Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
院際合著 Co-authored Publications (Inter-faculty ) 223 陳嘉年、鄭宇碩、翁松燃:《四人幫後的中國——中國在四人幫後的企業經營與管理》,香港:七十年代出版社,1981。 224 Faure , David 、陸鴻基:《向東村杜氏地契簡介》,《香港中文大學中國文化研究所學報》, 1980。 225 Faure , David 、陸鴻基、吳倫霓霞:《香港碑銘彙編》,香港歷史博物館, 1979。 226 Chan , Yau-wa ; (Lui , H.C. ; Wong , S.L . Ling) ; an d Yew, Davi d T.W. "Lo w dos e laser an d the developin g retina—A histo - chemical an d scannin g electro n microscopi c study. " Act a Morphologica Neerlando-Scandina-vica, 2 0 (1982) , pp. 57-63 . 227 Chan , Yau-wa ; (Wong , C.L .); and Yew, Davi d T.W. "Change s o f lase r irradiated retina i n th e firs t 2 4 hour s afte r irradia - tion." Acta Anatomica, 10 3 (1979), pp. 301-304 . 228 Chan , Yau-wa; (Wong , S.L . Ling) ; and Yew, David T.W. "The stimulating effect of the low dose laser—A new hypotheses." Acta Anatomica, 11 2 (1982), pp. 131-136 . 229 Chan , Yau-w a an d Yew , Davi d T.W . "Ultrastructura l stud y o f len s fiber damage s after lase r irradiation ." Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 1 5 (1978 ), pp. 297-302 . 230 (Chau , C.W.; Lam, S .); Tsang, David S.C. ; and Yew, Davi d T.W. "Biochemica l an d histological stud y on the degeneration of the retina after optic nerve ligation. " I n Proceedingsof Hong Kong Society ofNeurosciences, 4(1982) . 231 Cheung , Wilkin W.K.; Kong, King-leung; and (Wong, CM.). "Comparativ e studie s of the pectral sensitivity of grasshoppers." In Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences, 2 (1980). 232 Chew , Eng-ching ; (Kwan, S.M. ; Lam, O.W .); and Ooi, Vincen t E.G . "A scannin g electron microscopic stud y o n the initial invasion o f Erhlich ascites tumour cell s in the peritoneal layer. " I n Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp . 228-229. 1982 . 233 Chew , Eng-ching an d Ooi, Vincen t E.G . "An electro n microscopic study o f kidney cell s in the lizard treated with mercuri c chloride." I n Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp . 60-61 . 1982 . 234 Choa , G.H. ; Choy, Yuen-min; Fung, Kwok-pui; Lee, Cheuk-yu; (Leung, K.C.); Tsang, David S.C.; Tso, Wung-wai; and (Wen, H.L.). "Effec t o f electroacupunctur e o n behavioural response s and plasma levels o f ACT H an d TSH in naloxone-induce d morphine withdrawal in rats." American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2 (1980), pp. 167-169 . 235 Choa , G.H.; Choy, Yuen-min; Fung, Kwok-pui; Lee, Cheuk-yu; (Leung, K.C.); Tsang, David S.C.; (Tsang, Y.F .); Tso, Wung- wai; and (Wen , H.L.) . "Effec t o f acupuncture with electrical stimulation (AES ) on behavioural responses and plasma levels of ACT H an d corticosterone in morphine-addicted rats precipitated by naloxone ." Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutical Research International Journal, 4 (1979), pp. 203-207 . 236 Choa , G.H. ; Ho , Walte r K.K. ; (Ling , N .); Ma, Lin; an d (Wen , H.L.) . "Th e influenc e o f electroacupunctur e o n naloxone - induced morphin e withdrawa l II . Elevatio n o f immunoassayabl e betaendorphi n activit y i n th e brai n but no t th e blood. " American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1 (1979). 237 Chou , Ying-hsiun g an d Hsieh , Jiann . "Publi c aspiratio n i n th e ne w yea r couplets : A comparativ e stud y betwee n th e People's Republic and Taiwan. " Asian Folklore Studies, 40:2 (1981) . 238 Dent-Young , Joh n an d Jones, John F . "Smal l grou p teachin g in South-eas t Asia. " I n Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Higher Education (University of Lancaster). 1978.8 . 239 Faure , David ; Luk , Bernar d H.K. ; an d Ng, Ngai-h a Lun . "Copyin g Hon g Kong's historica l inscriptions." Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1 9 (1979 ), pp. 192-195 . 240 Fu , Gai l Schaefer; Lee, Sik-yum ; an d Pierson, Herbert D. "An analysi s o f th e relationshi p betwee n languag e attitude s and English attainment o f secondar y students in Hong Kong ." Language Learning, 30: 2 (1980.12 ), pp. 280-316 . 241 Fu , Gai l Schaefer ; Lee , Sik-yum ; an d Pierson , Herber t D . "Th e studen t o f linguisti c attitude s an d its relevanc e fo r th e English teacher." New Horizons, 2 2 (1980.12) , pp. 52-86. 硏究所及硏究中心 Research Institutes and Centres B u t , Paul P.H. 畢培曦 ——:《現代禾本科分類》,《廣東省植物學會1979年年會論文摘要滙編》,頁25 — 29,1980。 ——:《竹的藥用初探》,《中藥展覽特刊》,1982。 ——:《西洋參及人參國際市場動態》,《特產科學實驗》,3 ( 1982 ),頁55 — 61。 —— an d (MacFarlane , T.D.) . "Tovarochlo a (Poaceae : Pooideae) , a new genu s from th e hig h Ande s o f Peru. " Brittonia, 34: 4 (1982), pp. 478-481. ——: → 242, 247, 248, 249 & 250. Chan, Sin-wai 陳善偉 ——︰書評: Shirleen S . Wong 著:《龔自珍》,《香港中文大學學報》,5 : 1 ( 1979 ),頁446 —447。 ——:《龔自珍的佛敎思想》,《香港中文大學中國文化研究所學報》,10 : 2 ( 1979 ),頁347 — 362。 161
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