Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
Healt h Service Genera l Service Pattern 1978/79 — 1981/82 Tabl e 14 1981/8 2 Tota l 22,812 11,41 7 7,539 1 2,581 44,349 Denta l Visit s 5,490 1,788 1,496 247 9,02 1 Healt h Visit s 17,322 9,629 6,043 2,334 35,328 1980/8 1 i Tota l 22,16 4 10,13 0 7,686 2,277 42,257 Denta l Visit s 5,721 1,796 1,310 146 8,973 Healt h Visit s 16,443 8,334 6,376 2,13 1 33,284 1979/8 0 Tota l 21,86 1 9,66 1 7,382 2,079 40,983 Denta l Visit s 4,456 1,42 1 1,11 6 63 7,056 Healt h Visit s 17,405 8,240 6,266 2,016 33,927 1978/7 9 Tota l 19,025 8,554 6,819 1,86 1 36,259 Denta l Visit s 2,647 1,11 9 895 104 4,765 Healt h Visit s 16,378 7,435 5,924 1,757 31,494 Servic e User Undergraduat e Students Staf f Staf f Dependants Others * GRAN D TOTAL Note : * Visitors or other members of the university community Healt h Service Profil e of New Student 1978/79 — 1981/82 Tabl e 15 1981/8 2 Men Wome n 777 40 1 713 38 0 19.7 19. 2 169 15 7 57 4 8 4 1980/8 1 Men Wome n 717 39 6 697 39 2 20.2 19. 5 170 15 9 55 4 8 4 1979/8 0 Men Wome n 685 39 6 662 37 9 20.2 19. 5 169 15 7 55 48 4 1978/7 9 Men Wome n 769 40 9 739 39 9 20.2 19. 6 149 13 9 54 4 6 5 Data Undergraduate s Admitted Physicall y Examined Mean Age (Year) Mean Height (cm) Mean Weight (kg) Average No. of Children in the Student's Family 252
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