Newsletter No. 531
襄贊教育 A Big Gift to Education 聯合書院於2018年11月29日舉行「蔡繼有教育及慈善信託」與「蔡冠深教 育基金會」支票捐贈儀式,銘謝蔡冠深博士(右二)及蔡關穎琴女士(右一) 慷慨捐贈五千萬港元,支持書院發展。 The CKY Education Charitable Trust and Choi Koon Shum Education Foundation Cheque Presentation Ceremony was held by United College on 29 November 2018 in honour of Dr. Jonathan Choi Koon-shum (2nd right) and Mrs. Janice Choi Kwan Wing-kum (1st right), who made a $50 million donation to support the college development. 我們的波叔 Our Beloved Uncle Por 逸夫書院「芳艷芬藝術傳承計劃」於去年12月10日 舉辦「梁醒波的舞台藝術」公開講座,二百五十名師 生和公眾人士聚首一堂,懷緬一代文武生暨丑生王 其人其藝。講座開首由梁醒波長孫梁智宏先生介紹 梁氏生平,及後粵劇名伶尤聲普先生(右)和阮兆輝 教授(左)於台上暢談與「波叔」相處的軼事點滴、 其唱腔藝術以及伶影雙棲的非凡成就。 The Public Lecture on Leung Sing-por under Shaw College’s The Art of Fong Yim-fun Sustainability Project took place on 10 December last year and drew 250 participants in remembrance of the life and art of the late comedian legend. Opening with an introduction of Leung’s life by his eldest grandson, Mr. Andrew Leung, the lecture had Cantonese opera virtuosos Mr. Yau Sing-po (right) and Prof. Yuen Siu-fai (left) join in and discuss their encounters and impressions of ‘Uncle Por’ (Leung’s nickname), his singing style and phenomenal career straddling the stage, silver and television screens. 永續發展掀新章 A New Chapter in Sustainability 賽馬會氣候變化博物館於2018年12月15日舉辦五周 年慶典暨「聯合國可持續發展解決方案青年網絡」 香港地區分會成立典禮。同場安排參觀館內最新的 「氣候變化歷史廊」,透過嶄新的「擴增實境」科技 了解氣候變化歷史和最新資訊。 The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC) celebrated its fifth anniversary and launched The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth Hong Kong on 15 December 2018. On the occasion, guests were invited to take part in a guided tour of the revamped Climate History Gallery of MoCC, which makes use of augmented reality to illustrate the history and latest developments of climate change. 新法研百草 New Inroads into Old Wisdom 李達三葉耀珍中醫藥研 究發展中心與生命科學 學院胡秀英植物標本館 於2018年12月2至5日聯 合舉辦第二屆分子科技 鑑定、質控與保育草藥材 國際會議,逾一百二十名 來自十個地區的科研、草 藥業界和監管機構人員就分子科技在草藥鑑定、演化和藥理研究,以及質 量檢測和控制上的應用發表灼見。 The Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R & D Centre for Chinese Medicine and Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium in the School of Life Sciences jointly hosted the 2nd International Conference on DNA Technology for Authentication, Quality Control and Conservation of Herbal Material between 2 and 5 December 2018. Over 120 scientists and representatives of the herbal industry and regulatory agencies from 10 regions converged to discuss the applications of DNA technology in the medicinal herbs’ authentication, quality assessment and control, as well in the study of their evolution and pharmacology. 澆灌正向工作間 Cultivate a Positive Workplace 正向工作間及員工發展委員會於去年12月14日舉辦年度員工感謝日。段崇 智校長早上向全體員工發電郵,值上任將滿周年之際表達謝意,並鼓勵同 仁互道感謝,讓正能量注滿生活和工作間。委員會下午舉辦員工感謝日派 對,段校長亦親臨向同事致謝。今年委員會贈與中大員工的小禮物為空氣 鳳梨,該植物易於種植,在關懷愛護下更會開花,正如一句道謝,能讓辦公 室開滿心花。 The Committee on Positive Workplace and Staff Development held the annual Staff Appreciation Day on 14 December 2018. On the morning, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan sent a thank-you message to all staff and called on them to express thanks to each other. He also hosted the Staff Appreciation Party in the afternoon. This year, the Committee gave air plants to CUHK staff as a gift. Easy to grow and capable of blooming under care and appreciation, an air plant is analogous to a positive workplace—a simple thank-you can make it beam. 侃侃而談 All the World’s Her Stage 中大 英語演講比賽冠軍、法律二年級生 Kuterera Myrmidon Zvikomborero Kangara 於去年12月5至9日在北京舉行的「外研社 • 國 才杯」全國英語演講大賽再下一城,歷經四輪 激烈的已備演講、即席演講及問答環節,最終 擊敗一百九十名選手,勇奪亞軍,並獲邀7月前 往美國喬治梅森大學交流。 The CUHK English public speaking champion Year 2 law student Kuterera Myrmidon Zvikomborero Kangara took another winning lap in the ‘FLTRP • ETIC Cup’ English speaking contest held in Beijing between 5 and 9 December 2018. Battling her way through four rounds of prepared speeches, impromptu speeches and Q&A sessions, Myrmidon beat out 190 contestants and took home the first runner-up with her stunning performance, complete with an opportunity to head to the George Mason University on exchange in July. 重溫Myrmidon演辯風采 Revisit Myrmidon’s commanding stage presence 兩教授膺IEEE院士 Two Professors Elected IEEE Fellows 電子工程學系曾漢奇教授 (上)及計算機科學與工程 學系金國慶教授(下)獲電機 及電子工程師學會頒授2019 年度院士榮銜。兩位教授同 為工程學院副院長,曾教授 的研究領域矽光子學為光學 傳輸主流技術,對支援互聯 網龐大數據流量起關鍵作 用;金教授則為機器學習和 社交計算方面的專家,曾開發 「維誠」防抄襲系統及本地 首個支援網上學習的知識與教育雲端平台。 Prof. Tsang Hon-ki (top) of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Prof. Irwin King (below) of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, both associate deans of the engineering faculty, have been elected fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2019. Professor Tsang’s research field—silicon photonics—is now a mainstream optical communication technology key to supporting the continued growth of internet data traffic, whereas Professor King is an expert in machine learning and social computing, whose brainchildren include, inter alia , VeriGuide, the plagiarism detection software and the Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform (KEEP) for e-learning. 05 # 5 3 1 | 1 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 9
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