Research Support

The service partners with faculty and postgraduates at all levels to support research activities across the entire research life cycle from embarking on a research project to disseminating research outputs by leveraging the latest digital technologies and our team of knowledgeable professionals. A suite of services has been developed for each phase of the research life cycle. You are welcome to visit individual web pages shown in the following for details.

Research Support


We are here to offer professional assistance

Research Support & Digital Initiatives Team

Dr L. C. Maria Lau 劉麗芝博士
Dr Maria L.C. LAU
Deputy University Librarian
(852) 3943 8766
Mr Ryun Lee 李智恒先生
Mr Ryun Lee
Head of Digital Initiatives
(852) 3943 7314
Dr CP YU 余振邦博士
Dr CP Yu
Head of Research Support
Medical Librarian
(852) 3505 2463
Mr Vincent LUM 林偉業先生
Mr Vincent LUM
Digital Technologies Librarian
(852) 3943 9291
Dr Ella FU 傅麗芬博士
Dr Ella FU
Scholarly Communication Librarian
(852) 3943 9985
Ms Kitty SIU 邵潔怡女士
Ms Kitty SIU
Digital Scholarship Librarian
(852) 3943 9731
Dr Wendy H.Y. WONG 黃海茵博士
Dr Wendy H.Y. WONG
Research Data Librarian
(852) 3943 3162
Contact for Digital Services
(852) 3943 7314