the US and China. He helped the US Department of State to establish a liaison office in Beijing. He is one of the founders of National Committee on US-China Relations and is currently the President of the US-China Policy Foundation. served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College, chairman of the Committee of Overseers of Lee Woo Sing College and a member of the CUHK 50th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee. She has made generous donations in support of the activities of the University and the Colleges, and the establishment of numerous scholarships. 梁鳳儀博士 Dr. Leung Fung-yee Anita 傑出企業家、勤+緣媒體 服務有限公司創辦人梁 鳳儀博士是知名作家,出 版逾一百部小說及散文, 多部作品更被改編成電 影及電視劇。梁博士歷年 來對母校關愛有加,不但出任崇基學院校董、和聲書院 院監會主席及中大五十周年校慶籌備委員會委員等多項 職務,更多次慷慨捐助大學和書院活動,及設立多項獎 學金。 Dr. Leung is the founder of Qin Jia Yuan Media Services Company Limited. She is a renowned and prolific novelist with over 100 publications, several of which were adopted as TV dramas and movies. Dr. Leung has 林榮德先生 Mr. Lam Wing-tak Bill 互太紡織控股有限公 司執行董事兼行政總 裁 林榮 德 先生,畢 業 於 中大工商管理 系, 一直關心母校發展,多 次捐資成立獎 學金, 資助學生到海外交流及實習。自20 0 8年起,林先生 出任新亞書院校董,鼎力支持書院重要發展項目。他 亦積極參與校友事務,協助統籌五十周年校慶校友 活動。 Mr. Lam is the Chief Executive Director and Executive Director of Pacific Textiles Holdings Limited. Graduating with a degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from CUHK, he has been a staunch supporter of his alma mater and a member of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College since 2008. In addition to supporting numerous scholarships, exchange and internship programmes, Mr. Lam has made magnanimous donations of key development projects to the College. He is also an active alumnus who helped organize several 50th anniversary alumni celebratory events. Dr. Koo is an eminent entrepreneur, who founded the multinational business enterprise Novelact Limited. He is also a great Kunqu performer who is also devoted to promoting the art. He has published numerous books and produced DVDs as well as established the Koo Ti Hua Foundation for the Promotion of Kunqu Opera. Dr. Koo supported the Chinese Music Archive of the Department of Music of CUHK to publish a book on traditional Chinese music, and he organized, sponsored and performed in various events promoting Chinese opera. 顧鐵華博士 Dr. Koo Ti-hua 成功企業家,跨國集團聯中 企業有限公司創辦人顧鐵華 博士,是出色崑曲表演家,致 力推廣崑曲的傳承,曾出版 多本刊物及製作聲像資料光 碟,並創立「顧鐵華振興崑曲 基金」。他亦支持中大音樂系中國音樂資料館出版有關戲曲 書籍,並協助籌劃、資助及參演有關戲曲推廣活動。 朱恩餘先生 Mr. Chu En-yue David 著名工業家及慈善家,香港 翔龍有限公司、廣州立康製 衣工業有限公司及蘇州立鏘 服裝有限公司創辦人朱恩餘 先生,致力教育及慈善事業, 透過其父親朱敬文博士創立 的「朱敬文教育基金會」,資助香港及內地貧困的優秀學生 升讀大學。他又捐資支持敬文書院的發展,先後擔任書院的 籌備委員會委員及書院院監會主席。 Mr. Chu, a prominent industrialist and philanthropist, is the founder and Managing Director of Regatex Manufacturers, Guangzhou Likang Garment Co. Ltd. and Suzhou Liqiang Garment Co. Ltd. He has provided financial aid for students from Hong Kong and the mainland to pursue education through the C.W. Chu Foundation founded by his late father Dr. Chu Ching-wen. Mr. Chu has made generous donations to support the development of the C.W. Chu College. He has served as a member of the Planning Committee for the College and is currently chairman of the College’s Committee of Overseers. 陳鎮榮先生 Mr. Chan Chun-wing Terence 服務中大共二十三年的陳鎮 榮先生,於1996年出任中大 總務長(後易名為財務長), 他引入新的管理哲學,將總 務處重組及改名為財務處, 並將其由會計單位改革為具策劃性的大學財務中心,協助總 務處克服政府削減撥款及建立大學儲備等艱巨挑戰。 Mr. Chan served the University for 23 years. He assumed the position of Bursar in 1996 and introduced a new management philosophy to the Bursary. He changed the Chinese name for the Bursary, to one that reflects more appropriately the nature of its work. He also changed the office from an accounting office to a strategic financial hub of the University. Mr. Chan helped the Bursary to overcome several unprecedented challenges including reduction in government funding and he played an important part in building up a healthy financial reserve for the University. CUHK held its Thirteenth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 12 May. Seven distinguished persons closely associated with the University were conferred Honorary Fellowships in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. 香港中文大學於5月12日舉行第十三屆榮譽院士 頒授典禮,頒贈榮譽院士銜予七位與中大淵源深厚 的傑出人士,表揚他們對大學及社會的貢獻。 七社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 Seven Distinguished Persons Conferred Honorary Fellowships No. 438, 19.5.2014
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