Library Online Orientation

Library Orientation UG 2015

Library Online Orientation

Welcome to the Library Online Orientation webpage. We have prepared a package of orientation information to help you get started using the library at your own pace. 

Introduction Video to CUHK Library

This video introduces the services, facilities and collections of CUHK Library. Watch the video to know more about your library and its services in 2 minutes. 


Information to help you Get Started

Top Tips for New Library Users Provides essential information to get started using the CUHK Library. 

Virtual Library Tours

Virtual Library Tours   These virtual tours allow you to experience the environment and atmosphere of various CUHK libraries without physically going there.

Library Orientation Guide

Library Orientation Guide This guide introduces in more detail library services, facilities and resources to let you get  started in the new academic year at your own pace. 

Library Orientation Webinars for Undergraduate Students 


Library Online Orientation for Postgraduate Students 2020  

Have a good start and watch the online orientation programme to help you use CUHK Library for successful research and study on and off campus. Through this programme, you will get to know:

  • Access to electronic and print resources, and library guides
  • Online workshops on research and writing skills
  • Borrowing services, research consultation and computing facilities
  • Facilities for study and discussion
  • Featured services for postgraduates: Research Café, Research Poster Exhibition, etc.

The programme includes an Online Library Orientation for Postgraduate Students video series and virtual tours.

Online Library Orientation for Postgraduate Students: Use Your Library for a Successful Study at CUHK

Library Online Orientation for Postgraduate Students Part Title
1. Welcome
2. Introduction to CUHK Library
3. Basics for Your Study
4. Library Resources for Postgraduate Students
5. Workshops for Your Academic Achievement & Services for Nurturing Young Scholars
6. More about Your Library and Contact for Help
7. Virtual Library Tours

Request a Library Online Orientation Session 

Faculty members, course instructors and students in groups may request online orientation sessions for a particular subject area. Please contact Learning Support (for undergraduate orientation) or Research Services (for postgraduate orientation) for details.