Newsletter No. 391
No. 391, 19.1.2012 7 O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 人 事 動 態 PERSONALIA Name 姓名 Post 職位 Effective Date 生效日期 Appointments/Re-appointments 聘任/轉任 Mr. Chan Ka Chun 陳家俊, BBA MA Executive Officer II, Faculty of Social Science 社會科學院二級助理主任 12.12.2011 Mr. Chan Yin Pong 陳彥邦, BA Project Co-ordinator II, Office of Academic Links 學術交流處二級計劃協調員 12.12.2011 Miss Lam Pui Yan 林沛恩, BBA Project Co-ordinator II, Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics 利豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所二級計劃協調員 12.12.2011 Mr. Yeu Siu Hung, Zonma 丘小鴻, BSc Assistant Computer Officer, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院助理電算師 12.12.2011 Mr. Law Man Fai 羅文輝, BA Project Co-ordinator II, Lee Woo Sing College 和聲書院二級計劃協調員 15.12.2011 Mr. Yau Chung Wah 丘振華, BSc MPhil ProfDipProfAcct Executive Officer II, Faculty of Science 理學院二級助理主任 15.12.2011 Miss Chow Siu Wah 周兆樺, BA MA Project Co-ordinator II, Vice-Chancellor ’ s Office 校長辦公室二級計劃協調員 19.12.2011 Mr. Ho Lok Lai, Rodney 何樂禮, BSc MSc(Eng) Project Co-ordinator II, Independent Learning Centre, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 學能提升研究中心自學中心二級計劃協調員 19.12.2011 Miss Lee Ching 李菁, BEng(SE) Project Co-ordinator II, Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology 病理解剖及細胞學系二級計劃協調員 19.12.2011 Mr. Leung Chi Fai 梁志輝, BA Assistant Computer Officer, School of Architecture 建築學院助理電算師 19.12.2011 Miss Lin Xiao 林驍, BA MA Editor, The Chinese University Press 大學出版社編輯 19.12.2011 Miss O Hoi Ting, Heidi 柯愷婷, BA Executive Officer II, Office of Academic Links 學術交流處二級助理主任 19.12.2011 Prof. Yang Qin 楊沁, MB MM PhD Assistant Professor, Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics 內科及藥物治療學系助理教授 22.12.2011 Dr. Cao Xudong 曹旭東, BS MM DAgr Visiting Scholar, School of Biomedical Sciences 生物醫學學院訪問學人 28.12.2011 Ms. Chan Ka Wai 陳嘉蔚, BA MA Executive Officer II, Communications & Public Relations Office 傳訊及公共關係處二級助理主任 28.12.2011 Miss Hui Man Hei 許文曦, BSc Executive Officer II, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院二級助理主任 28.12.2011 Miss Kwok Hau Fan 郭巧凡, BA Executive Officer II, Faculty of Engineering 工程學院二級助理主任 28.12.2011 Mr. Lam Chi Fai, David 林智輝, BSc Assistant Computer Officer, Dept of Linguistics & Modern Languages 語言學及現代語言系助理電算師 28.12.2011 Dr. Sun Liuquan 孫六全, BS MS DS Research Associate, Dept of Statistics 統計學系副研究員 28.12.2011 Ms. Sun Wing Fung, Annie 孫永鳳, BSSc Administrative Assistant, Communications & Public Relations Office 傳訊及公共關係處副主任 28.12.2011 Miss Mak Yee Man 麥綺文, BSSc PCertPR&CorpComm Project Co-ordinator II, Dept of History 歷史系二級計劃協調員 30.12.2011 Ms. Tse Wan Yee 謝韻儀, BBusMgt Project Co-ordinator II, Faculty of Business Administration 工商管理學院二級計劃協調員 30.12.2011 Dr. Chan Man Ho 陳文豪, BSc MPhil MA PhD Instructor I, Dept of Physics 物理系一級導師 1.1.2012 Mr. Koon Sau On 管壽安, BEng MSc Assistant Computer Officer, Dept of Chemical Pathology & Dept of Microbiology 化學病理學系及微生物學系助理電算師 1.1.2012 Name 姓名 Post 職位 Effective Date 生效日期 Prof. Ngai To 魏濤, BSc PhD Associate Professor, Dept of Chemistry 化學系副教授 3.1.2012 Prof. Zhong Hua 鍾華, LLB MA PhD Associate Professor, Dept of Sociology 社會學系副教授 3.1.2012 Resignations 辭職 Mr. Mok Kar Yat 莫家溢 Junior Research Assistant, Centre for University & School Partnership, Faculty of Education 教育學院大學與學校夥伴協作中心初級研究助理 5.12.2011 Miss Leung Wai Yin 梁慧妍 General Clerk II, Graduate School Office 研究院二級文員 19.12.2011 Mr. Chan Chi Fung 陳志豐 Junior Research Assistant, Dept of Information Engineering 信息工程學系初級研究助理 31.12.2011 Miss Wong Yim Fong, Annie 黃艷芳 Research Assistant, Centre of Research & Promotion of Women ’ s Health, The Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院 婦女健康促進及研究中心研究助理 31.12.2011 Miss Leung On Ying 梁安盈 Assistant Project Co-ordinator, New Asia College 新亞書院助理計劃協調員 3.1.2012 Miss Mak Wing Yin 麥穎賢 Junior Research