Newsletter No. 522
04 # 5 2 2 | 0 4 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 8 陳嘉龍 Chan Ka-lung 手握多項科技比賽獎項的陳嘉龍入讀經濟系。他中五時與兩位好友共同研發「便攜式手語翻譯手 套」,運用藍牙技術,配合手機應用程式,將戴上手套後的手語動作翻譯成屏幕上的多國文字,方便 聾啞人士與外國人溝通。此發明於「國際可持續發展項目奧林匹克競賽」贏得分組項目季軍。 Economics freshman Chan Ka-lung has been winning technology accolades since young. When he was in Secondary Five, he collaborated with two schoolmates to develop a ‘sign-translate glove’ that turns sign language from hand gesture into multi-lingual texts displayed on a smartphone. Utilizing Bluetooth technology, the device allows the deaf to communicate with foreigners. The design won the team a bronze medal in the International Sustainable World Project Olympiad. 陸禧 Luk Hei 陸禧自幼習鋼琴與口琴,更屢於音樂節獲獎,為2016年亞太口 琴節冠軍。他亦喜歡踢足球,音樂與運動都是他紓緩考試壓力 的良方。他以七科5**的佳績入讀中大環球商業學,冀藉此增廣 見聞,結交來自不同文化的朋友,裝備自己迎接未來。 Luk Hei has been playing piano and harmonica since childhood and was a winner of the 2016 Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival. He also plays soccer and finds in sports and music much relief from exam stress. He attained 5** in seven subjects in the HKDSE and was admitted to the Global Business Studies programme, hoping to broaden his horizons and meet people from all walks of life. 林依諾 Lam Yee-lok 健康與體育運動科學新生林依諾為乒 乓球港隊成員。2011年,依諾在波蘭 奪得個人首個女單世界冠軍,此後屢 獲殊榮。然而,反覆密集的訓練曾令 她賽前受傷,更久未痊癒。面對人生 低谷,依諾憑多年於運動場鍛鍊的堅 毅意志克服困局,並悟出個人信念:習 慣走額外的路,將付出變為成功的踏 腳石。 Lam Yee-lok, a member of the Hong Kong Women’s Table Tennis Team, was admitted to the Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health programme. In 2011, she won her first Girls’ Singles in Poland. She has gathered many more awards over the years, but not without setbacks. She was once diagnosed with arthritis caused by intensive training. With the determination and perseverance developed in the sports field, she ultimately recovered. The experience reinforced her belief that one needs to go the extra mile for a brighter future. 暑 假漸入尾聲,校園各處開始湧現身穿各式迎新服 的新生,朝氣蓬勃地開展大學之旅。今年中大透 過聯招辦法,共錄取二千八百八十六名文憑試考 生,99.5%以中大課程為 Band A 選擇。於文憑試考獲五科 5**成績或以上的考生中,逾四成獲中大錄取,當中包括三 位考獲七科5**,以及十一位考獲六科5**的考生。 以最佳五科成績中位數計算,全港十個收生分數最高的 課程中,五個為中大課程,計為連續五年全港收生成績中 位數最高的醫學(環球醫學領袖培訓專修)、環球商業學、 醫學、計量金融學及風險管理科學,以及國際貿易與中國 企業。 此外,中大錄取了六位獲全額學費贊助的第四屆「民政事務 局多元卓越獎學金」得主;還透過大學的「運動員獎學金」 錄取了二十三位運動精英,包括三位港隊代表。 新生們除了學業成績出眾,更是多才多藝,當中不乏音樂人 才、運動健將和科創新晉。 A s the summer comes to an end, new students in different colours of orientation camp T-shirts crop up on campus, ready to begin their university journeys. This year, through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS), CUHK has admitted 2,886 students who sat the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. 99.5% of them have made CUHK their Band A choices. Among all candidates who achieved the highest level of 5** in five subjects or above in the HKDSE territory-wide, over 40% were admitted by CUHK, including three top-scorers with 5** in seven subjects, as well as 11 students with 5** in six subjects. In terms of the median admission scores of the best five subjects, five out of the top 10 programmes among the JUPAS institutions in the territory are offered by CUHK, including Medicine (Global Physician-Leadership Stream), Global Business Studies, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, Medicine and International Business and Chinese Enterprise. Medicine (Global Physician-Leadership Stream) is the top programme with the highest median admission scores territory-wide for five consecutive years. Six admittees were awarded the fourth ‘Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship’ under the auspices of the Home Affairs Bureau, and were offered sponsorships for their full tuition fee. Twenty-three students have been admitted to CUHK through the University’s Sports Scholarship Scheme with their outstanding performances in sports, three of whom represent Hong Kong in their respective fields. This year’s freshmen represent a diverse and talented group of students and we can find many musicians, athletes and inventors among them. 袁瑋謙 Thomas Yuen 考獲七科5**、同時於數學延伸部分考 獲5**的袁瑋謙入讀醫學(環球醫學 領袖培訓專修組別)課程。他在中學 生物課了解到人體內不同系統互相協 調,猶如宇宙般奧妙,所以希望透過修 讀醫科加深了解。他的目標是成為行 政醫學的專才,從醫療制度着手減輕 公營醫療系統的負擔。 Thomas Yuen, a top scorer clinching 5** in all seven subjects as well as a 5** for the mathematics extended module, got into the MBChB (Global Physician-Leadership Stream) programme. Through studying biology in secondary school, he learned that the coordination between different systems of the human body is as fascinating as that of the universe. So he wishes to know more by majoring in medicine. He aims to become an expert in administrative medicine to improve the healthcare system and to ease the burden on public services. 遇見中大新鮮人 Meet CUHK’s Next Generation
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