Exchange research ideas across disciplines,
Increase visibility of research profiles,
Inspire new research and interdisciplinary collaborations
What is Research Café | Upcoming Event | Previous Events | Presentation Abstract Form
Through a series of informal and engaging events for CUHK research postgraduate students to present their research, the Research Café aims at facilitating interdisciplinary research ideas exchange, and providing opportunities for the students to enhance presentation skills.
Event Features
- 15-minute presentations on a theme from up to 5 students researching in various disciplines
- Discussion facilitated by a moderator
- Feedback on presentation skills
- Display of presenters’ print posters (Poster maximum size: 140 cm in height and 90 cm in width)
- Sharing by scholars with expertise on cross-disciplinary research
- CUHK Research Postgraduates: Volunteer to present your own research projects.
- CUHK Scholars, Academics and Researchers: Invited to come and share on cross-disciplinary research, act as a moderator, and give feedback to presenters.
- All CUHK Postgraduates: Welcome to attend events and exchange ideas.
For more information or suggest a presentation theme, please contact us by email at research@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.
Upcoming Events
New Café events will be organised in 2021
Previous Events
- Research Café on Gender and Work (13 Nov 2020)
- Research Café on Public Policy (4 Oct 2019)
- Research Café on Energy (22 Mar 2019)
- Research Café on Air Pollution (22 Feb 2019)
- Research Café on Climate (12 Oct 2018)
- Research Café on Western Thoughts in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China (25 Apr 2018)
- Research Café on Socialist China Studies (23 Nov 2017)
- Research Café on Modern Cultural and Philosophical Studies (24 Mar 2017)
- Research Café on Film Studies (24 Nov 2016)
- Research Café on Health Sciences (6 May 2016)
- Research Café on Culture and Translation (24 March 2016)
- Bioinformatics Research Café (15 May 2015)
- Research Café (8 May 2015)
- Research Café (Nov 2014)
- Research Café (May 2014)
- Research Café (Feb 2014)