Assistant, School of Life Sciences 生命科學學院初級研究助理 9.1.2012 Mr. Luke R. Krawec Editor, The Chinese University Press 大學出版社編輯 10.1.2012 Dr. Yu Chenglong 于成龍 Research Associate, Institute of Mathematical Sciences 數學科學研究所副研究員 15.1.2012 Mr. Leung Ying Tak 梁應得 Assistant Project Co-ordinator, United College 聯合書院助理計劃協調員 16.1.2012 Dr. Li Xiaoyu 李曉瑜 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Life Sciences 生命科學學院博士後研究員 19.1.2012 Miss Song Hanyu 宋涵鈺 Research Assistant, Dept of Social Work 社會工作學系研究助理 21.1.2012 Mr. Chim Sze Ho 詹思豪 Supervisor, Water Sports Centre, Physical Education Unit 體育部水上活動中心主管 22.1.2012 Dr. Leung Kin Chung 梁健忠 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology 病理解剖及細胞學系博士後研究員 26.1.2012 Dr. Chan Ki, Cecia 陳祈 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理學系博士後研究員 27.1.2012 Mr. Leung Man Chi 梁文治 Instructor I, School of Continuing & Professional Studies 專業進修學院一級導師 1.2.2012 Mr. Leung Yin Sui 梁彥帥 Computer Technician II, Dept of Medicine & Therapeutics 內科及藥物治療學系二級電算技術員 1.2.2012 Miss Cheung Ming Yuk 張明玉 Junior Research Assistant, Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology 矯形外科及創傷學系初級研究助理 4.2.2012 Miss Lee Hiu Tan, Margaret 李曉彤 Instructor I, The Nethersole School of Nursing 那打素護理學院一級導師 4.2.2012 Dr. Wei Ping 魏萍 Teaching Assistant, Dept of Cultural & Religious Studies 文化及宗教研究系教學助理 8.2.2012 Miss Tam Yee Ling, Elaine 譚以凌 Teaching Assistant, Dept of Finance 財務學系教學助理 14.2.2012 Ms. Yu Man Kin, Maureen 余敏健 Executive Officer II, Communications & Public Relations Office 傳訊及公共關係處二級助理主任 20.2.2012 The information in this section is provided by the Personnel Office 此欄資料由人事處提供。 名譽職務及禮任詳情載於 。 Details of honorary and courtesy appointments are available at 逾夜泊車新安排 New Overnight Parking Arrangement 大學於2011年7月1日起停止簽發舊有的校園逾夜泊車月票,因應舊有月票使用者的關注, 行政事務委員會通過,增設由2012年1月1日至6月30日的寬限期,該等月票使用者可以 三百元購買「特別」逾夜泊車月證。期滿後,如需逾夜泊車請另作安排,詳情參閱保安組 網頁 。 The University has ceased the issuance of ‘regular’ monthly permit for overnight parking on campus since 1 July 2011. To address the concern of the then users of regular monthly permit, the Administrative Affairs Committee resolved to grant a grace period from 1 January to 30 June 2012 during which period the said group of users may subscribe a ‘special’ monthly permit for overnight parking at the rate of HK$300 per month. After the said date, such users have to pursue re-arrangement for their overnight parking. For details, please refer to the Security Unit’s webpage notice/cOvernight.pdf. 雲行雨施─中國龍文物展覽 Divine Power—The Dragon in Chinese Art 明年歲次壬辰(龍年),文物館與香港東方陶瓷學會合辦「雲行雨施」─中國龍文物展 覽,展期由2012年2月11日至10月,地點為文物館2及3號展廳。 「雲行雨施」出自《周易》,寓意廣施恩澤,恰以形容深莫可測的龍的美好形象。龍的形 象始見於新石器時代。唐宋以至明清,逐漸成為天子皇權的象徵;至於民間,更是喜聞樂 見的吉祥瑞獸。 今次展出近二百項的展品,歷新石器時代至二十世紀,包括陶瓷、青銅器、金銀器、玉器、 玻璃、漆器、書畫及編織品等。 To celebrate the Year of the Dragon, the Art Museum of CUHK and the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong will jointly organize an exhibition, featuring the dragon as its central theme, from 11 February to October 2012 at Gallery II and III, Art Museum. The Chinese title of the exhibition, ‘yunxing yushi’ is quoted from Yijing or Book of Changes. It means to bestow prosperity broadly. The exhibition will contain a wide variety of dragon images. The image of the dragon is first seen on jade and bronze objects of the Neolithic period and Bronze Age. From the Tang (618–907) to the Qing (1644–1911) dynasties, dragons were a symbol of imperial authority being used on decrees and the regulation system as well as the emperor’s emblem. It is also considered an auspicious creature. The exhibition will feature almost 200 exhibits dating from the Neolithic period to the 20th century, including ceramics, bronzes, gold and silver wares, jade, glass, lacquer ware, paintings and textiles, etc.
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