Calendar 2005–06
Faculty and Departmental Research/Consultancy Units 125 implementation, and data analyses. It is also one of the few centres offering biostatistical training in Hong Kong at both undergraduate and graduate levels. • The Epidemiology Programme is very active in epidemiological and public health research. Research topics cover sexual and reproductive health, adolescent health substance abuse, child abuse, mental health, health services seeking behaviours, use of traditional Chinese medicine, quality of life, eye disease, chronic diseases, bone mineral and osteoporosis research. Many of these projects are carried out in collaboration with other University departments and academic institutions, local and overseas. • The Community Research Programme on AIDS in the Epidemiology Programme is one of the premier research groups on HIV prevention and care in Hong Kong. It works closely with the AIDS Research and Education Group of the School of Pubic Health. Most of these HIV projects are supported by the Hong Kong Council for the AIDS Trust Fund. Many projects are conducted in collaboration with institutions in mainland China. The research programme also provides consultancy support to international organizations working in China. Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics Tel.: 2252 8851/2632 3141 Fax.: 2606 3500/2637 3852 E-mail: The Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics was formed in 1998. It aims at carrying out research on various aspects of the ageing process, the implication of an ageing population in Hong Kong, and measures to deal with the consequences. The centre provides undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in areas of vital importance in health care and social welfare in Hong Kong, and will further develop its network with other local, mainland, regional and international organizations to facilitate exchange of expertise and ideas. The departments which participate in the activities of the centre include Medicine and Therapeutics, Community and Family Medicine, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Nursing, Sociology, Social Work, and Psychology. Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion Tel.: 2693 3708 Fax.: 2694 0004 E-mail: Website: The Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion was established under the School of Public Health in August 2000. It originates from the ‘Healthy Schools’ programme supported by the Quality Education Fund and has been involved in territory-wide school health surveillance projects and needs assessment for school health and community health promotion. The centre has launched the Hong Kong Healthy Schools Award Scheme, which builds on the concept of health-promoting schools to encourage educational achievement, and better health and emotional well-being among pupils. It also aims to promote
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