Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
醫學院 Faculty o f Medicin e Choa, G. H. 蔡永業 ——. "Facult y o f Medicine , Th e Chines e Universit y o f Hon g Kong." I n New Medical Schools at Home and Abroad. Ne w York : Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1978 . —— , ed. Recent Developments in Medical Education. Hon g Kong: Th e Chinese University Press , 1979 . ——. "A history o f medicin e i n Hon g Kong ." I n The Medical Directory of Hong Kong. Hon g Kong: The Federation o f Medica l Societies, 1981 . —— . The Life and Times of Sir Kai Ho Kai. Hon g Kong: Th e Chinese University Press , 1981. ——. "Theintroduction o f Wester n medicin e int o China. " I n Proceedings of Conference on Academic Medicine, Present and Future. Ne w York: Rockefelle r Archiv e Centre, 1982 . —— : → 234,235 & 236. 解剖學系 Department o f Anatom y Chew, Eng-ching 邱殷慶 —— ; (Sun, C . N. ; and White, H . J.) . "Stud y o n the pulmonary metastase s of Chang's hepatoma cells. " Experimental Pathology, 22 (1982 ), pp. 29-36 . —— ; (Ho, H . C. ; Huang , D . P. ; an d Li , C . L.) . "Ultrastructura l aspec t o f a human cel l line establishe d fro m nasopharyngea l carcinoma I . Transmissio n electro n microscopi c study. " I n Proceedings of the 40th Annual EMSA Meeting (Washington, D. C.), pp . 222-223 . 1982 . —— ; (Ho, H . C. ; Huang , D . P. ; an d Li , C . L.) . "Ultrastructura l aspec t o f a human cel l line establishe d fro m nasopharyngea l carcinoma II. Scanning electron microscopic study. " In Proceedings of the 40th Annual EMSA Meeting (Washington, D. C.), pp. 224-225 . 1982 . —— ; (Ho, H . C. ; Huang, D . P. ; and Li , C . L.). "Ultrastructur e o f NPC/HK 1 cell s heterotransplanted in athymic nud e mice. " I n Proceedings of the 40th Annual EMSA Meeting (Washington, D. C.), pp . 236-237 . 1982 . —— : → 232 & 233. Riches, D. J. —— an d (Nanchahal, J.). "A stud y of the role of the basement membrane zone in the healing of suctio n blisters in pig skin using FITC-labelled lectins." Journal of Anatomy, 13 3 (1981 ), p. 143 . —— ; (Dunscombe, P . B.; Gammapila, K.; and Southcott, B. M.). "Histologica l observations on the effects of localized hyperthermia on normal pig striated muscle.'' Journal of Anatomy, 13 4 (1982 ), pp. 617-618 . —— an d (Nanchahal, J.). "Isolation of structures at the basement membrane zone of normal human skin." Journal of Anatomy, 134 (1982 ), p. 614. —— an d (Nanchahal, J.). "Th e healin g of suction blisters in pig skin.'' Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, 9 (1982 ), pp. 303-315 . Tam, Patrick P. L. 譚秉亮 ——. "Th e control of somitogenesi s in mouse embryos." J. Embryol Exp. Morph., 6 5 (Sup.) (1981 ), pp. 103-128 . —— ; (McLaren, A. ; an d Snow , M.H.L.) . "On th e contro l an d regulation of size and morphogenesis in mammalian embryos." I n Levels of Genetic Control and Development, edite d by U . K. Abbott an d S. Subtelny, pp. 201-217. 1981 . —— an d (Snow , M.H.L.) . "Proliferatio n an d migratio n o f primordia l ger m cell s durin g compensator y growt h i n th e mous e embryos." J. Embryol Exp. Morph., 64 (1981 ), pp. 133-147 . —— an d (Jacobson , A . G.) . "Cephali c neurulatio n i n th e mous e embryo analysed by SEM and morphometry." The Anatomical Record, 203 (1982), pp. 375-396. —— an d (Meier , S.) . "Metameri c patter n developmen t in the embryonic axi s of th e mouse I. Morphogenesis of cranial segments. Differentiation, 21:2(1982) , pp. 95-108 . —— ; (Jacobson , A . G.; an d Meier , S.) . "Differentiatio n o f th e metameri c patter n i n th e embryoni c axi s o f th e mous e II . Somitomeric organizatio n of the presomitic mesoderm." Differentiation, 21: 2 (1982 ), pp. 109-122 . —— an d (Meier , S.) . "Th e establishmen t o f a metameric patter n i n th e mesoder m o f th e gastrulating mous e embryo. " The American Journal of Anatomy, 16 4 (1982 ), pp. 209-225 . Yew, David T. W. 姚大衛 ——. "Developmen t o f the eyes in agnatha and chondrichthyes." (Elasmobranchia ) Anatomischer Anzeiger, 15 1 (1982), pp. 231- 239. —— an d (Liu, H . C) . "Histochemica l studie s on the lateral geniculate bodie s and visual cortices after optic nerve ligation in the mouse." Acta Anatomica, 10 9 (1981), pp. 126-136 . 107
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