Newsletter No. 462
462 • 4.9.2015 3 本年7月,校園新闢三個哺乳室,另有一個即將啓用。這些 房間佈置舒適,除桌椅等簡單家具,還有供接駁吸乳器的 電源。有關女性與家庭友善的網址快將推出( www.wffp. ) ,屆時其中三個哺乳室(崇基、聯合、龐萬倫) 均可網上預約。 人事處處長 利順琼 女士說:「大學一直推行各種利於員工 家庭的措施,現在希望能更進一步,配合女性員工的需要。 我們相信這些關懷員工的措施有助建立互助的文化,令員工 對工作更投入。」現時,女性員工約佔中大僱員總數的百分之 五十七;而這些女性員工中約百分之十五是三十一歲,即香 港女性首次生育年齡的中位數。 大學將繼續探討可以推行哪些政策幫助餵哺母乳的同事, 鼓勵其他員工以包容和支持的態度視之。 C UHK was among the 30 organizations which pledged to provide a breastfeeding-friendly environment to their employees at the kick-off ceremony of the ‘Say Yes to Breastfeeding’ campaign on 4 August 2015 held at International Finance Centre. While breastmilk being the best source of nutrients for newborns and infants is undebatable, working mothers in Hong Kong have been, for years, struggling with how to carry out their maternal duty under minimal community support. Survey results released by UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association reveal that 86% of mothers giving birth in 2014 initiated breastfeeding on discharge from hospitals. However, figures from the Department of Health show that the exclusive breastfeeding rate of Hong Kong infants at four months drops to 27%. A separate local study indicates that resuming work is the main reason for ceasing to breastfeed in the first three months. To encourage sustained breastfeeding, the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, joined by the Food and Health Bureau and the Department of Health, launched the ‘Say Yes to Breastfeeding’ community support campaign during the World Breastfeeding Week 2015 (1–7 August). It called for workplaces, public places and the general public to create a community environment conducive to breastfeeding. By supporting the campaign, the University agrees that ‘returning to work should not be a barrier for mothers to continue giving their babies the best nutrition.’ It also demonstrates its willingness to ‘explore the actions to support breastfeeding mothers, their babies and public health of Hong Kong.’ Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Fanny Cheung ( centre, top left photo ), who represented CUHK at the kick-off ceremony, is a pioneer in the field of gender studies in Hong Kong and was director of the University’s Gender Research Centre from 2000 to 2010. She perceives workplace support for breastfeeding in a broader perspective: ‘The University has set up a Task Force on Women and Family-friendly Policies last year. The Task Force is reviewing the special needs and concerns of our female colleagues and those with family responsibilities. As a caring employer, the University should provide a supportive environment to enable our staff to work well while integrating their multiple roles. When we learned that some breastfeeding mothers had difficulty in finding a private and hygienic place to pump milk during worktime, we liaised with different units to identify locations across campus and consulted medical experts on the standards in setting up nursing rooms.’ Supportive measures include the setting up of nursing rooms on campus for nursing mothers. With three already opened in July and the fourth soon, these rooms provide a space of privacy, and are each furnished with an appropriate chair, a small table and an electrical socket for connecting breastmilk pumps. The website ( ) for women and family-friendly policies will soon be launched, and users can do online booking for the nursing rooms in Chung Chi, United and Pommerenke . Ms. Corinna Lee , Director of Personnel, says, ‘The University has been implementing various family-friendly measures and now would like to act further to cater to the need of our female staff. We believe that such caring measures can help build a supportive culture and enhance commitment to work.’ Currently, females contribute to around 57% of the University’s workforce. And around 15% of these female staff members are at the age of 31, the median age of Hong Kong women at first childbirth. The University will continue to explore support policies to encourage co-workers to accept and support nursing employees. 行政及支援人員 Administrative and Supporting Staff 研究人員 Research Staff 教學人員 Teaching Staff 授課式課程研究生 Taught Postgraduate Student 博士研究生 Research Postgraduate PhD Student 碩士研究生 Research Prograduate MPhil Student 本科生 Undergraduate Student 66% – 52% – 35% – 58% – 45% – 38% – 54% – – 34% – 48% – 65% – 42% – 55% – 62% – 46% 中大教職員及學生男女比例 Male-to-Female Ratio among Different Groups of the CUHK Community 利順琼女士 Ms. Corinna Lee
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