Newsletter No. 538

交流社創經驗 Regional Forum on Inclusive Social Innovation 中大尤努斯社會事業中心—賽馬會青年計劃於4月5至7日舉辦了「社會事業區域論壇 2019:包容性社會創新與大學社會責任」,邀請兩岸三地大學的師生和青年團體參加。 為期三天的論壇分為青年工作坊及研討會兩部分。在工作坊,青年團隊學到社會創新的 知識和技巧,例如運用社會行銷促進社會改變、如何以商業模式延續社會影響力等。在 研討會,所有參加者代表其所屬院校或團體,分享與社會包容相關的創新方案,以及實 踐大學社會責任的經驗。 The Yunus Social Business Centre-Jockey Club Youth Programme organized the Social Business Regional Forum 2019: Inclusive Social Innovation and University Social Responsibility on 5–7 April at CUHK. The scholars and students of universities and a youth group from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong were invited to the forum comprising a workshop for the youth and a symposium for all participants. In the workshop, the youth learned more about social innovation and its strategies, e.g., how to use societal marketing to advocate social changes and make the social impacts sustainable using business model. In the symposium, all participants, on behalf of their units, shared innovative solutions for social inclusion and their experience in fulfilling university social responsibility. 年齡友善之影 Snapshot of Age-friendly Campus 賽馬會老年學研究所於2月至3月期間舉辦「帶 我遊.中大」攝影比賽,讓中大學生走遍校園, 發掘大學年齡友善的一面,並以相片呈現。比賽 已經順利完成,就讀藝術文學碩士的黎玉琼憑 一幅 After Lunch奪冠,一條不顯眼的行人斜 道,一位打傘的老人,在細微之處顯出細密心 思。各得獎作品和得獎者的感受可於研究所網 頁瀏覽( ) 。 Jockey Club Institute of Ageing organized ‘Show Me Around! CUHK’ Photo Competition in February and March which provides CUHK students an opportunity to explore the campus and snapshot the age-friendly aspects of the University. The competition was successfully completed. The After Lunch , taken by Lai Yuk-king Lorita, a student of the MA Programme in Fine Arts, won the first prize. A pedestrian ramp and a senior holding an umbrella depict an age-friendly environment. The winning photos and the awardees’ sharing are shown in the Institute’s website ( ) . 續任校董 Reappointed Council Member 李君豪先生續任大學校董,任期三年,由2019年6月1日起生效。 Mr. Vincent M.K.H. Lee has been appointed as a Member of the Council for a further period of three years with effect from 1 June 2019. 奠定手語地位 Promotes Sign and Speech 中大手語及聾人研究中心與英國愛丁堡大學 合作,於4月18日成立亞洲首個「雙語時務」分 會。香港分會將在本港以至亞洲推廣手語口 語雙渠道雙語學習,首個項目是推動學前教育  「雙語樂」計劃,讓本港兒童在早期學習階段 接觸最少兩種語言,其中包括手語,以提升他 們的語言及認知發展。「雙語時務」由歐美二十 五所高等院校組成跨院校網絡,共同推動雙語 學習,以及研究語言學習方法對個人語言及認知發展的影響。 The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies of CUHK and Bilingualism Matters of The University of Edinburgh have set up the first Asia Branch of Bilingualism Matters at CUHK on 18 April. The branch will promote bimodal bilingual education and research in the region. It will first promote the Fun with Sign and Speech, a project encouraging local children to have early exposure to at least two languages, including sign language. This aims to foster child speech and cognitive development. Bilingualism Matters is a network of twenty five higher institutions across Europe and the US, promoting bilingualism education and the study of its effect on speech and cognitive development. 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncement 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 06 # 5 3 8 | 1 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 9 Information in this section  can only be accessed with  CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件 密碼 。