- Reserving or occupying spaces and IT facilities with unattended personal belongings is NOT allowed.
- Personal items left unattended for 30 minutes or longer may be removed as ‘Lost and Found’ items to free space and facilities for others.
- Please be considerate. These premises are for the normal and convenient use of the whole CUHK community. Please ensure any space is left clean and clear when you leave it. To avoid disturbance to other students and staff using the same space and facilities, do NOT bring in excessive amounts of luggage and/or personal belongings.
- At busy times, Library staff may patrol and identify unattended personal belongings. They will leave a notice with the belongings indicating that unattended personal belongings will be removed. They will then return 30 minutes later and if the belongings are still unattended, they will remove them from the area.
- Lost properties found in the Library are kept at the Help Desk. Non-valuables found in the University Library are kept next to the Learning Garden Help Desk. Valuables that remain unclaimed will be forwarded to the Security Office. Non-valuables left unclaimed will be disposed of in every term break. Food and drink will be instantly discarded.
- CUHK Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings in the Library.
This policy will apply to open seating areas, Group Study Rooms, and all other areas in all the libraries.