Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
OBITUARY Appendix 15 The University recorded with deep regret the deaths of : Dr. Daniel Y. Chang, formerly Senio r Lecture r i n Chemistry, on 27th February, 1982 . Professor Cha o Yuen-ren, Chairman of the University's Advisory Boar d on Humanities, on 24th February, 1982 . Mr. Chau Kai-yin, Member of th e Board of Trustees of United College, on 2nd September, 1979 . Mr. Cheung Yok-luen, Member of the Board of Trustees of United College, on 24th March, 1979 . Professor Noa h E. Fehl, formerly Professo r of World History, on 16t h September, 1979 . Dr. Ho Chung-chung, formerly Member of the Boards of Trustees of New Asia College and United College, on 15t h September, 1979 . Dr. Paul Kough, Visiting Lecturer o f the MBA Programmes, on 1st September, 1979 . Mr. Mack Kwok-ping, formerly Lecture r i n English, on 24th February, 1980 . Major Franklan d Moore, Honorary Graduat e of th e University, on 15t h April, 1982 . Miss Ng Siu-ping, third year student of the Department o f History, on 21st November, 1980 . Dr. Tam Sai-wing, Lecturer i n Geography, on 4th July, 1981 . Mrs. Tang Chung Hing-wan, Library Assistan t II of the New Asia College Library, on 11t h April, 1980 . Mr. Ting Yin-yung, formerly Part-time Lecture r i n Fine Arts, on 23rd December, 1978 . Mr. Wan g Teh-chao, formerl y Reade r i n Histor y an d Honorary Advise r t o the Comparative Literatur e an d Translation Centre, on 23rd March, 1982 . Mr. Wilfre d S . B . Wong , Chairma n o f th e Boar d o f Trustee s o f Chun g Ch i Colleg e an d Member o f th e Universit y Council , o n 28th June, 1981 . Mr. H. T. Wu, formerly Registrar , on 8th December, 1978 . 236
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