Newsletter No. 456

456 • 19.4.2015 5 字裏科技 Tech Talks 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 臉書進駐辦公室 Facebook at Work 今年1月27日,號稱全球有十三億五千萬用戶的臉書突然 「死機」近一小時,影響亞洲、澳洲、歐洲及美國等地用戶 無法登入。用戶迅即在Twitter及其他通訊平台上驚呼怒吼, 有加州用戶更致電警局緊急熱線,查問臉書何時恢復正常! 類似的緊急查詢,或許日後陸續有來,因為臉書於今年初宣 布推出辦公室版──Facebook at Work,讓你名正言順地 在辦公時間瀏覽臉書,可說是欲罷而不能。 臉書工程總監 Lars Rasmussen 說:「我們發現以臉書作內 部聯繫工具,可提升工作效率。」故此,臉書決意推己及人, 把其成功經驗推廣出去。臉書聲稱,過去十年,其逾八千名 員工一直在利用臉書來協作。 Facebook at Work 可根據個別企業而度身設計,不單在桌 面上有專設的圖標,也有流動程式供 iOS 版和 Android 版 的智能裝置使用。僱主可為僱員開設 Facebook at Work 戶 口,員工亦無需事先擁有私人的臉書戶口。 辦公室版的臉書功能就如一般臉書,只是主題顏色由原來的 商標藍色改為白色,讓你的上司在你背後瞟一眼,就輕易知 道即使你上臉書,也是在「工作」中。 除此以外,其他功能和介面如個人檔案、動態消息、活動、 收件匣訊息、群組、相片和影片分享,一應俱全。員工可彼 此聯繫、傳閱消息、籌劃會議和分享文檔。預料 Facebook at Work 最終可取代電郵。 目前 Facebook at Work 仍在限定的企業測試中,預計於 今年稍後才正式推出。臉書強調 Facebook at Work 由企 業的資訊部門管理,屬專有平台,只限員工進入,絕不公開。 不過,仍然有很多懸而未答的疑問,例如臉書是否會蒐集 企業用戶的資料?怎樣收費?會不會如現有臉書般充斥 廣告? 不管怎樣,要是 Facebook at Work 大行其道,意味着黏着 臉書過活的人將會愈來愈多,而且起碼是每天八小時。 On 27 January, Facebook, which claims to have about 1.35 billion active users, suffered widespread outage for about an hour, affecting users in Asia, Australia, Europe and the US. Many of the users took to Twitter to express their outrage. Residents in California even called 911 asking when Facebook would be back! In the near future, police may receive more calls for similar incidents. Facebook announced early this year a whole new portal that officially acknowledges all the work hours you spend on Facebook—Facebook at Work. This means you can never not be on Facebook. Lars Rasmussen , Facebook’s director of engineering, said, ‘We have found that using Facebook as a work tool makes our work day more efficient.’ So they would like to make the same convenience available to the rest of the world. In fact, Facebook itself says its 8,000 staff have been using Facebook internally for the last 10 years. Facebook at Work allows companies to create their own customized version of Facebook. It exists as a separate portal on the desktop, as well as on separate apps for iOS and Android devices. Employers can create separate logins for employees to use with their Work accounts, and users do not actually have to have a personal Facebook at all. Facebook at Work works pretty much like regular Facebook except the colour scheme is different. It is shaded white instead of its trademark blue, making it easy for your boss looking over your shoulder to know that, even though you are on Facebook, you are still ‘working’. Other than that, the same familiar features—profiles, news feed, events hub, messages, groups, photo and video sharing functions—are all in place. Employees can communicate with each other, pass on news, plan meetings and share documents. It is expected that Facebook at Work will eventually replace e-mail. For now, Facebook said it’s making Facebook at Work available to a handful of partners, who will be testing the product ahead of its full-blown launch, tentatively slated for later this year. Facebook claimed that it will be managed by your own corporate IT department and will remain a private, closed ecosystem only accessible to those inside a company. However, there are still lots of questions. For example, would Facebook have access to business data? How will Facebook charge for this? Will there be advertisements like personal Facebook? One thing is for sure: if Facebook at Work becomes popular, it only means that even more people will be glued to Facebook for at least eight hours a day. 上海真味 A Taste of Shanghai 據說,小籠包起源於一百多年前上海的南翔鎮,所以不少餐 廳喜歡為這種包點冠以「南翔」二字,以示正宗。然而百家 爭鳴,各施各法,在香港要吃真正上海做法的小籠包,並非 易事。 和聲書院滬軒李經理說,「招牌小籠包」是客人的必選菜式, 全因餐廳聘請曾為上海菜館工作數十年、深諳傳統手藝的 師傅掌廚,我們才有幸在校園裏品嚐到上海小籠包的滋味。 滬軒的小籠包現做現蒸,皮薄透光而且摺痕分明;肉餡選用 新鮮豬肉和用豬皮熬製的肉皮凍,肉多汁而湯濃淡得宜。 雖然蒸氣騰騰的小籠包引人口水直流,但也要吃得小心翼 翼,不可大口吞下,否則滾燙的湯汁四濺,樂極生悲。品嚐時 宜先輕咬一口包頂「開窗」,使包內熱氣散發,然後吸吮湯 汁,再蘸着薑絲、香醋吃,小籠包的鮮味便可更上層樓。 It is said that steamed soup dumplings ( xiaolongbao ) originated over a hundred years ago in Nanxiang, Shanghai, which is why some restaurants still like to use the name ‘Nanxiang xiaolongbao ’ to refer to the said dumplings. This sends a message to diners that the dumplings are made in the traditional way. Whether they are indeed authentic is debatable and there aren’t many people who can judge, but one thing is certain—it is difficult to find good Shanghainese dumplings in Hong Kong, let alone authentic ones. Luckily for members of our campus, the Harmony at Lee Woo Sing College does a delicious and reasonably authentic version of xiaolongbao . Mr. Li, manager of the savory and delectable. One may be tempted to finish off a steamy xiaolongbao in one bite, but this is not advised as the hot broth inside the parcel must turn your joy to sorrow. A better solution is to first bite off the top knot of the dumpling, allowing it to release the steam, slurp up the soup when it is cooler, and finally, dip the rest of the dumpling in the ginger-vinegar sauce and gobble it up. Harmony, said these ‘steamed fresh pork dumplings’, as they’re described on the menu, is a must-order because the chef who makes them has been working for a traditional Shanghai restaurant for decades. All dumplings are filled, sealed, and cooked to order to guarantee freshness. The dumpling wrapper is smooth, thin, and translucent, and the creases are well pinched. The filling is made with premium pork and pork jelly, which render the broth Photo by ISO staff Photo by ISO staff