Newsletter No. 547/548
傑出校友勉勵後進 Outstanding Alum Returns with Words of Wisdom 學生事務處於10月29日以「名人講堂:打破尋常人生」為題舉辦講座,邀得非牟利機構良師 香港創辦人陳君洋校友(2010聯合環球商業學)擔任講者。陳先生榮膺本年度《福布斯》亞 洲三十位三十歲以下社會企業精英及香港十大傑出青年之一。活動當日,他向逾八十名中大 師生講述自己為普及優質教育而創立良師香港的經過。他鼓勵後輩趁大學四年發展潛能, 以成大器,並寄望他們盡己所能,幫助弱勢社群。 ‘Celebrity Talk: Act on your ambitions’ was held by the Office of Student Affairs on 29 October. The talk was given by Mr. Arnold Chan, a CUHK alumnus (2010/United/ Global Business Studies) and founder of the NGO ‘Teach for Hong Kong’. This year, he was included on Forbes ’ ‘30 Under 30 Asia: Social Entrepreneurs’ list and named as one of Hong Kong’s ‘Ten Outstanding Young Persons’. In his presentation, Mr. Chan told an audience of 80 how he had founded ‘Teach for Hong Kong’ to promote quality and equality in education. He encouraged students to develop a good range of attributes while at university and try their best to help the underprivileged. 愛的樂韻傳遍山城 On Wings of Song 學生事務處10月舉辦「愛的交響樂」國際音樂文化節,活動包括音樂工作坊及為期三天的午 間音樂會。音樂會上,鍾氏兄弟、無界樂人等專業音樂人及來自世界各地的中大師生輪流獻 技。參與無伴奏合唱及中國鑼鼓工作坊的學生亦在其中,與導師聯袂演出。今日之日多煩憂, 文化節之意,正是藉着以愛為主題的曲目和音樂自身的療效,撫慰心靈。 The Office of Student Affairs organized the international music festival ‘A Symphony of Love’ in October, holding music workshops and shows. CUHK members from around the world and guest performers, including The Chung Brothers and JohnChen Ensemble, offered a feast for the ears at lunchtime for three days. Among our own performers were participants of the a cappella singing and the Chinese drums and gongs workshops, who showcased their hard work with their instructors. These are troubling times for our community, and it was the festival’s goal to bring comfort through the many numbers about love and with the healing powers of music. 女性法律領袖談無形阻礙 Glass Ceilings and the Law 為提高大眾對法律界性別議題的關注,法律學院於11月4日首辦女性法律領袖研討會,邀請業 內三位傑出女性暢談人生閱歷、討論性別問題。高偉紳律師行合夥人Emma Davies(圖左) 指出,業界高層缺乏女性,緣於女士往往在得以升任合夥人之際,結婚生育,繼而為了家庭從 急流勇退。香港高等法院原訟庭法官金貝理(圖中)則認為,大律師不如事務律師般容易脫 節,故女大律師久休後亦可復出,比較自由。曾在九十年代提出《平等機會條例草案》、現為 香港競爭事務委員會主席的胡紅玉(圖右)憶述自己多次被男士質問:男女大不同,何以平 等?她同意人各有特點,但平等機會的真諦在於確保人人皆受尊重,而非抹殺差異。 To increase public awareness of gender issues in the legal profession, the Faculty of Law presented its first Female Legal Leaders Seminar on 4 November. Three distinguished female legal practitioners discussed the highlights of their careers and dealt with gender topics. Explaining the weak female representation at the top of the legal sector, Ms. Emma Davies (left), Partner of Clifford Chance, said that often when women are presented with the chance to be a partner, they get married and have children, taking their foot off the pedal. Meanwhile, the Honourable Mrs. Justice Audrey Campbell-Moffat (centre), Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court of Hong Kong, believed that unlike solicitors, barristers have the freedom to go on hiatus and return without losing much ground, which makes it an excellent profession for women. Having initiated the Equal Opportunities Bill in the 1990s, Ms. Anna Wu Hung-yuk (right), now Chair of the Competition Commission of Hong Kong, recalled being challenged on many occasions by men who claimed the opposite sexes could never be the same. While she agreed that people come in different shapes and sizes, equal opportunities are not about erasing uniqueness but affording equal respect to all. 第八十七屆頒授學位典禮 87 th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 中大於11月7日舉行第八十七屆大會,頒授學士學位四千四百一十個、碩士學位六千三百六十 三個。今屆大會由段崇智校長主持。他致辭時勉勵畢業生貢獻所學,服務社群,又告誡眾人莫 為一時之挫敗懷憂喪志,也莫因一時之收成安於現狀。他最後說,快樂並非始於成功,反而成 功才是生於快樂。 CUHK held its 87 th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 7 November, awarding 4,410 Bachelor’s degrees and 6,363 Master’s degrees. Presiding over the ceremony, Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, encouraged graduates to dedicate themselves to serving the community. He also reminded them not to be deterred by any failure they may now suffer or content with any success they may now enjoy. He said lastly that it is success that comes from happiness, not the other way round. 工程學生揚威嶺南 Triumph for Budding Engineers 機械與自動化工程學系兩隊學生出戰「2019粵港澳大學生工程訓練綜合能力競賽」,取得佳 績。由范鐫賢、區梓謙、伍沛軒及何兆森組成的「掃球勇士隊」設計並製造了一部可拾起和放 下球類的遙控機器人,於機器人拾放球競賽項目奪得一等獎及最佳合作獎。由郭俊強、羅子 龍、黃寶婷及陳保樺組成的「中大能源隊」,則贏得多能源裝置接力賽最佳合作獎。兩隊同由 徐東豔教授及李奕陽博士指導,余紹寧技術員及梁潤怡技術員則分別為「掃球勇士隊」及「中 大能源隊」出任導師。比賽由廣東省教育廳主辦,於10月26日及27日在廣州舉行,吸引二十四 間高等院校、三百多名學生參加。 Two teams of Mechanical and Automation Engineering students achieved excellent results at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Undergraduate Engineering Training Integration Ability Competition 2019. Team Sweeping Hero, made up of Fan Chun- yin, Au Tsz-him Vincent, Ng Pui-hin and Ho Siu-sum, captured the First Prize and Best Cooperation Award in the ‘Pick and Place’ category. Team CUER, formed by Kwok Chun-keung, Law Tsz-lung, Wong Po-ting and Chan Po-wah, won the Best Cooperation Award in the ‘Energy Relay’ category. Both teams were led by Prof. Xu Dongyan and Dr. Li Yiyang, while Yu Siu-ning and Leung Yun-yee served as assessors for Team Sweeping Hero and Team CUER respectively. The competition was held on 26 and 27 October in Guangzhou by the Guangdong Department of Education, drawing more than 300 participants from 24 universities. 07 # 5 4 7 / 5 4 8 | 1 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 9
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