Newsletter No. 525
06 # 5 2 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 8 中大(深圳)夥史丹福辦創科論壇 The First Stanford–CUHKSZ Technology Innovation Forum 香港中文大學(深圳)與史丹福大學於9月10日至18日期間,合辦以創新 工匠文化為主題的首屆科技創新論壇,邀請多位世界知名學者舉行講座 和學術研討會,同場還舉行了兩校合作的「創新作坊」開幕儀式。中大 (深圳)理工學院執行院長崔曙光教授指出,工匠精神不僅是指用心 設計或者創作,也包含盡力促成有意義的美事,並且對社會產生正面 影響。 CUHK (SZ) and Stanford University co-organized the first Annual Stanford-CUHKSZ Technology Innovation Forum themed Innovative Craftsmanship Culture from 10 to 18 September. World-class academicians hosted lecture series and academic seminars in the forum. The inauguration ceremony of Maker Lab, a key innovation project between the two universities, was held. ’The innovative craftsmanship culture is not only about design or creation, but also creating meaningful things and positive impacts on society,’ said Prof. Cui Shuguang, Executive Dean of the School of Science and Engineering of CUHK (SZ). 細胞及分子生物學課程十周年研討會 Harvesting the Fruits of a Decade 為慶祝成立十周年,理學院生命科學學院細胞及分子生物學課程於 9月22日在康本國際學術園舉行專題研討會,由加州大學戴維斯分校柳 波教授及澳門大學葛偉教授就個人研究成果發表主題演講。研討會亦 邀得該課程六位正在本地或海外大學從事研究工作的畢業生分享各自 在分子生物學、生物技術學、生物醫學及計算生物學領域的新動向。 The Cell and Molecular Biology Programme at the School of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Science celebrated its 10th anniversary with a daylong symposium in the Yasumoto International Academic Park. The symposium featured keynote lectures by Prof. Liu Bo of the University of California, Davis and Prof. Ge Wei of the University of Macau on their major discoveries. Six alumni of the programme who are now pursuing a research career locally or overseas also gave talks on the recent advances in their research in molecular biology, biotechnology, biomedical sciences and computational biology. 巾幗領袖分享 Dialogue with Women CEOs 商學院2018 – 19年度「與傑出領袖對話」暨師友計劃首輪活動於9月28 日假花旗大樓舉行,由城中三位女性金融服務企業要員—花旗集團香 港及澳門區行長伍燕儀女士(右二)、滙豐香港區行政總裁施穎茵女士 (左二)及渣打銀行(香港)行政總裁禤惠儀女士(右)—擔任主講嘉 賓,並由商學院副院長(本科課程)及市場學實務副教授王家徹(左)主 持,議題包括競爭和談判、鍛煉和習慣,以及性別和角色差異等,吸引逾 百位中學校長、師生出席。該活動由商學院學生負責協調和聯絡工作。 The inaugural Dialogue with Women CEOs 2018–19 was hosted at Citi Tower featuring three panelists — Ms. Angel Ng (2nd right), CEO, Citi Hong Kong & Macau; Ms. Diana Cesar (2nd left), Chief Executive, Hong Kong, HSBC; and Ms. Mary Huen (right), CEO, Standard Chartered Hong Kong. The panel was moderated by Prof. Andy Wong (left), Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) and Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing of CUHK Business School, and discussed competition and negotiation, exercise and habits, gender and role differences. Over 100 secondary school principals, teachers-in-charge and students attended the event. CUHK Business School students took part in coordination and communication of the event. 腫瘤學系獲選「傑出癌症關顧團隊」 Multidisciplinary Team Nominated for Excellent Cancer Care 腫瘤學系近日獲國際肺癌研 究協會基金會頒發「傑出癌 症關顧團隊」獎項,以表彰其 跨學科團隊對肺癌病人的高 質素治療護理。這個獎項是 由全球的癌症病人提名醫護 團隊參選,今次於「亞洲及其 他地區」組別中獲獎的中大 醫學院肺癌團隊,由腫瘤學 系臨床助理教授龍浩鋒醫生 (中)領導,十三名成員包括 腫瘤科醫生、護士、研究助理 及藥劑師等。 A cancer team from the Department of Clinical Oncology has recently received the Cancer Care Team Award from the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Foundation, recognizing its multidisciplinary team for providing outstanding care for lung cancer patients. Nominations for the Award were made by patients from all over the world. The team led by Dr. Herbert Ho-fung Loong (centre), Assistant Professor (Clinical) of the department, excelled in the ’Asia & Rest of World’ category. His team consists of 13 members including oncologists, nurses, research assistants and pharmacists. 植物細胞研究有望提升農作物質量 New Insight into Improving Crop Quality 生命科學學院卓敏生命科學教授姜里文教授(中)帶領的科研團隊,最近在植物細胞機理的研究中取得 重大突破。早年姜教授的團隊發現植物特有的「FREE1」蛋白可以調控植物細胞液泡的蛋白轉運、液泡形 成和自噬等功能,好讓蛋白位處適當位置、防禦外來病菌。最近,研究團隊首次發現一個廣泛存在於如 水稻、玉米和大豆等植物的BRAF蛋白,可調控FREE1聚集多少來控制多囊泡體生成和膜蛋白液泡傳輸, 以及膜蛋白的降解速度。有關研究為提高農作物的質量提供新線索,研究成果已於國際權威期刊《自然 通訊》發表。 A team of researchers led by Prof. Jiang Liwen (centre), Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences, has recently made a major breakthrough in their research on plant cell mechanism. The research team identified a plant-specific protein, FREE1, in a previous study and its functions of regulating vacuolar protein transport, vacuole biogenesis and vacuole-autophagosome-mediated degradation. The team recently identified a plant-specific protein BRAF (BRo1-domain protein as FREE1 suppressor) which regulates FREE1 and in turn regulates multivesicular body biogenesis and the vacuole degradation of the endocytosed plasma membrane proteins. The findings have provided new insight into improving crop quality and have been published in Nature Communications . 中大夥史丹福合辦留學課程 CUHK Hosts Stanford University’s Bing Overseas Studies Program in Hong Kong 中大與史丹福大學Bing海外留學計劃將於2019年秋季起 合辦香港課程,成為該計劃繼日本京都後亞洲第二家合作 院校。史丹福大學資深教學副教務長HarryElam教授(左) 到訪中大,與段崇智校長聯袂出席簽約儀式。首批約二十名 史丹福大學學生預計將於2019年9月入學,他們可以特別 選讀與中國相關的課程,包括中國文化、中國營商環境等, 史丹福大學訪問學者亦來中大授課,任教企業文化等課程。 CUHK will host the Stanford University’s Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) in Hong Kong from fall 2019, becoming the second partner of the programme in Asia following Kyoto, Japan. Prof. Harry Elam (left), Senior Vice Provost for Education of Stanford University, visited CUHK and joined Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan in an Agreement Signing Ceremony. The programme is expected to receive its first cohort of around 20 Stanford students in September 2019. The Stanford students will be able to enroll in courses related to mainland China such as Chinese Culture, Business Environment in China, etc. Visiting Stanford academics will also teach courses such as Organizational Culture in CUHK.
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