CUHK library provides booking request service for multimedia materials to CUHK faculty members.
Eligible Requester
- Teaching staff (Terms A)
- Teaching staff (Terms B)
- Research staff
How to Place Booking Request
- Log in to your personal account at LibrarySearch.
- Find a multimedia item whose status is “item on shelf”, which is available in the library.
- Click “Request” button in the item record.
- Select “Start Time” and “End Time” of the booking period (Maximum 7 days only).
- Click “Request” to confirm the booking request.
- A message “Request placed” will be displayed if the booking request is successful.
- A message “No item can fulfill the submitted request” will be displayed if the booking request is not successful.
- A Hold Pickup email notice will be sent to you when your booking becomes available.
- The request will be cancelled automatically after the booking period.
- The requested multimedia item must be picked up from the owning library.
Booking Request Quota and Loan Period
Booking Request |
Details |
Maximum booking quota |
10 items |
Maximum booking period |
7 days |
Loan period* |
Delivery Time |
3 working days |
For enquiries, please email to library@cuhk.edu.hk.