Researcher workshops (Feb – Apr 2021)

11/01/2021 to 15/04/2021

Researcher workshops (Feb – Apr 2021)

The researcher workshops cover open access, author identifiers, and qualitative data analysis. All CUHK researchers and postgraduates are welcome to join.


Understanding Open Access Publishing

This workshop will cover:
•    What is open access and its implication on research impact 
•    Different types of open access and their archiving policies
•    Points to consider when publishing in open access journals 
•    Open Access publishing opportunities with the CUHK’s Transformative Agreement

Date and Time: 26 Feb (Fri) 11:30 a.m. -12:15 p.m.
Venue: Online 
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)
Registration: Click here to register 


Using ORCID to connect your research activities

An ORCID ID is a persistent digital identifier to disambiguate yourself in the research community so that you can be identified uniquely in the sea of researchers and your research profile can be raised. This workshop can help you to 
•    Understand the benefit of having an ORCID ID
•    Manage your research activities in your ORCID profile
•    Link up your ORCID profile to AIMS and Publon, and Scopus Author Profile

Date and Time: 5 Mar (Fri) 2021 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Venue: Online 
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)
Registration: Click here to register


Author Identifier: Making yourself distinguishable 

An author ID is to distinguish yourself accurately in the research community from others with similar names so that your scholarly publications can be easily recognized.  
This workshop will demonstrate:
•    What are ORCID iD, Publon, Scopus Author Profile, and Google Scholar Profile
•    How to record your research activities such as your publications and presentations in these systems
•    How to transfer information from these systems to AIMS

Date and Time: 17 Mar (Wed) 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Venue: Online 
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)
Registration: Click here to register


Using ATLAS.ti for Qualitative Data Analysis

This workshop will introduce how to use ATLAS.ti to conduct qualitative data analysis. Participants will learn how to use ATLAS.ti to conduct:
•    Data description, such as creating codes, coding, using memo, and writing comments on your data
•    Data analysis and interpretation such as using the functions of hyperlink, network view, query tool, and co-occurrence to explore patterns 

Date and Time: 15 Apr (Thu) 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Venue: Online 
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)
Registration: Click here to register