Newsletter No. 484
06 # 4 8 4 | 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 6 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 8 .2016 1.9.2015–31.8.2016 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 2.06% 1.82% 6.22 % 8.90 % 平衡 Balanced 1.27% 1.03% 5.81 % 9.25% 穩定 Stable 0.38% 0.003% 5.93% 9.85% 香港股票 HK Equity 5.40% 5.75% 8.36 % 9.68 % 香港指數 HK Index-linked 5.38% 5.23% 9.32 % 10.41 % A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker 3.94% 3.67% 3.30 % – 1.52% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.06% 0.01% 0.72% 0.13% 美元銀行存款* USD Bank Deposit* 0.11% 0.04 % 0.93% 0.31% 澳元銀行存款* AUD Bank Deposit* – 0.80% –0.94 % 8.70% 6.90% 歐元銀行存款* EUR Bank Deposit* –0.19 % –0.18 % –0.43 % –0.34 % 人民幣銀行存款* RMB Bank Deposit* –0.37 % –0.36 % – 1.91% – 2.89% 強積金數據請參閱 : For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month 教職員公積金計劃(1995)─投資簡報會 Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995)—Investment Forum 財務處安排於10月18及19日舉行投資簡報會。詳情如下: Two investment forum sessions are scheduled for 18 and 19 October. Details are as follows: 12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. 富爾敦樓 103 室 Room 103, John Fulton Centre 18.10.2016 (星期二 Tuesday ) 平衡基金 Balanced Fund 穩定基金 Stable Fund 增長基金 Growth Fund 香港股票基金 Hong Kong Equity Fund 19.10.2016 (星期三 Wednesday ) 增長基金 Growth Fund 香港股票基金 Hong Kong Equity Fund 香港指數基金 Hong Kong Index-linked Fund A50 中國指數基金 A50 China Tracker Fund 穩定基金 Stable Fund 薄備簡餐。請各成員踴躍出席。參加表格可於財務處網頁( index.html )下載。查詢請致電薪津及公積金組電話:3943 7236/7244。 Light lunch will be provided. Your attendance at the forum is highly recommended. The enrolment form can be downloaded from the Bursary website ( ). For enquiries, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 3943 7236/7244. 首屆正向員工服務獎接受提名 Positive Workplace Service Award Scheme Open for Nomination 由「正向工作間及員工發展」委員會贊助的「正向員工服務獎2016 – 17」現正接受提名。此嶄新 獎項涵蓋範圍更廣,以取代於2014年起暫緩舉辦的「員工優異服務獎」,而獎勵的亦不只是員工 工作成效,更着重個人及團隊在大學裏建立推動正向工作間文化的努力和貢獻。所有中大的學生 及教職員均可提名全職僱員參選。截止日期為2016年10月31日。詳情請參閱: www2.per.cuhk. 。 The Positive Workplace Service Award Scheme 2016–17, sponsored by the Committee on the Positive Workplace and Staff Development, is now open for nomination. This new staff award scheme will take the Exemplary Service Award, which has been suspended since 2014, to an expanded scope covering all full-time staff, as well as enabling staff recognition not only for the work outcome but the individual behaviour and team practices that can cultivate and promote a positive workplace culture in the University. All CUHK students and colleagues are welcomed to make nominations by 31 October 2016. For details, please visit: en-GB/pwsa201617 . 訃告 Obituaries 本校兩位職員近日離世,大學深表哀悼。 ..張樂恒先生於2016年8月26日逝世。張先生於2016年5月26日加入中大,擔任大學出版社 助理文員。 ..研究院一級文員范寶玲女士於2016年8月28日辭世。范女士於1992年受聘於本校,兩年後 離職,1997年12月8日再度加入中大服務。 The University is saddened by the loss of two colleagues. . . Mr. Cheung Lok-hang, who passed away on 26 August 2016, joined the University on 26 May 2016 and had served as clerical assistant in The Chinese University Press. . . Ms. Fan Bo-ling, general clerk I of the Graduate School Office, passed away on 28 August 2016. Ms. Fan had been in the employ of the University from 1992 to 1994. She re-joined the University since 8 December 1997. 禪修常樂 Meditation Brings Happiness 約一千三百名師生、校友 及公眾人士於9月21日晚 上慕名來到林蔭大道,聆 聽著名的藏傳佛教禪修 大師詠給 ‧ 明就仁波切的 講座,學習如何令自己快 樂些。 明就仁波切應博群大講 堂邀請,以「逍遙天地 寬」為題演講。他出生於 尼泊爾,熟悉物理學、生 物學、心理學,並將之與 佛學修行相結合,教授禪 修知識。 明就仁波切2002年參加 美國威斯康辛大學的實 驗研究,被測出大腦中的 快樂指數在禪定狀態中, 躍升了百分之七百,美國 《時代雜誌》形容他為 「世界上最快樂的人」。 他的暢銷書《世界上最 快樂的人》高踞《紐約時 報》暢銷書排行榜,同時 也被翻譯成超過二十種不 同的語言。 在講座中,明就仁波切指出我們雖不能改變逆境,像是疾病和衰老,卻可改變心境,寬容 面對。要讓自己快樂的竅門是深入認識和關顧自我的心境,而禪修正是最好途徑。他說: 「禪修的精粹是『覺知』,當你愈能『覺知』,也就愈快樂,壓力愈減。」他更即場教授禪 修的方法,帶領大家一齊體驗。 他繼而道出禪修的裨益:把問題轉化解決方案,苦困變成快樂,保持平和。「禪修可隨時隨 地進行,每天兩分鐘禪修,已綽綽有餘。」最後,他還與幾位中大生促膝交談,解答他們對 學業、家庭以及人生的種種困惑。 About 1,300 students, staff, alumni of the University and members of the public gathered at the University Mall on the evening of 21 September to learn from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, the renowned Tibetan Buddhist meditation master how to be happier. Mingyur Rinpoche was invited to host the I·CARE University Lecture on Civility 2016 titled ‘The Journey to Joy’. Born in the Himalayan border region between Tibet and Nepal, Mingyur Rinpoche is a figure among the new generation of Tibetan Buddhist masters. In addition to extensive training in the meditative and philosophical traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, he has also had a lifelong interest in Western science and psychology. He is known for his ability to present his understanding of Tibetan Buddhism using the language of contemporary Western thought. Mingyur Rinpoche is characterized ‘the happiest man in the world’ since he participated in a study of brain activity at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2002, where scientists found that advanced meditation increases mental happiness. His first book, The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness , debuted on the New York Times bestseller list and has been translated into over 20 languages. In his lecture, Mingyur Rinpoche pointed out that though we cannot reverse adverse situations, e.g., getting sick or old, we can change our mind to respond to the problems encountered. The key point of feeling happier is to learn and care one’s mind which can be achieved by meditation. He said, ‘Awareness is the essence of meditation. If you get in touch of awareness more and more, you will be happier and free of stress.’ He then guided the audience, step by step, to do meditation. Mingyur Rinpoche gave a brief account of the benefits of meditation such as turning problems to solutions and suffering to happiness, as well as keeping one’s mind calm and peaceful. ‘Meditation can be done at anytime, anywhere. A two-minute meditation will be good for a whole day.’ At the end of the lecture, some CUHK students joined him on the Beacon to seek for answers to questions about their studies, relationships and life.
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