Special Collections Reading Room

Special Collections Reading Room

Special Collections Reading Room

Special Collections are unique and valuable resources held by the CUHK Library. They are usually very old, rare or unique materials which have significant research value. Most of these materials are kept in closed stack and are available on request at the Special Collections Reading Room. These include:

Users can complete the Special Collections Request Form to request materials in advance.

A research consultation service on finding and using special collections is also provided to CUHK postgraduate students, faculty, research and teaching staff. The consultation will take place in the Special Collections Reading Room.

Special Collections Reading Room

Service Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm


The Special Collections Reading Room is located on the 3/F of the University Library.

Contact Us

Tel: (852) 3943 8740
e-mail: spc@lib.cuhk.edu.hk