Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
STAF FDEVELOPMEN T 1978/7 9 —1981/82 Appendi x 7 Institutio n attended/Countrie s visite d Universities i n South East Asia Brighton Polytechnic, U.K . National Research Laboratory , New Delhi, India University of London, U.K . Museums i n U.S.A . San Francisc o Ar t Institute, U.S.A. Universities i n U.K . Robinson College , University of Cambridge, U.K . University o f Cambridge, U.K . University College of Swansea, U.K . University o f Bristol, U.K . U.K. University o f Birmingham, U.K . Brunei University, U.K . University o f Edinburgh, U.K . U.K. Harvard University , U.S.A. Harvard University , U.S.A. Germany Harvard University , U.S.A. Harvard University , U.S.A. Lengt hof Study / Research/Visi t 31/2month s 10 months 6month s 24month s 2months 9months 3month s 5 1/2months 12month s 12month s 11 months 12 months 11 months 12month s 12month s 8month s i 12month s 11 months 21/2month s 11 months 11 1/ 2 months Departmen t Compute r Science Fine Arts Art Galler y Art Galler y Art Galler y Art Galler y College Office , New AsiaColleg e Biology Economics Mathematics Chemistry Government & Public Administration Government & Public Administration Computer Scienc e Chinese Languag e & Literatur e University Instruc - tional Media Service s Philosophy Fine Arts History Sociology Economics Name(s )of Awardee(s ) Professor S.C . Lo h Mr. L i Tung-keun g Mr. Philip Mak Miss La i Suk-ye e Mr. Pete r LamYip-keun g Miss Anit a Au Man-suen Mr. Stephe n T.Y. Tiong Mr. Yun g Kung-hing Dr. Victo r Mok Dr. Ng Kung-fu Dr. Hu i Kwan-y u Dr. Pete r N.S . Lee Mr. Jeremia h K.H. Won g Mr. Dougla s S.L. Tung Mr. Cha nWing-sat Mr. Patric k PowPui-lum Dr. Wong Yu k Dr. Ma y ching Kao Mr. Siu-ton g E. Kwok Dr. La u Siu-ka i Dr. Li u Pak-wa i Year 1978/79 1979/80 1979/80 1979/81 1980/81 1981/82 1979/80 1981/82 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1978/79 1980/81 1981/82 1981/82 1978/79 1979/80 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 Awar d ASAIHL 1 Academic Exchange Scheme / ASAIHL Fellowship Scheme Bei Sha n Tang Foundation Scholarship British Council Visitorship CICHE 2 Lin k Programme Commonwealth Academi c Staff Fellowship Commonwealth Academi c Staff Scholarships Croucher Foundatio n Scholarship Harvard-Yenching Institut e Visiting Scholars Programm e Notes: 1. Association ofSoutheast Asia Institutions ofHigher Learning 2. Committee for International Co-operation in Higher Education 76
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